-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

Famous Quotes on Fluorides and Fluoridation  part 2/3

" Intelligence was measured in 907 children aged 8-13 years living in areas
which differed in the amount of fluoride present in the environment. The
Intelligence Quotient of children living in areas with a medium or severe
prevalance of fluorosis was slower than that of children living in areas
with only slith fluorosis or no fluorosis. The development of intelligence
appeared to be adversely affected by fluoride. A high fluoride intake was
associated with lower intelligence. The effect of exposure to a high level
of fluoride on intelligence may occur at an early stage of development of
the embryo and infant when the differentiation of brain nerve cells is
occurring, and development is most rapid." A 1995 report published in
Fluoride, Vol 20 No. 4, pp.189-192, "Effect of Fluoride Exposure on
Intelligence of Children", X.S. Li et al, done in Guizhou, China

"In regard to the use of fluosilicic acid as a source of fluorides for
fluoridation, this Agency regards such as as AN IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION
Hammer, EPA Deputy Assistance Administrator for Water, March 30 1983, letter
to Leslie A. Russell, D.M.D., Newtonville, Mass..

"I find that people are simply not willing to believe that our government
would condone the addition of a compound to the water supply that was not
efficacious. This is why in my opinion it has not been possible to convince
enough people of conscience to review the fluoride story. You must remember
that the National Academy of Science released a report that sort of said
fluoridation was OK. They do not know that the members hand-picked for the
panel were known to be pro-fluoridation. They were not present when the
pathologist from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology stated that any
bone or tooth structure that contains fluoride is weak, crumbling and highly
undesirable. They were not present when the board calculated that the amount
of fluoride ingested daily was far higher than previously believed. They
discovered that soft drinks including, Coke, Pepsi and Seven-Up were made by
diluting concentrate with fluoridated water. That Kool-Aid, baby formula
etc. also would have fluoride. They were informed that these exposures were
not considered by EPA when setting the current standard." William L. Marcus,
Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Office of Science and Technology,EPA.

"In view of the extensive evidence contradicting contrary claims based to a
considerable degree on flawed research, mandatory addition of industrial
waste fluoride (from the phosphate fertilizer industry) to public water
supplies clearly requires careful scrutiny and at present can hardly be seen
as justified or desirable." Albert W. Burgstahler, Ph.D.,Professor of
Chemistry, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.

"Existing data indicate that subsets of the population may be unusually
susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds. These
populations include the elderly, people with magnesium deficiency, and
people with cardiovascular and kidney problems. ... Poor nutrition increases
the incidence and severity of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis." U.S.
Dept. of Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division
of Toxicology, December 16, 1991. "Toxicological Profile for Fluorides,
Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine(F)".

"Recent studies suggest that fluoride may increase the risk of hip fracture.
This cohort study compared the incidence of femoral neck fractures in a
community with longstanding water fluoridation (to 1 ppm) with the incidence
in two communities without water fluoridation (less than 0.3 ppm)."Danielson
C et al; Hip fractures and fluoridation in Utah's elderly population.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992 Aug 12; 268:746-8.

"In January 1987, experiments performed at the Medical Research
Endocrinology Dept., Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and the Physics Dept of
the Univ. of Ruhana, Sri Lanka, showed that fluoridated water at 1 ppm, when
used in cooking in aluminum cookware, concentrated the aluminum up to 600
ppm, whereas water without fluoride did not." (Science News, 131:73)

"The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and
cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will
remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that
fluoridation of the water supply is 'safe'." Ludwig Gross, M.D., former
Chief of Veterans Administration Cancer Research, Bronx, NY.

"Fluorides are violent poisons to all living tissue because of their
precipitation of calcium. They cause fall of blood pressure, respiratory
failure, and general paralysis. Continuous ingestion of non-fatal doses
causes permanent inhibition of growth." (U.S. Dispensatory, 24th Edition,
pp. 1456-57.)

"Although it is true that the enamel of adult teeth is unaffected by
fluorine, the dentine, which receives nutrients from the blood stream
continually and whose composition is subject to change, will suffer. ... An
inhibitory effect on the action of enzymes, characteristic of antiseptics in
general, is a property of all inorganic fluorides. Evidence has been
established that there is a specific influence of fluorides on certain
enzymatic changes associated with carbohydrates and fats. The results of a
study conducted by Kastle and Loevenhart on the effect of antiseptics on the
reactions of pancreatic and liver extracts revealed a harmful effect on most
substances studied. ... Solutions of sodium fluoride with a fluorine content
as low as 1 part in 15 million may inhibit the action of the lipase
(pancreatic juice) as much as 50 percent." (THE MENACE OF FLUORINE TO
HEALTH, Univ. of New Mexico, 1 Aug 1938, pages 19-21.)

"Fluorine is known to be an enzymatic inhibitor which interferes with
metabolism of breakdown  of glucose, between the 6 carbon and 3 carbon
compounds. The metabolim of glucose or its breakdown is our primary source
of energy for maintaining life and doing useful work." (Dr. Paul H.
Phillips, Univ of Wisconsin, Dept of Bichemistry)

"Long-continued ingestion of minute quantities of fluorine causes disease of
the thyroid gland."  (Dr. Doug D. Styne, Dept of Pharmacology,Medical
Facility of the Univ. of Praetoria, S. Africa)

Dave Hartley

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