I highly recommend you visit the Website from which the following was extracted as there is an Image which illustrates the Helicopter Minesweeper.
Fighting Terrorism: The Helicopter Minesweeper
There is a cheap, proven device that can be used immediately to clear landmines from vast stretches of land with very little risk to man and machine. The Helicopter Minesweeper, designed by Dr. Bill Wattenburg and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, has the added benefit of plowing every bit of ground it touches, making it all but ready for planting.
The Mine Problem in Afghanistan One of the largest humanitarian problems facing Afghanistan at the moment is the large number of landmines that have been placed there by the Soviets and the Taliban over the last couple of decades. They pose a danger to the citizens, our military, peacekeeping forces, and are keeping precious land from being used for farming or ranching.
Three of our soldiers have already been maimed by landmines in areas that we thought were cleared — obviously, our existing techniques are not removing all the mines, and we must not leave Afghanistan until we have made it safe for the population to use all of their land again.
Please contact your congressional representatives to ask that they demand that the Army or Marines use this device in Afghanistan immediately!
Helicopter Minesweeper Design and Operation The chain-matrix minesweeper is a very simple design. The device consists of a matrix of medium chain, with special snag-proof digging knives attached near the front.  These knives reach 6-inches into the soil, pushing the dirt and any objects buried to that depth up above the chain matrix. If pulled at a high enough speed, this action will cause any mines that aren’t detonated on contact with the digging knives to bounce on the rear blanket-like portion of the device, where they will most likely detonate.
Because of the sparse and flexible construction of the minesweeper, explosions will do very little damage to the device, and it will continue to function even if some of it has been destroyed. Any damage can be easily repaired on-site with simple welding tools. No other demining devices can withstand multiple blasts from anti-personnel and anti-tank mines and either remain functioning or be repaired so easily.
Response to Criticism There are many who say this helicopter minesweeper can’t possibly work; that a helicopter would be too vulnerable to explosions when towing the minesweeper on a 500-foot long cable. But these naysayers obviously haven’t talked to the Navy, which has been towing hydrofoil mineclearing sleds at sea since 1973—at the end of a 450-foot tow line.
Please call on your U.S. Congressional representative and Senators to demand that our military use this helicopter minesweeper in Afghanistan immediately.
What the critics say, and the truth, according to Dr. Wattenburg:
Exploding mines will damage the helicopter, even on a 500-foot tow line Then has the U.S. Navy been doing this for damn near 30 years (since 1973, in Vietnam) at sea? The Navy uses the MH-53E “Sea Dragon” heavy-lift helicopter to tow the MK 105 hydrofoil mine clearing sled at sea (on a 450-foot tow line). This helicopter has a tow-line capacity of 30,000 pounds—easily capable of handling the 25,000 pounds of force the full-size chain-matrix minesweeper requires. This helicopter is basically a modified version of the CH-53 “Super Stallion” (a.k.a. the “Jolly Green Giant”) used by the U.S. Marines. Dozens of these helicopters are probably already in and around Afghanistan. If the Marines are too macho to learn from the Navy “Sea Dragon” pilots, then I’m sure any of our commercial heavy-lift helicopter pilots would be happy to oblige. The chain-matrix was not used in Kuait, so it must not be any good The device was available, but the mercenary contractors who took the Kuait job, with full involvement of Kuwaiti middlemen, chose to clear the minefields in more expensive and dangerous ways. They used soldiers from Egypt and Pakistan, whose countries were more than willing to supply them in exchange for hard currency. More than ten times more money was spent as would have been required to clear most of the minefields in the desert. But 6–8 of these soldiers were killed each month. The chain-matrix won’t work in all areas. False. It has been tested in sticky clay soils, hardpan soils, and in rough terrain covered with dense brush, as you can see in the video above. And while it is true that it will not work in areas such as forests, there aren’t any other devices that will work there either! The most important areas that need to be cleared are easily accessible to a helicopter towing this device. Areas such as farmlands, for instance. The chain matrix will work even over rocky and brushy terrain as well as open areas and roadways. The Pentagon does not have any other equipment or schemes that can do this with no danger to minesweeping personnel. The helicopter might crash if the chain-matrix gets snagged False! First, heavy-lift helicopters routinely use automatic disconnect devices in the tow line that automatically release if too much force is applied. In addition, the special design of the digging knives (the only portion that cuts into the ground) causes them to tilt up and ride over any obstacles that would otherwise snag it. Any mine clearing device must be 100% effective Not using the most effective clearing technology means that soldiers must put their lives at extreme risk. The easily demonstrated fact is that the chain matrix can sweep a 16-foot wide area at 15 mph and eliminate all trip wires and most or all anti-personnel mines. Further Reading The helicopter minesweeper was first covered in the article, “Clearing land mines by Helicopter”, which appeared on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle on 8 March 1991.
Additional background can be found in a section of a background report on Dr. Wattenburg.
Read a letter that Dr. Wattenburg wrote to the chief enginner of the Army—Lieutenant Colonel Charles L. Toomey—back in 1996.
You can read about the U.S. Navy’s Airborne Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Systems, including the MK 105 helicopter-towed hydrofoil sled; or an article about the helicopter minesweeping operations from 1974.  http://www.exwar.org/mwp/appendix_d2.htm#airborne
Also interesting is the Airborne Mine Countermeasures Web site.
This page was last modified on Friday, 28-Dec-2001 01:08:10 EST.
Unless otherwise noted, contents of this site Copyright © 1996–2001 by Peter K. Sheerin, All rights reserved.
This article, and many other interesting ones, can be found at PushBack.com Related Information
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Fighting Terrorism: The Helicopter Minesweeper
There is a cheap, proven device that can be used immediately to clear landmines from vast stretches of land with very little risk to man and machine. The Helicopter Minesweeper, designed by Dr. Bill Wattenburg and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, has the added benefit of plowing every bit of ground it touches, making it all but ready for planting.
The Mine Problem in Afghanistan One of the largest humanitarian problems facing Afghanistan at the moment is the large number of landmines that have been placed there by the Soviets and the Taliban over the last couple of decades. They pose a danger to the citizens, our military, peacekeeping forces, and are keeping precious land from being used for farming or ranching.
Three of our soldiers have already been maimed by landmines in areas that we thought were cleared — obviously, our existing techniques are not removing all the mines, and we must not leave Afghanistan until we have made it safe for the population to use all of their land again.
Please contact your congressional representatives to ask that they demand that the Army or Marines use this device in Afghanistan immediately!
Helicopter Minesweeper Design and Operation The chain-matrix minesweeper is a very simple design. The device consists of a matrix of medium chain, with special snag-proof digging knives attached near the front.  These knives reach 6-inches into the soil, pushing the dirt and any objects buried to that depth up above the chain matrix. If pulled at a high enough speed, this action will cause any mines that aren’t detonated on contact with the digging knives to bounce on the rear blanket-like portion of the device, where they will most likely detonate.
Because of the sparse and flexible construction of the minesweeper, explosions will do very little damage to the device, and it will continue to function even if some of it has been destroyed. Any damage can be easily repaired on-site with simple welding tools. No other demining devices can withstand multiple blasts from anti-personnel and anti-tank mines and either remain functioning or be repaired so easily.
Response to Criticism There are many who say this helicopter minesweeper can’t possibly work; that a helicopter would be too vulnerable to explosions when towing the minesweeper on a 500-foot long cable. But these naysayers obviously haven’t talked to the Navy, which has been towing hydrofoil mineclearing sleds at sea since 1973—at the end of a 450-foot tow line.
Please call on your U.S. Congressional representative and Senators to demand that our military use this helicopter minesweeper in Afghanistan immediately.
What the critics say, and the truth, according to Dr. Wattenburg:
Exploding mines will damage the helicopter, even on a 500-foot tow line Then has the U.S. Navy been doing this for damn near 30 years (since 1973, in Vietnam) at sea? The Navy uses the MH-53E “Sea Dragon” heavy-lift helicopter to tow the MK 105 hydrofoil mine clearing sled at sea (on a 450-foot tow line). This helicopter has a tow-line capacity of 30,000 pounds—easily capable of handling the 25,000 pounds of force the full-size chain-matrix minesweeper requires. This helicopter is basically a modified version of the CH-53 “Super Stallion” (a.k.a. the “Jolly Green Giant”) used by the U.S. Marines. Dozens of these helicopters are probably already in and around Afghanistan. If the Marines are too macho to learn from the Navy “Sea Dragon” pilots, then I’m sure any of our commercial heavy-lift helicopter pilots would be happy to oblige. The chain-matrix was not used in Kuait, so it must not be any good The device was available, but the mercenary contractors who took the Kuait job, with full involvement of Kuwaiti middlemen, chose to clear the minefields in more expensive and dangerous ways. They used soldiers from Egypt and Pakistan, whose countries were more than willing to supply them in exchange for hard currency. More than ten times more money was spent as would have been required to clear most of the minefields in the desert. But 6–8 of these soldiers were killed each month. The chain-matrix won’t work in all areas. False. It has been tested in sticky clay soils, hardpan soils, and in rough terrain covered with dense brush, as you can see in the video above. And while it is true that it will not work in areas such as forests, there aren’t any other devices that will work there either! The most important areas that need to be cleared are easily accessible to a helicopter towing this device. Areas such as farmlands, for instance. The chain matrix will work even over rocky and brushy terrain as well as open areas and roadways. The Pentagon does not have any other equipment or schemes that can do this with no danger to minesweeping personnel. The helicopter might crash if the chain-matrix gets snagged False! First, heavy-lift helicopters routinely use automatic disconnect devices in the tow line that automatically release if too much force is applied. In addition, the special design of the digging knives (the only portion that cuts into the ground) causes them to tilt up and ride over any obstacles that would otherwise snag it. Any mine clearing device must be 100% effective Not using the most effective clearing technology means that soldiers must put their lives at extreme risk. The easily demonstrated fact is that the chain matrix can sweep a 16-foot wide area at 15 mph and eliminate all trip wires and most or all anti-personnel mines. Further Reading The helicopter minesweeper was first covered in the article, “Clearing land mines by Helicopter”, which appeared on the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle on 8 March 1991.
Additional background can be found in a section of a background report on Dr. Wattenburg.
Read a letter that Dr. Wattenburg wrote to the chief enginner of the Army—Lieutenant Colonel Charles L. Toomey—back in 1996.
You can read about the U.S. Navy’s Airborne Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Systems, including the MK 105 helicopter-towed hydrofoil sled; or an article about the helicopter minesweeping operations from 1974.
Also interesting is the Airborne Mine Countermeasures Web site.
This page was last modified on Friday, 28-Dec-2001 01:08:10 EST.
Unless otherwise noted, contents of this site Copyright © 1996–2001 by Peter K. Sheerin, All rights reserved.
This article, and many other interesting ones, can be found at PushBack.com Related Information
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