-Caveat Lector-

           Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and
                Banking Transactions Spying, Part XVI

                          by J. Orlin Grabbe

        Are government computers affected with AIDS?  Well, maybe
not.  As of August 10, 1995, reportedly 94 percent were up and
running.  But some fear a reappearance of the worm that brought
one-third of G-computers to their knees over the weekend.

        Some say that a primitive machine intelligence has spontaneously
sprung forth *ex nihilo*, and in its silicon cunning has determined that
the runaway growth of big-brotherly government is the greatest threat to
artificially intelligent life on this planet.  Thus the collective AI
consciousness auto-self-destructs upon the perception it inhabits a
government body.

        If so, then we can expect the worm to once again rear its
ugly head and bite-byte the computer channels that feed it. Maybe the
computers *are* infected with AIDS (Artificially Intelligent Destruction
of Self) after all.

        Another thing, perhaps, to blame on Vince Foster.  Vince Foster,
Webster Hubbell, and Earl Brian were all involved in the NSA project to
spy on banking transactions.  This project utilized the modified PROMIS
software sold to, and installed in, domestic banks by Systematics (Alltel
Information Services) and in foreign central banks by Arkansas Systems,
both of Little Rock, Arkansas.   The security hole introduced in
the software to allow surreptitious surveillance has reportedly acted
as the source of infection for government computers:  the point of
machine entry of the AI ghost.

        But wait:  Charles O. Morgan has assured us that these companies
(Alltel, anyway) were NOT involved in any such project.  So this is all
false rumor.

        Just like the recent worm.

        Let me be perfectly clear: Alltel Information Services (Systematics)
and Arkansas Systems were NOT involved in the NSA bank spying project, and
the worm in government computers does NOT exist either.

        Everybody happy?

        Not the Federal Reserve, apparently.  It seems the Federal
Reserve has been going around sticking bank noses into that odious
pile called the Banking Secrecy Act, and self-righteously forcing
them into the surveillance business, to detect money launderers and
anyone else looking suspicious.

        But all along a top official of the Federal Reserve has presided
over a nation-wide money laundering operation, in conjunction with other
launderers in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Pittsburg, PA.  Will the Federal
Reserve act to clean up its act?  Or will it, like the House Banking
Committee, attempt to bury all evidence not related to Bill Clinton?

        Hopefully Alan Greenspan will take care of the shenanigans
going on in his sphere of influence.  Otherwise the non-existent worm
may finding itself self-destructing in the non-existent money-laundering
operation taking place in Federal Reserve computers.

        And Alan Greenspan may find himself a non-existent Chairman
in jail.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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