-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 2:16 PM


Clearly you have not seen my article BUSH CAMP FINANCES
CLINTON CAMPAIGN http://www.dcia.com/campaign.html.  The
name of this game is collusion --- or TV illusion take your

The clear fact of the matter is that the SKULL AND BONES
guys have managed both presidential nominees for more than a
hundred years and are clearly doing so this election.

Brian Downing Quig



by Brian Downing Quig
Clearly the big winners in this year's presidential election are Bush,
Clinton and Perot. These candidates could not be more identical. In fact,
they are all backed by the same interests.

It was quite impossible for any of these three to expose the others without
also exposing themselves. They all shared intimate knowledge of involvement
in guns for drug deals with the Contras and concealed interest in ushering
in as quickly as possible the New World Order future for all mankind.

It saddens me to note that for the most part the American public saw in this
literal three-ring circus some possibility of choice. Granted, the clues of
grand deception were sparse...nonetheless they were there. In the May issue
of MER we revealed one Jackson Stevens, the largest investment banker in
Arkansas and one of the largest bankers on Wall Street, as the single
largest financial backer of the "Bill Clinton for President Campaign."

Stevens arranged a $3.5 million line of credit for Clinton at a time when,
absent this windfall, Clinton would have been out of the race. Two elements
made this gift highly significant. First, Stevens was solidly in the Bush
camp. Ten months earlier Stevens had contributed $100,000 to the George Bush
For President Campaign, assuring his position in Bush's Team 100. In 1988,
Mrs. Stevens served as co-chairman of the George Bush for President

Certainly it looks bad for one fat cat to be such a big contributor to both
front runners. The killer was the fact that it was Stevens who first
introduced Hassan Abedi, the founder of BCCI, to Clark Clifford and Bert
Lance. This introduction turned out to be the initial act in BCCI's attempt
to illegally take over American banking through First American, Washington,
D.C.'s largest bank.

A congressional investigation of this weird configuration would have yielded
the ugliest scandal in presidential history. But this major scandal went
otherwise unreported - all through the many months of the campaigns. Until
October ! On this date, Thomas Petzinger, Jr. in the Wall Street Journal,
published a five-column front page lead article confirming all elements of
our June article in MER. (His article did not include an interview with Bill
Clinton as ours did.)

The Wall Street Journal, although controlled by CFR and Trilateralists,
employs the best writers in the country. Anyone reading the Journal and
Scientific American can consider themselves fairly well-informed - that is,
if they know how to read between the lines. J.P. Morgan determined that he
would acquire the 25 most influential newspapers in the nation so that he
could "control public opinion." The Wall Street Journal was one of his
acquisitions and remains in the control of his heirs along with Forbes and
Barrons. The Rockefeller interests control ABC, NBC, CBS, and Time-Life
through Chase Manhattan. It provide the news. Amplifying the disgrace of the
Jackson Stevens affair was a Frontline special airing the very next night
entitled, "Who Finances Campaigns?" Here the public learned that in addition
to the $3.5 million line of credit, Jackson Stevens took Clinton by the hand
and introduced him to those who mattered on Wall Street and thereby raised
an additional $750,000 for the Clinton campaign!

Astute readers are probably saying to themselves that this is getting just
as bad as possible, but wait! It gets much worse. There were other notables
arranging money parties for Clinton, and one in particular who represented
the dead center of the Bush camp was Pamela Harriman. Pamela Harriman is the
widow of Averell Harriman, former CEO of the same Brown Brothers Harriman
money ship where Prescott Bush was a partner! Pamela was backing the Clinton
campaign from the very first day. Please recall that the treasury of the
super influential Yale secret society, "Skull and Bones," was managed by
Brown Brothers Harriman.

Pamela Harriman was the wife of Winston Churchill's son, Randolf Churchill,
when she first met Averell. While the German bombs pounded away on the other
side of London, Averell created one of the world's most shocking sex
scandals as he stole the Prime Minister's daughter-in-law virtually in plain
sight - holding hands under the table at state dinners and the like. Averell
was the number one American representing the Lend-Lease program in Great
Britain. (Joseph Kennedy was across town carrying the title of Ambassador
but those in the know realized that one went to Averell when something big
was to be done.) Therefore, there was little that the Churchills could do.
All this happened while Averell and Pamela were staying at Grosvenor Square.
Readers of last month's column will recall that the Grosvenors are relatives
of George Bush. At a state dinner Averell noticed 20-year-old Pamela with
Randolf Churchill, who was pushing 50. Averell's 20-year-old daughter,
Cathlene, was staying with him at this time, so when Averell, Pamela and
Cathlene were seen in public it was assumed that the two young girls were
together and Averell was showing them around. Cathlene was covering for her
father in a copious manner while her mother, back in the states, knew
nothing of this. One has to wonder what the Democrats and the Republicans
would think of those "Family Values."

Pamela was a red head who was very hot. Before marrying Randolf, she had
already had an affair with Elie de Rothchild, and between the period when
she first started messing around with Averell and the time she married him,
she had a hot affair with a young American correspondent named Edward R.

Why would the Bush camp be financing Bush's opponent? One reason could be
the same reason Prescott Bush financed little George's early congressional
opponents - so that George would be assured of the win. In the present case
I think the reason is different. Clinton was intended to win and become a
ceremonial president. He will make speeches and cut ribbons. The inside
elite will still be making the important decisions behind the scenes much
the same way they did during the Reagan and Bush administrations. Bigger
things are being prepared for George Bush. He will be operating more on an
international level with the UN and other globalist organizations.

And what trusted American will hook the American public by computer to Big
Brother? You guessed it - H. Ross Perot. I tried to warn you.

There may be something special about George Bush that makes him of enormous
value to the hidden nobility that rules the world. A thorough reading of
William Shakespeare reveals that the nobility of Europe were all
related...all cousins! France, England, Austria, Spain, Germany,
Russia...all cousins! Next month, more on the George Bush bloodline, the
Knights Templars, the Priory de Sion, and the biggest secret of Freemasonry
revealed! FAMC








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