-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jennifer Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 5:34 PM
Subject: (50 Years) South African Unions Call for IMF Reforms

> MIDRAND, South Africa, Sept 20 (AFP) - The International Confederation of
> Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) called Wednesday on South Africa's largest trade
> union federation to put pressure on the Pretoria government to push for more
> reforms in the IMF and World Bank.
> South African Minister of Finance Trevor Manuel will chair the annual
> meeting starting Thursday of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
> World Bank in Prague.
> "A strong argument for real reform coming from South Africa will make a
> difference at that meeting," ICFTU General Secretary Bill Jordan said in an
> address to the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) conference,
> on the third day of its triennial conference.
> COSATU is an alliance partner of the ruling African National Congress (ANC)
> along with the South African Communist Party.
> Pretoria has been pushing for more influence of developing nations on the
> international bodies.
> Reserve Bank Governor Tito Mboweni told a parliamentary committee Tuesday
> that the South African delegation to Prague would oppose a proposal to give
> voting rights on the IMF on the basis of economic size and development.
> This would increase the power of South Africa and Nigeria at the expense of
> other sub-Saharan African countries, he said.
> The delegation would also call for new measures to reduce debt in Africa,
> Mboweni said.
> But debt relief was not enough, Jordan told the more than 2,000 delegates at
> the COSATU congress, adding that economic strategies needed to change.
> According to the World Bank, in the past 10 years the number of people
> living in extreme poverty -- on less than one dollar a day -- had risen to a
> quarter of the world's population, he said.
> "You would think that with such a devastating indictment of their failed
> policies the World Bank would reform its own policies and practices.
> "But no, almost in defiance of the evidence it continues to push its
> simplistic useless free-market strategies for solving poverty," he said.
> The ICFTU, which has 123 million members, says the world trade union
> movement's fight against globalisation is "the greatest fight of its life."
> The COSATU congress has highlighted tensions between the federation and the
> ANC government, which has adopted a market-friendly macro-economic policy
> and said that South Africa has to adapt to and not resist globalisation.
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