-Caveat Lector-

And so to the 'Talking Fish'

It is odd the way I can contrive my number crunching, but then there could
be some truth in it!

John D. Miller

The Talking Fish and Doubting Thomas
OK, now show how there is not so much a sea coughed up message in a bottle
but a message in the measurement of the Talking Fish.

The story goes that a nine-kilogram carp about to be slaughtered and to be
made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner began speaking in Hebrew, shouting
apocalyptic warnings.

Many people here believe it was God revealing Himself that day to two fish
cutters in the New Square Fish Market, Zalmen Rosen, 57, a Hasid with 11
children, and his co-worker Luis Nivelo, a 30-year-old Ecuadorean immigrant.
Here then is the story, according to the two men, the only witnesses. Rosen,
whose family owns the store, and Nivelo, who has worked at the shop for
seven years, say that on January 28th 2003 at 4 p.m. they were carving up
carp. Nivelo, who is not Jewish, lifted a live carp out of a box of
iced-down fish and was about to club it in the head with a rubber hammer and
suddenly the fish began speaking in Hebrew, according to the two men. Nivelo
does not understand Hebrew, but the shock of a fish speaking any language,
he said, forced him against the wall and down to the slimy wooden packing
crates that cover the floor. He looked around to see if the voice had come
from the sink, the other room or the shop's cat. Then he ran into the front
of the store screaming, "The fish is talking!" and pulled Rosen away from
the phone.

Rosen said that when he approached the fish he heard it uttering warnings
and commands in Hebrew. "It said `Tzaruch shemirah' and `Hasof bah,'" he
said, "which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves
because the end is near."

The fish ordered Rosen to pray and to study the Torah and identified itself
as the soul of a local Hasidic man who died last year. The man often bought
carp at the shop for the Sabbath meals of poorer village residents.

Rosen panicked and tried to kill the fish with a machete-size knife. But the
fish bucked so wildly Rosen wound up cutting his own thumb and was taken to
the hospital by ambulance. The fish flopped off the counter and back into
the carp box and was butchered by Nivelo and sold.

The story has been told and retold, and many Jews believe the talking fish
was a rare shimmer of God's spirit. Some call it a warning about the dangers
of the impending war in Iraq.

OK, OK, now a number for Death is written into the ‘Shroud’ that is the area
which covers the Great Pyramid, the symbol for Death, at 924,500 square
feet, and made up of the reference number 4300 x 4300 and /20.

And ‘Shroud Day’ is September 11th 2001, that 4,300 ‘Hades’ years of 360
days after ‘Rainbow Day’ on May 30th 2238BC when Noah opened the Ark.

And counting from ‘Shroud Day’ that is 9am September 11th 2001 to ‘Fish
Talking Day’ at 4pm January 28th 2003 is 1.38203182 years.

And counting down from ‘Shroud Day’ at 9am September 11th 2001 to when the
tomb was shut at 6pm, at sunset on Friday, April 7th AD30, ‘Crucifixion Day’
, when Passover began, is 1,971.428824 years, (Shroud Day to Tomb Day).

And counting down from ‘Fish Talking Day’ at 4pm January 28th 2003 to
‘Doubters Day’ at 10pm, Monday, April 17th AD30 (and some 10+ days after the
tomb was shut) to the Upper Room, when ‘Doubting Thomas’ doubted no more, at
1,972.78303 years.

And so the three periods of 1.38203182 years x 1,971.428824 years x
1,972.78303 years x 8 lots is the ‘Shroud’ at 43,000,000.

Thus the fish was speaking of Death.

"This is one of those historical times when God reveals himself for a
reason," said Matisyahu Wolfberg, a lawyer. "It has sent spiritual shock
waves throughout the Jewish community worldwide and will be talked about
throughout the ages."

 And so to Thomas

“And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them:
[then] came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said,
Peace [be] unto you.Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and
behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side:
and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him,
My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me,
thou hast believed: blessed [are] they that have not seen, and [yet] have
believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his
disciples, which are not written in this book:” John 20:26-30

 Sad, for the Bible teachers still won't count!

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