-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Fascist Code Words
by Ron Liebermann

Some code words are euphemisms with political intent. A
euphemism is the substitution of an agreeable word for
one that is not so agreeable.

That's why we have the Department of Defense, rather than
the Department of Killing People. The word Defense is
friendly, and carries moral authority. When civilians
are murdered by the Department of Killing People, the
result is collateral damage. Fascist code words re-label
theft and murder to make them appear as commerce and

The four organizations listed below employ code words to
disguise their one true objective: Complete subjugation
of the human race. Curiously, each claims a different
justification in order to pursue this goal.

Following is a description of the worlds primary code
language generators, along with the moral claim of each.

   Vote Delivery Machine, and Home for Unwed Mothers.

Official Description:
   The Department of Defense is the nations largest
   employer, with 1.4 million men and women on active
   duty. Annual published budget of 270 billion dollars.
   The D.O.D. also maintains a classified budget,
   amount unknown.

Moral Claim:
   Evil can be eliminated if we eliminate freedom.

   Training camp for Tin Pot Dictators, including the
   American kind.

Official Description:
   The Inter-American Defense Board. This organization
   operates a top-level military planning center, and
   college. The I.A.D.B. teaches government employees
   and military commanders the methods of acquiring
   power . I.A.D.B.graduates, according to their
   website, occupy positions of great influence.

Moral Claim:
   Anarchy can be eliminated if we eliminate freedom.

   Money watchdog. Makes sure everyone pays taxes

Official Description:
   Short for International Police, it isthe second
   biggest international organization after the United
   Nations. It's stated mission is to gather and
   disseminate criminal intelligence in order to
   combat international crime.

Moral Claim:
   Crime can be eliminated if we eliminate freedom.

   World Government enforcement tool.

Official Description:
   The North Atlantic Treaty Alliance. Their stated
   role is to safeguard the freedom and security
   of its 19 member countries. According to the
   NATO website, the North Atlantic Treaty derives
   its legitimacy from the U.N. Charter.

Moral Claim:
   War can be eliminated if we eliminate freedom.

Now that we have examined the four sources of fascist
code language, we can look at the specific code words
that they employ:

Covert Operations
   Operations which are planned and executed as to conceal
   the identity of the sponsor.
   Have a CIA funded terrorist fly a plane into the World
   Trade Center.

Psychological Consolidation Activities
   Activities directed at the civilian population in areas
   under friendly control, in order to rally support for
   military objectives.
   Have the Pentagon oversee production of a pro-war
   movie such as Black Hawk Down.

Psychological Media
   Controllable media which establishes communication with
   a target audience.
   The New York Times, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Google.

Psychological Operations
   Operations that convey information to foreign audiences
   in order to influence their behavior.
   Drop food and money on Afghan refugees.

Psychological Situation
   The emotional state or behavioral motivation of a target
   Patriotic fervor.

Psychological Operations Approach
   The technique adopted to induce a desired reaction on
   the part of the target audience.
   Incite Patriotic fervor, then declare war.

Psychological Warfare
   The use of propaganda in order to influence the
   attitudes and behavior of hostile foreign groups.
   Suggest the possible use of nuclear weapons.

Psychological Warfare Consolidation
   Psychological warfare directed toward populations in
   friendly areas with the objective of promoting
   Have CIA operatives grant cash rewards for useful

Perception Management
   Actions that convey or deny selected information to
   a civilian population in order to influence their
   Force a search engine to de-list unapproved websites.

The code words listed above represent deception, chicanery,
and manipulation. In other words: Evil.

In order to understand why organizations use these methods,
it is worthwhile to examine the makeup of systems in general.
A book by John Gall entitled Systemantics describes the
nature of systems, and how they eventually become living,
breathing entities. Not only do they develop a collective
consciousness, but they also develop the desire for growth,
and mechanisms of self-preservation.

A system can be (among other things) a country, an
organization, or a religion. In the case of a country,
Patriotism is the mechanism of self-preservation. In an
organization, it is allegiance to a cause. In a religion,
it is faith. In all cases, the adherents are bound within
a collective organizational consciousness.

The ego-like qualities of this organizational consciousness
cause each system to lust for ever greater power. Greater
power requires more personnel, which requires ever larger
budgets, in a never ending spiral of growth. The lack of
profit which would keep a private company in check does
not serve as a restriction for a system that can extract
taxes as needed from a captive regional or global
population. Even if commercial activity declines as a
result of excessive taxation, the tax supported systems
continue to grow.

To justify this growth, these systems have no choice but
to abandon the original purpose for which they were created.
Thus, a moderate original goal must be replaced with a lofty
objective, couched in a complex terminology, that is designed
to sound virtuous. The elimination of evil, anarchy, crime,
and war. In all cases, the objective requires growth.

Government bureaucracies play this game, as well. Currencies
are expanded worldwide in a global competition of debasement.
Inflation is the favored tax of geographic tax supported
systems known as countries. As taxes increase, so must
patriotism by a corresponding amount to avoid insurrection.

Eventually, the practical justification for a tax supported
system grown huge disappears all together, leaving behind
nothing but the naked lust for power. With it's own language,
it's own culture, and it's own survival mechanisms, the
system feels that complete world domination is the only
objective worthy of it's infinite sense of self. Thus,
the world falls under the control of tax supported thugs
who have the strength, and the motive, to rob almost every
person on the planet.

It's probably too late to stop the current cycle of asset
confiscation, currency debasement, and economic collapse.
Our best hope is to train a new generation of citizens
who are educated, brave, and willing to fight for their
freedom, they same way our forefather's fought so many
times before.

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