-Caveat Lector-

>From This is the dawning of the New age New world Order
DL Cuddy Phd

published The Great Technology in 1933, explaining: "A new public mind is to
be created. How? Only by creating tens of millions of new individual minds
and welding them into a new social mind. Old stereotypes must be broken up
and new climates of opinion formed in the neighborhoods of America." Also in
1933, the first Humanist Manifesto was published with signers such as Oliver
Reiser (who also signed the 1973 Humanist Manifesto), who would later write
the preface for occultist Alice Bailey's book, Education in the New Age

. John Dewey was a co-author and signer of the first Humanist Manifesto, and
he was also a member (along with Edward R. Murrow) of the Institute of
International Education (IIE, which today boasts that it "plays an important
role in the Green Revolution').

        The IIE was established in 1919 at Columbia University (some years
after Dewey's arrival there) with a grant from the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace. From 1919 to 1936, the Carnegie Corporation's grants to
the institute totaled nearly one million dollars, and substantial additional
funds were received from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial (which was
absorbed into the Rockefeller Foundation in 1929) and member universities
affiliated with the American Council on Education. In the summers of 1933
and 1934, IIE held Moscow University summer school programs. However, the
Pittsburgh Sun- Telegraph exposed the programs on February 18, 1935, in an
article, "American Professors, Trained by Soviets, Teach in United States
Schools,"and shortly thereafter the 1935 summer school programs were
suddenly cancelled. The Soviet propaganda had already reached thousands,
though. Dr. John Almack wrote in a series of articles in the San Francisco
Examiner (during October 1942) about the programs: "Many, teachers and
students returned challenging everything American, breathing fire and
defiance to property, the profit system, and the Constitution, and beating
the tom toms for a 'new social order. ' . . .
        They felt they, must declare the way [to revolution], after insuring
their own safety,, should things go wrong, by guarantees of 'academic
freedom. ' "

        Six years later, IIE director Laurence Duggan jumped (or was forced)
to his death from his New York office window after Whittaker Chambers linked
him to a communist spy network and the FBI interviewed him. This act of
suicide (or murder) occurred December 20,1948, the day before he was to
testify (and perhaps name members of the spy network) before a congressional

        The same year as the first of these Moscow University summer
sessions (1933), the American Historical Association's Commission on Social
Studies issued a report funded by the Carnegie Corporation at three hundred
forty thousand dollars. According to Robert Henry
Goldsborough, this would amount to about six million dollars today, and he
indicates that "the report concluded that the day of the individual in the
United States has come to an end, and that that future would be
characterized by some form of collectivism and an increase in the authority
of the State."

        This movement toward collectivism and an increase in the authority
of the state was described in H.G. Wells' futuristic 1933 book, The Shape of
Things to Come, which was a revision of his 1928 book, The Open Conspiracy.
In reading this 1933 volume by Wells, it is necessary to constantly remind
oneself that the book was written almost sixty years ago rather than today.
He states that a Second World War would originate in 1940's over a
German-Polish dispute; and after 1945 there would: be an increasing lack of
public safety in growing criminally: infected areas. The plan for the
"modern world-state", would succeed on its third attempt (around 1980), and
come out of something that happened in Basra, Iraq. At this point, he said,
"Russia is ready to assimilate. Is eager to assimilate. "A world council or
"new world administration" would be "the only sovereign upon this planet,"
which he called "Mother Earth." Although the world government "had been
plainly coming for some years, although it had been endlessly feared and
murmured against, it found no opposition prepared anywhere. "The lack of
opposition was developed via the "Life Time Plan" which created "a service
mentality in the place of a proprietary mentality. "

        The Department of General Psychology with its power over both
educational and legal controls "became the thought, as the World Council had
become the will, of mankind acting as a whole. "

        Not making Hitler's mistake of failing to realize that "no
revolution could be a real and assured revolution until it has completely
altered the educational system of the community, "
        the new education was "based on a swiftly expanding science of
relationship. "
        It would be  propaganda passed necessarily into a training for
public service and a universal public education . . . to establish a new
complete ideology and a new spirit which would induce the individual to
devote himself and to shape all his activities to one definite purpose, to
the attainment and maintenance of a progressive world-socialism, using an
efficient monetary system as itsnormal medium of relationship. "

 It would be the "New Humanity . . .-----with a common consciousness and a
common will. "

        The year after The Shape of Things to Come was published, Wells
published his Experiment in Autobiography' (1934), in which he stated: "The
organization of'this that I call the Open Conspiracy, the evocation of a
greater sounder fellow' to the first Communist essay, an adequately
implemented Liberal Socialism, which will ultimately supply teaching,
coercive and directive public services to the whole world, is the immediate
task before all rational people. I believe this idea of a planned
world-state is one to wlhich all our thought and knowledge is tending. . . .

        It is appearing partially and experimentally at a thousand points. .
. .
        When accident finally precipitates it, its coming is likely to
happen very quickly.
        Sometimes I feel that generations of propaganda and education may
have to precede it. . . . Plans for political synthesis seem to grow
bolder and more extensive.

        The New Plan in America to the New Plan in Russia and how are both
related to the ultimate World-State?
.       There must be a common faith and law for mankind.

        Only after a huge cultural struggle can we hope to see the
world-state coming into being. The Open Conspiracy has to achieve it self in
many ways, but the main battle before it is an educational battle. "

        And what better way to win this educational battle for a "common
faith" than for the "father of progressive education," John Dewey, to
publish in the same year of 1934 his book, Common Faith, in which Dewey
describes what he perceives as the need for a syncretization of all
religions toward a common faith,

        This mentality of a new generation trained in socialist for a New
World Order was picked up by Adolf Hitler who said,
        "Your child belongs to us already. . . .
        The new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take
youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing. "
In Maria Trapp's book, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, one reads:
"This morning we wet told [by the Nazis] at the (school) assembly that of
parents are nice, old-fashioned people who don't understand the new Party.
        We should leave them alone and not bother them. We are the hope of
the nation, the hope of the
world. We should never mention at home what we learn l school now. "

        The work of implementing the goals of the "new Party" would fall
largely to Heinrich Himmler, wh transformed the black-clad SS with their
skull and born insignia into a supposedly mystical elite, according to the
television documentary The SS: Blood And Land (1991)In This documentary
describes how at the turn of the century, there was a rising tide of
materialism in German and Austria, with a countervailing reaction that
yearns for a more harmonious and spiritual past. Many of many's youth became
known as "the birds of passage,"with vegetarianism, herbal healing, communal
living, nudism, and meditation becoming fashionable; and in every major
city, cults devoted to spiritualism, astrology, magic, and the occult
formed. (Doesn't this sound like today?)

        In this regard, the teachings of three individuals werel Blavatsky,
Guido von List, Jorg Lanz
most prominent. First was Madame Blavatsky, whose fifth race in human
civilization she termed "Aryan"and which she believed could be reconstituted
to return man to the height of spirituality. By 1914 her Aryan doctrine had
spread through Germany and Austria. It was a member of the inner circle of
the Thule Society, Dietrich Eckart, who first introduced Hitler to the
teachings of Madame
Blavatsky. Reportedly, Hitler kept a copy of her book, The Secret Doctrine,
by his bedside, and it was from her writings that he learned the meaning of
the Aryan swastika.
(The swastika is the symbol of the seventh ray of initiation, and Hitler was
a sixth ray initiate.)

        The second individual of prominence was Guido von List, who believed
in a hidden elect or elite class of priest rulers ("Armenen," with the
swastika as their symbol) whose role was to preserve the occult knowledge of
Germans' Aryan ancestors. List believed the imposition of Christianity had
forced the Teutonic tribes to continue their traditions in secret, but their
law had lived on via Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Knights Templar. A German
order was founded on his principles in May 1912 with many military officers
joining, and it was ruled by a twelve-man council of initiates.

        The third prominent individual was Jorg Lanz, a former Cistercian
monk who blended Aryan occultism with eugenics. He believed the original
Aryans practiced telepathy, and that it could again be practiced if there
were a return to pure, Aryan blood. Lanz also believed that Knights Templar
were the
knights of the Holy Grail, and that the search for the Grail was the search
for racial purity.

 In 1905, he began publication of his journal, Ostara (which Hitler had been
reading since the age of twenty), and in 1907 Lanz formed the Order of the
New Templars, which had as its purpose the harmonization of science, art,
and ethics into an occult religion devoted to the purification of an Aryan
race which would have psychic powers. This was the origin of the SS, who
were the wise priest-kings and leaders of spiritual and secret orders who
would rule.

        In The Occult and the Third Reich (197l), one learns that in the
1930s Hitler said, "With the nation of races, National Socialism [Naziism]
will use its own revolution for the establishing of a new world order . . .
a new dawning of history. "
        In occultist Alice Bailey's The Externalization of the Hierarchy
(1957), one reads that
beginning in 1934, there was "the organizing of the men and women . . . so
they can set the note of world good will for the new world order. . . .
Group work of a new order . .--.with progress defined by service . . . the
work of the Brotherhood. . . the Forces of Light . . . [and] out of the
spoliation of all existing culture and civilization, the new world order
must be built. "

        The year before, Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Publishing Co.)
published Bailey's pamphlet, The Next Three Years (1934/1935/1936), in which
she stated: "By 1945 we shall have the inner structure of a world faith so
clearly defined in the minds of many thousands that its outer structure will
inevitably make its appearance before the end of the century. The inner
structure of the World Federation of Nations will be equally well organized
by 1965, and its outerform taking rapid shape by 2025. Do not infer by this
that we shall have a perfected world religion and a complete community of
nations. Not so rapidly does nature move, but the vision and the idea will
be universally recognized, universally desired, and generally worked for.
When these conditions exist, nothing can stop the appearance of the ultimate
physical form.

        Approximately four hundred men and women are working consciously
with the Plan. "

        Bailey would also write of the "universal mind" (H. G. Wells
published World-Brain in 1938), and in 1942 she published Esoteric
Psychology, , in which she wrote:
        "Behind the divisions of humanity stand those Enlightened Ones whose
right and privilege it is to watch over human evolution and to guide the
destinies of men.

. . .   This they do through the implanting of ideas in the minds of the
world thinkers, so that these ideas in due time receive recognition and
eventually become controlling factors in human life. They train the members
of the New Group of World Servers in the task of changing these ideas into
ideals. These in their turn become the desired objectives of the thinkers
and are then taught to the powerful middle class and worked up into world
forms of government or religion, thus forming the basis of the new world
order, into which the masses are patiently incorporated."

        About this same time, the thirty-third degree Freemason Myron Taylor
was the United States' special envoy to the Vatican during the Second World
War. In 1938, the Jesuit journal, Civiltd Cattdlica, which was the
semi-official voice of the Vatican, no longer included its warnings about
Freemasonry, especially in its declared

program to create what it termed a "New World Orde

        In Hermann Rauschning's 1940 The Voice
Destruction, the author recounts his own personal earliefi conversations
with Hitler: "Only by accepting the inner! law of the new world order,
Hitler contended, could the, German people become the world people who would
give their name to the coming era." Hitler kept talking of' establishing a
"new order" which would replace national boundaries, saying:
        "Shall we form simply a select company of the really initiated? An
Order, the brotherhood of Templars round the holy grail ofpure blood?. . .
It is not the Christian-Schopenhauerist religion of compassion that is
acclaimed, but pure, noble blood, in the protection and glorification of
whose purity the brotherhood of the initiated have come together. ,'

        Rauschning then recounts that Hitler described "a new social and
economic order," and says, "Hitler spoke as. . ....one of the initiated. "
Hitler said: "We, too, are a Church. . . . Our revolution is . . . in moral
ideas and in men's spiritual orientation. . . . National Socialism . . . is
more even than a religion: it is the will to create mankind anew. . . .---A
new age of magic interpretation of the world is coming. . . . "
        Rauschning further states that Hitler spoke of "the rhythm of life .
. .--in a spiral, " and that "man is God in the making. "(Remember here the
words, "Man is a god in the making, ,,   in thirty-third degree Mason Manly
P.  Hall's The Lost Keys of Freemasonry.)

Rauschning also quotes Hitler as saying, "We don't want people who keep an
eye on the life in the hereafter. We need free men who feel and know that
God is in themselves." Doesn't this sound very much like Masonic leader
Albert Pike's statement in Morals and Dogma that "Masonry teaches that the
present is our scene of devotion. . . . [Man] is sent into this world not to
be constantly hankering after, dreaming of preparing for another. . . . The
Unseen cannot hold a higher place in our ajjections than the Seen and the
Familiar. . . .---The earth, to the Mason, is both the starting place and
goal of immortality. ,,
        Hitler also stated: "I got illumination . . . from the Freemasons. .
. .--I learned above all From the Jesuits. So did Lenin, for that matter. .
. . There is one dangerous element . . .        I have copied from the
Freemasons. They, form a sort of priestly nobility). They' have developed an
esoteric doctrine . . . imparted through the medium of symbols and
mysterious rites in degrees of initiation , . . by working on the
imagination through magic und the symbols of a cult - all this is the
dangerous element and the element that I have taken over. Don 't you see
that our Party must be of this character.?. . . An Order, the hierarchical
Order of a secular priesthood. ,'

        "Hitler's projected new world order" were also the words used by
Ralph Bunche in his article "The Negro in the Politica1 Life of the United
States" (The Journal of Negro Education, July 1941). Also in this edition
were W.E.B. Dubois' "Neuropa: Hitler's New World Order" and Doxey
Wilkerson's "Russia's Proposed New World Order of Socialism," which included
subparts titled "The Fascist 'New World Order' " and "The Anglo-American
'New World Order.' "

In 1940, Fabian H.G. Wells wrote The New, World Order in which he proposed a
"collectivist one world
state" comprised of "socialist democracies." He advocated "universal
conscription for service" and said "nationalist individualism . . .--is the
world's disease. " He continued:
"The manifest necessity for some collective world control to eliminate
warfare and the less generally admitted necessity for a collective control
of the economic and biological life of mankind, are aspects of one and the
same process. "
        He said this would be accomplished through "universal law" and
"propaganda (or education)."
        Also in 1940, even before the United States had entered the Second
World War, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace published The New
World Order, which was a select list of references on regional and world
federation, together with some special plans for world order after the war.
This interesting list of references focused on publications and speeches in
1939 and 1940 and included the following:

1. "The World Federal State" by Lothar von Wurmb in  the January 1939
edition of World Order.
2. The journal World Federation is begun by the Campaign for World
Government in April 1939.
3. "Plan for an Unarmed World Federation, Democratic, Non-Military, and
All-Inclusive," by the American Campaign for World Government in the May 19,
1939 Peace News (London).
4. John Foster Dulles' address on October 28, 1939 proposing that America
lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign
states bound together by a league or federal union.
5. Pope Pius XII's address on December 24,1939 outlining  five points
considered essential for setting up a new world order.
6. Building the New World Order (1939) by E.C. Brunauer (with the aid of the
American Association of University Women) is published by the League of
Nations Association and advocates building on the foundations of the League
of Nations for a union of democracies and peace system in the Western
7.      World Order (Civitas Dei) by Lionel Curtis is published in 1939 and
considers a working system of human society, concluding that such a system
must mean the organization of all human society in one common- wealth. (In
Ralph Page's "Designs for a World Order," he calls Curtis'985-page work the
foundation of all thought upon the design of a new order, and he says,
"Curtis'thesis is that to engender in man a desire to serve each other is
the end and object of human existence. '3
8. Federation and World Order (1939) by Duncan and Elizabeth Wilson examines
how federalism has already worked in the British Empire, the United States,
and elsewhere, and from this deduces how it might be adopted on a worldwide
9. "The New World Order: A Japanese View" by Iwao Ayusawa was published in
the July 1940 edition of Contemporary Japan.
10. "Designs for a World Order" by Ralph Page was published in the July 1940
edition of Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
11. In November 1940, the Commission to Study the Organization of Peace
issues a preliminary report
      setting forth elementary principles essential to a lasting peace, and
recommends world federation.
12. "A New World Order" by John G. Alexander was published in the December
12, 1940 Congressional
Record. (A similar item of his declaring the need for a federation of the
world was also in the November 3, 1939 Congressional Record.)

        In the article by Ralph Page listed above, he quotes John Foster
Dulles as saying: "The fundamental fact is that the nationalist system of
wholly independent, fully sovereign states is complete in its cycle of
usefulness. . . .
Today, more than ever before, are the defects of the sovereignty system
magntfied, until now it is no longer consonant with either peace or justice.
It is imperative that there be a transition to a new order. This has,
indeed, become inevitable; for the present system is rapidly encompassing
its own destruction. The real problem is not ulhether there will be a
transition, but how can transition be made, and to what. "

        Page then goes on to state: "That the peace of the world depends
upon some surrender of national sovereignty has been stated by the leaders,
past and present, of most democratic countries in Europe. . . . One purpose,
one interest, one loyalty, the brotherhood of man, is the only goal that
enlists the life forces of the youth of the world. "

        But countering the claim of proponents of world federalism that the
U.S. should join a world federation just as the original American states
under a confederation joined in the federal republic, Graeme Howard in
America and a New World Order ( 1940) argues that this analogy is
fallacious. Rather, he stated: "The American colonies consolidated their
power in order to achieve aggregate power in the international community
commensurate with other eighteenth century nations. It is one thing for a
group of states with low power ratios to consolidate their power and quite
another for all states to sacrifice their power. "
        Instead, Howard argued, "It is power, morality, and sound economic
foundation that must form the framework for support of the new world order.
. . . The new inter-national order must provide equality of economic
opportunity as a moral factor, for political freedom without social and
economic freedom is a mere empty gesture.
. . .   [But] promising both a more ethical and a more realistic solution is
the formation of regional economic entities. . . . Cooperative regionalism
[will] bring about a better world order through internationally balanced
economic and political regional blocs. "

        Similarly, M.J. Bonn in "The New World Order" (The Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, July 1941), wrote:
"National planning means deliberate international anarchy. . . . But we are
not yet going to have a world state, and I doubt whether we are on the road
to world union. The formation of regional federations by hitherto autonomous
groups of countries is much easier. . . .       The leveling-up of backward
races to fu11 world citizenship cannot be achieved by a few easy steps. . .
. I doubt tf the world order of tomorrow will be capitalist or socialist. It
probably will be both and
neither. . . . The genius of History does not march through the ages with
the solemn goose-step. . . . But all the time he keeps moving, and with
every move a step toward a new world order is taken."

However, near the beginning of America's involvement in World War II, a
group of individuals including Herbert Agar, Lewis Mumford, and Reinhold
Niebuhr issued a volume in 1941 entitled The City of Man: A Declaration on
World Democracy, which declared: "Universa1 peace can be founded only on the
unity of mar: under one law and one government. . . . All states, deflated
and disciplined, must align themselves under the law of the world-state . .
. the new order . . . when the heresy of nationalism is conquered and the
absurc architecture of the present world is finally dismantled. Nelson
Rockefeller will refer to this book's phrase "absurd architecture," in his
own promotion of world federalism in his 1962 book, The Future of
        The City of Man continues with other terms, similar to those later
used by the Unity-in-Diversity Council (sub sequentially Unity-and-Diversity
World Council) and b: President George Bush, when it states: "Diversity in
unit, and unity in diversity will be the symbols of federal peace ii
universal democracy. . . .      Society may be likened to triangular pyramid
with its three faces representing the constitutional order, the economic
order, the international order. None of them stands alone; each of them
leans o the other. All three together converge toward the comma apex. . . .
A positive plan for world legislation . . . cannot be assigned any longer to
pure theoretical thinking . . even if as august as Mazzini's. . . . And
there must be common creed. . .an ethico-religious purpose. "

        Looking toward the future, The Rosicrucian Digest, for June 1941
printed an article, "The Thought of the Month: Make Your Own Prophecies,"
which included "We predict a mystical-pantheism as the religion  tomorrow. .
. .     There will not be churches, but a church.
.       Since the earth is a habitat of humanity, it is also the common
property of all men. . . . The World State will provide and maintain
community hospitals, sanitariums, and clinics. . . .--Physicians will be
paid by the state and their entire professional services will be absorbed by
the state. . . ....Every citizen will enjoy these health benefits and
guarantees. . ..... Quotas will be placed upon...all professions, in each of
the zones of the World-State. "

        Two days prior to the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor,
Fabian Sir Julian.Huxley said on December 5, 1941, that he hoped America and
Japan would be at war "next week." The Japanese attack came on Sunday,
December 7, the first day of the week.
        The next year, P.E. Corbett's Post- War Worlds (1942) was published
under the auspices of the leftist Institute of Pacific Relations,
proclaiming: "A world association binding together and coordinating regional
groupings of states may evolve toward one universal federal government, as
in the past loose confederations have grown into federal unions. Such
evolution will bring with it increasing security and peace and social
progress. World government is the ultimate aim, but there is more chance of
attaining it by gradual development. . . . First it must be recognized that
the law of nations takes precedence over national law. . . . There is much
to be said for constituting a Supreme World Court. . . . Nationalism
threatens to be a continuing obstacle to general progress. . . .        it
may be impossible to 'indict a whole people, 'but quite possible to indict
and to coerce, when necessary, its leaders. . . . Steps will need to be
taken to stop the preaching of the supremacy of the state.

The process will have to be assisted by the deletion of the nationalistic
material employed in educational textbooks and its replacement by material
explaining the benefits of wider association. . . ...Men engaged in
practical affairs,as well as many theorists, are looking to something in the
nature of a federal organization with a common police, a supreme court, a
legislative and governing body, and
common economic agencies for advice and control. . . . An Economic and
Financial Organization, embracing Trade, Development, and Migration
Commissions, and a Central Bank. The function of these institutions . . .
would be to regulate the production and distribution of raw materials and
food, control the flow of interregional investment and migration, etc. "

        During the Second World War, Masonry would do its part in
overthrowing the old order, as in 1943 John Stewart Service (a diplomatic
advisor to Gen. Joseph Stilwell and Gen. Albert Wedemeyer in China)
instituted the Fortitude Lodge at Chungking. And while in China, Service
constantly criticized America's ally Chiang Kai-shek in comparison with the
Chinese communists. Further- more, in the Masonic magazine New Age itself,
one finds in Morris DePass' November 1968 article, "The Hoon Bong or Red
Society of China," that years earlier, the Red Society of China, some of
whose "educators were Masons. . . contributed materially to the overthrow of
the Manchu Dynasty. "

        In 1945, The New World Order of Islam by Bashiruddin Ahmad and The
Anatomy of Peace by Emery Reves were published. Reves called for world
goverment as "an immediate necessity," and the New York Times proclaimed
Reves'book "intelligent, realistic, and eloquent." On August 16 of that
year, Stephen King- Hall wrote in his (London) National News-Letter that
world government has now become a hard-boiled, practical, and urgent
necessity" (Reader's Digest, November 1945).

 Two months later, on October 24, Senator Glen Taylor introduced Senate
Resolution 183 calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as favoring the
creation of a world republic, including an international police force.
Senator Taylor quoted President Harry Truman in Kansas City, before the
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, as saying, "It will be just as easy*
for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get
along in a republic of the United States. "On this same day (October 24),
the U.N. charter went into effect, and American membership was largely
achieved due to the involvement of Alger Hiss of the State department, who
was an important advisor to President Roosevelt at Yalta where FDR,
Churchill, and Stalin met.
        In 1944, Alice Bailey published Discipleship in the New Age, vol. 1,
in which she talked of "the coming New age" and its "disciples." Of course,
she would be one of these "disciples," and in the book she prints what are
supposedly telepathic transmissions from an adept known as "the Tibetan."
One of these alleged "communications" was February 1939 in which "the
Tibetan" (known as Djwhal Khul) said:   "The world today is in such a
distressing condition that the major need in every country is the appearance
of 'steadily shining points of light 'which can illuminate the way for
others. "
        Alger Hiss would be selected president of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace in December 1946, and according to Lines of Credit:
Ropes of Bondage (1989) by Robert Henry Goldsborough: "By 1945, Hiss'
superiors at the State Department had been completely briefed on his
communist activities; but he was chosen to be Secretary General of the
United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco,
nonetheless. With assistance from two Soviet representatives, Hiss prepared
the United Nations Charter. . . . Alger Hiss had finally constituted
'Colonel' House's grand
design, and America was at last involved in a one-world socialist government

        Former senior editor of Time, Whittaker Chambers, would testify
before Congress that CFR member Hiss had been a member of his communist
cell, but there were repeated denials that communists were extensively
involved in our system of government. However, in Carl Bernstein's
Loyalties: A Son's Memoirs (1989), his father (who along with Carl's mother
had been members of the Communist Party in America) tells Carl: " You're
going to prove McCarthy right, because all he was saying was that the system
was loaded with communists. And he was right. You've got to take a big hard
look at what you are doing. Because the whole fight against him was that
people weren't communists. . . .        I an worried about the kind of book
you're going to write and about cleaning up McCarthy. The problem is that
everybody said he was a liar; you're saying he was right. . . . I agree that
the Party was a force in the country. " And on March 1, 1992, the Washington
Post admitted that "a worldwide communist 'conspiracy 'really did exist for
much of the past seven decades, with the Kremlin secretly funding client
Parties (including the Communist Party U.S.A.) from India to El Salvador. "

        After the Second World War, Joy Elmer Morgan (editor of the NEA
Journal, 1921-l 955) wrote in "The Teacher and World Government"(NEA
Journal, January 1946): "In the struggle to establish an adequate world
government, the teacher . . . can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of
children for global understanding and cooperation. . . .        At the very
top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government
must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession. "
        In a December 1934 editorial, Morgan had already called for
government control of corporations. And in a December 1942 editorial, "The
United Peoples of the World," he explained a world organization's or world
government's need for an educational branch, a world system of money and
credit, a uniform system of weights and measures (note President Bush's July
25, 1991 executive order later in this book), a world police force, and
other agencies.

        In July 1946, Alger Hiss persuaded the founders of the World Health
Organization to include in their constitution the following overly broad
definition of "health," so that the social engineers would be provided with
a broad latitude under which they could begin to alter society - "Health is
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being." The head of
the World Health Organization, Brock Chisholm (a close friend of Alger
Hiss), had written in the February 1946 issue of the journal, Psychiatry,
that "a program of re-education or a new kind of education" needed to be
charted whereby "the science of living should be made available to all
people by being taught to all children in primary and secondary schools. . .
.       Only so, can we help our children to carry out their
responsibilities as world citizens as we have not been able to do."
        And elsewhere at about the same time, Chisholm said: "To achieve
world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their
individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and
religious dogmas. . . . We have swallowed all manner of poisonous
certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our
politicians, our priests. . . . The reinterpretation and eventual
eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of
child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for
faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives
. . for charting the changes in human behavior" (The Utah Independent,
September 1977).

        This was not unlike the famous historian Arnold Toynbee's comment
regarding world government: "We are approaching the point at which the only
effective scale for operations of any importance will be the global scale.
The local states ought to be deprived of their sovereignty and subordinated
to the sovereignty of a global world government. I think the world state
will still need an armed police [and the] world government will have to
command sufficient force to be able to impose peace. "

        Brock Chisholm (Humanist of the Year in 1959.)would later advocate
that "what people everywhere must do is to practice birth control and
miscegenation [racially-mixed marriage] in order to create one race in one
world under one government. " (U.S.A. magazine, August 12, 1955).

THE END  (of the world as we know it)

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