-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: SkeptiChat list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Che Monro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Ave Pluto,
>Thanks for your tablet dated III December, sorry it's taken me so long to
>get back to you - what with all these orgies, chariot races, games and
>slave revolts going on, it's difficult for a man to keep his attention from
>By Jupiter tho, this millennia changeover thingy is causing quite a stink,
>isn't it? In Judea they're predicting bloody revolts, new stars in the
>heavens, the appearance of a messiah - all the usual religious hysteria -
>makes you glad to be a pagan, don't it?
>Personally I think you've underestimated the numerical complexity of it all
>tho, Pluto old boy. 'Course maths never was your strong suit, was it - I
>remember when we were at the gymnasium together with old Fatty... Ah, but I
>mustn't digress...
>What worries me is that our Roman number system has no way of writing
>nothing! How are we even going to represent the gods cursed thing? We can't
>even use X - that means ten! Think about it, how will the barbarians
>respond to an imperial proclamation like this?
>In the year nothing, word came down from Lord Caesar Augustus that all the
>world should be taxed...
>It's laughable!
>Mark my words, we've got ourselves into a bind on this one - it'll all end
>in tears. Personally I think we should move the seat of empire to
>Alexandria. The Egyptians have been measuring time for over VI thousand
>years, and they don't show any signs of stopping anytime soon? But do they
>listen to me? Oh no! Typical!
>Well, I must go now. I just bought a new Persian slave girl, and the little
>thing is unbelievably saucy. You wouldn't imagine some of the tricks these
>barbarians... Ah, but I digress again.
>At 11:06 AM 15/1/99 -0700, ANNETTE LYNN SPENCE wrote:
>>>                  SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE
>>>While browsing through material in the recesses of the Roman
>>>Section of the British Museum, a researcher recently came across
>>>a tattered bit of parchment. After some effort he translated it
>>>and found it was a letter from a man called Plutonius with the
>>>title of "magister factorium," or keeper of the calendar, to one
>>>Cassius. It was dated, strangely enough, 2 BC, December 3 --
>>>about 2,000 years ago. The text of the message follows:
>>>Dear Cassius: Are you still working on the Y zero K problem? The
>>>change from BC to AD is giving us a lot of headaches and we
>>>haven't much time left. I don't know how people will cope with
>>>working the wrong way around. Having been working happily
>>>downward forever, now we have to start thinking upward. You
>>>would think that someone would have thought of it earlier and not
>>>left it to us to sort it all out at the last minute.
>>>I spoke to Caesar the other evening. He was livid that Julius
>>>hadn't done something about it when he was sorting out the
>>>calendar. He said he could see why Brutus had turned nasty. We
>>>called in the consulting astrologers, but they simply said that
>>>continuing downwards using minus BC won't work. As usual, the
>>>consultants charged a fortune for doing nothing useful.
>>>As for myself, I just can't see the sand in an hourglass flowing
>>>upward. We have heard that there are three wise men in the East
>>>who have been working on the problem, but unfortunately they
>>>won't arrive until it's all over. Some say the world will cease
>>>to exist at the moment of transition.
>>>We're continuing to work on the Y zero K problem and I'll send
>>>you a parchment if anything develops. Best regards, Plutonius
>>>                    *    *    *    *    *
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