-Caveat Lector-

From: Florida and the Marching Morons

Bi-Partisan Robbery

Nearly 99 percent of the voters in this election came down in favor of an enlarged 
state and in
support of mammoth increases in state-sanctioned robbery.

More billions for education! (Ignore the fact that our schools deteriorate and our 
children become
dumber the more dollars we throw at them.)

More billions for prescription drug coverage and social security payments for senior 
(Ignore the fact that our elders control the bulk of the wealth in this country and 
already enjoy
massive welfare subsidies for their health care and retirement.)

More billions for defense! (Ignore the fact that the primary reason our military is 
both the best in the world and in its worst shape in quite some time is due to the 
maneuverings of the Clintonistas as they send our personnel to die in foreign lands 
functioning as
"policemen" rather than the soldiers they were trained - and meant - to be.)

The irony is that nearly sixty-percent of voters indicated they favored a less 
powerful government.
I guess that since Bush would take us to Hades at forty-miles-an-hour and Gore would 
do so at
eighty, the electorate believes that siding with Bush really translates into "less" 

Or maybe a majority of voters in this country really is moronic enough to believe the 
outrages of Gore when he proclaims that he has shrunk the State and that he agrees 
that the "era of
big government" is over.

So much for the iron hand of the majority.

The protesters clogging the thoroughfares of Palm Beach County represent in microcosm 
the flipside
of this travesty. Pay no attention, they demand, to the fact that the vast majority of 
voters in
their jurisdiction - whether young or old - somehow managed to decipher the 
"intricacies" of their
ballots and cast their votes as they desired. No, no. Because members of this minority 
themselves "confused" and intimidated and too frigging stupid to ask for assistance or 
to request
another ballot when they screwed up a straightforward and simple procedure, everyone 
else - not only
in their own county but in the entire country - must be held hostage to their insipid 

No personal responsibility. No accountability. No accepting the consequences of their 
actions. No,
no. It's the duty of everyone else to assuage their "feelings" and "make it right." If 
we don't
cower before their self-righteous indignation and crumple before their rantings, 
they'll pout and
hold their collective breath until we succumb to their incessant nonsense.

And if that doesn't work, they'll sue us, by-god; the All-American answer to every 
travail faced by
the gutless gnomes who gnaw ravenously at the ankles of the rest of us.

This is the same mentality, the same instinctive, primitive, and irrational attitudes 
and actions
that gave us such gems as the American with Disabilities Act (in which the infirm of 
the world rule
the able); the wondrous joys of Political Correctness (in which free speech is 
free...as long as you
agree with the left-leaning bigots of the world); the compassion of Hate Crimes (in 
which the State
purports to read your mind and punish you not merely for your deeds but for your 
thoughts, as well);
and the glories of Fairness, Equality, and Affirmative Action (in which justice is 
irrelevant and
the principle that some are "more equal" than others is enshrined in law and crammed 
down the
throats of the majority).

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution says:

Section 1: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime 
whereof the
party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any 
place subject to
their jurisdiction.

Section 2: Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate 

While we no longer have overt slavery in this country, our involuntary servitude 
increases with each
passing year and each farce of an election we endure. This nation is a hair's-breadth 
from slipping
into the pit that is the tyranny of pure democracy. Bad enough that the 99 percent 
willingly march
into that bottomless quagmire. Worse still that they are intent on dragging the rest 
of us into the
muck along with them. Last time I checked, I've violated no crime nor been convicted 
of any. (Not
that such fine moral distinctions are much protection in this era of asset forfeiture 
and State
powers of unlimited taxation and regulation.)

Congress does nothing to protect us from these encroachments since it is the prime 
wolf in this
sheep's pen we call the United States of America. Democracy runs amuck while the 
remnant of the
citizens who truly understand, appreciate, and defend freedom and individual rights 
are buried
beneath the collectivist juggernaut.

With each new election, with each new law, with each new regulation, with each new 
offense against
liberty, we witness the disintegration of what remains of our once proud republic. 
With mounting
anger, frustration, and helplessness, with each new chain wrapped around our throats, 
we can only
say with greater and greater certitude and sorrow:

The Thirteenth Amendment, R.I.P.

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