-Caveat Lector-

> From: Hilary A. Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [InTheShadows] Cancer study into artificial sweetener
> Date: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 9:56 AM
> From: "Hilary A. Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Tuesday, August 3, 1999 Published at 13:07 GMT 14:07 UK
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_410000/410913.stm
> Cancer study into artificial sweetener
> Many soft drinks contain aspartame
> Scientists are to study whether an artificial sweetener used in popular
> diet drinks is linked to an increased risk of malignant brain tumours.
> Researchers from King's College, south London, will spend the next three
> years scrutinising the effect of the sweetener aspartame, marketed under
> the name NutraSweet.
> Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than normal sugar. It is used in many
> low-calorie and no-calorie drinks.
> The research was welcomed by NutraSweet, which said there was
> scientific evidence" to prove the product was safe.
> The study will look at whether people with certain genetic make-ups are
> susceptible to methanol, a compound in aspartame which some research has
> suggested can attack DNA and cause cells to mutate and cause cancer.
> Neurochemist Dr Peter Nunn, who is heading the study, said: "Primary
> tumours are of considerable interest to everybody because the cause of
> is not known.
> "Some studies have shown there to be a link between aspartame and primary
> brain tumours, and some studies have shown there to be no link.
> "This study does not set out to rubbish aspartame. It is a serious study
> into whether people with certain genes are more susceptible to these
> compounds than others."
> The study will look at whether cells of certain tumours react to
> 'Claims dismissed as scare-mongering'
> A statement from NutraSweet AG said: "There is already an overwhelming
> amount of scientific evidence which confirms the safety of aspartame, but
> scare-mongerers have continued to claim that aspartame is linked to brain
> tumours.
> "We have no doubt whatsoever that provided the study is well-designed and
> well-conducted, it will show that there is no such link.
> "The study will therefore provide a further opportunity to put these
> groundless rumours to rest."
> The statement went on: "It is physiologically impossible for aspartame to
> cause brain tumours because it never enters the bloodstream and thus
> travel to essential organs, including the brain."
> Aspartame was invented in 1965 but has only taken hold in Britain in the
> last decade.
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