Latest reports (as of 8/14/00 2:00 PM EDT) are that the Russians are reporting
that the *Kursk* suffered severe damage, probably in a collision with another
submarine.  The nationality of the second sub, which presumably suffered
considerable damage as well, is not being mentioned, but the implication
(knowing history) is that it is American.  U.S. subs have conducted regular
surveillance of the Russian naval base at Murmansk for more than fifty years,
often penetrating deep into Russian territorial waters.  There have reportedly
been several other collisions between subs of the two nations, but this appears
to be the most serous to date.

----- Original Message -----
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 1:09 PM
Subject: (GDR) Norway on alert for atom leaks from Russian sub

Norway on alert for atom leaks from Russian sub

By Alister Doyle

OSLO, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Norway decided on Monday to stay on alert for
possible radioactive pollution from a crippled Russian submarine, in which
more than 100 sailors were trapped, despite Moscow's assurances that there
were no leaks.

The Norwegian Defence Ministry said the submarine was in international waters
150 metres (500 ft) deep north-east of the Russian port of Murmansk. It said
Moscow, which shares an Arctic border with Norway, had not asked Oslo for

``Data coming in now show that we can't see any sign of radioactivity,'' Per
Strand, acting head of the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, told NRK
public radio after what he called ``fairly intensive'' tests of air and sea.

He said Norwegian experts in an emergency commission for atomic accidents met
on Monday and ``decided to keep up the work (on checking for leaks) in the
Norwegian area and to try to collect water samples as close as possible to
the accident.''

The commission includes radiation specialists, military personnel and health

He said Oslo was staying on alert ``to be on the safe side'' despite Russian
assurances there had been no leaks from the Kursk submarine. Moscow said that
there were no atomic weapons aboard and that the vessel's reactor had been
turned off.

Norway has long feared radioactive pollution from its eastern neighbour.
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union used the twin Arctic islands of Novaya
Zemlya as a nuclear-testing ground. The Russian Northern Fleet is based in


In 1989, a Soviet nuclear submarine sank off North Norway, killing 42
sailors. The Komsomolets submarine, including atomic torpedoes, is now
rusting on the sea bed.

And the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster was first revealed outside the Soviet
Union by a routine check of radioactivity in a Swedish nuclear plant.

The Defence Ministry said that Norway had not been formally informed of the
latest accident or asked for help.

``Nothing implies that Russian rescue experts need assistance, but Norwegian
authorities will of course be positive if any request were made,'' it said.
It said it had no reason to doubt Moscow's assurances that there were no
atomic weapons aboard.

The Russian office of the Norwegian ecological group, Bellona, was quoted by
the Russian news agency Interfax as saying it was concerned by the
``atmosphere of secrecy'' surrounding the submarine incident.

Interfax quoted Bellona as recalling that since the introduction of nuclear
submarines, Russia's Northern Fleet had suffered four major accidents in
which crew members died.

12:32 08-14-00

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[non-text material snipped]

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