-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Skinny 
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 14:11
Subject: [ctrl] Gore's Globaloney+Rothschild Global Warming Handbook 
Accompanies Hyped 7/7 Live Earth Concert

Rothschild Global Warming Handbook Accompanies Hyped 7/7 Live Earth Concert

'Efforts to hype the 7/7 Live Earth global warming concert have gone so far as 
to include an official companion, The Live Earth Global Warming Survival 
Handbook -- all the more interesting because it is written by David de 
Rothschild. David Mayer de Rothschild is the youngest child (born 1978) of Sir 
Evelyn de Rothschild, of the British wing of the Rothschild banking family.' 
Global warming is caused by increased radiation from the SUN, not human-created 
carbon dioxide. 
Read more ... 

Gore's Globaloney 
'In an article published in Madison, Wisconsin's The Capital Times and posted 
on their website June 18, 2007, Samara Kalk Derby writes: "Reid Bryson, known 
as the father of scientific climatology, considers global warming a bunch of 

The UW-Madison professor emeritus, who stands against the scientific consensus 
on this issue, is referred to as a global warming skeptic. But he is not 
skeptical that global warming exists, he is just doubtful that humans are the 
cause of it." And clearly, therefore, if we are not the cause, we cannot effect 
a solution!' 
Read more ...  

Rothschild Global Warming Handbook Accompanies Hyped 7/7 Live Earth Concert

Efforts to hype the 7/7 Live Earth global warming concert have gone so far as 
to include an official companion, The Live Earth Global Warming Survival 
Handbook-- all the more interesting because it is written by David de 

David Mayer de Rothschild is the youngest child (born 1978) of Sir Evelyn de 
Rothschild, of the British wing of the Rothschild banking family.

A brief video interview with Rothschild about the book appears here.

>From Wikipedia: David de Rothschild, founded Adventure Ecology whose stated 
>goal is to promote a greater connection with the natural world through a 
>series of high profile expeditions. The first mission in the series 'Top of 
>the world' Mission 1 expedition began on March 4, 2006.

While David de Rothschild endures his extreme sports adventure series in the 
name of global warming, his 77 Essential Skills to Stop Climate Changes calls 
for ordinary people to limit outward behavior and even work at home. As Brendan 
O'Neill put it in his article The Planet's Burning. Let's Party!:

  The most irritating thing about this book is that it is based, not on 
scientific investigation, but on the quarterlife crisis of some long-haired 
middle-class rich boy. The author is David de Rothschild - 

  and yes, he's a member of the super-wealthy Rothschild banking family. These 
are the kind of people now telling the rest of us to live in little houses and 
wear £5 jumpers.

Via green solutions, the son of the prestigious banking family also advocates 
online banking and perhaps a cashless society (for the environment). He also 
promotes the green chic of compact cities and urban living. 

  Gore's Globaloney

  By Ted Lang
  Exclusive to Rense.com

          It is entirely possible that there are some folks in these here 
United States who are not aware of and have not been exposed to the rapidly 
mounting evidence concerning the efforts of the secret cabal of globalist 
international bankers, corporatists, and media tycoons, all part of a global 
elite, who are in the extended planning and execution stages of creating a one 
global government "New World Order." It would be astonishing if there were 
Americans who are still not aware of this plan to abolish our national 
heritage, negate all cultures and customs both here and abroad,  and suppress 
religions and any and all other means of public expression in order to 
homogenize all under the control of one world global police state.

          Any and all education the public is able to acquire will come only 
from the alternate media on the Internet, the latter rapidly transforming 
itself into the only viable and available journalistic source of truth and 
honest reporting. The mass media, or the mainstream establishment corporate 
media [MSM], serve now only as propaganda tools to support global government 
and the current criminal American regime dedicated to this global end. The 
criminal Bush regime's efforts in its participation to this treasonous end has 
been exposed by their dissolving our border with Mexico, the attempt to 
legalize illegal aliens from that foreign state, their secretive efforts in the 
unconstitutional design and implementation of a "North American Union," and the 
unlawful imprisonment of US Border Patrol personnel for doing their jobs and 
protecting our borders. 

          MSM propaganda is, therefore, unnecessary to sway or convince even 
the highest elements of "American" government to embrace the NWO; "our 
government" is already heavily committed to this end and on board. But the 
American people have spoken out against the criminal Bush regime in the 
November 2006 midterm elections; they have spoken out against Bush, "Madman" 
McCain and Ted Kennedy's Senate Amnesty Bill. And then there's the 9/11 truth 
movements, and the impeachment organizations, and the anti-war groups. Imagine 
if these could all be brought together under one opposition party. And if you 
cannot imagine it, then be assured that the globalists can. And their attempt 
to get the American people on board via MSM propaganda is also hitting a rock. 
Their latest propaganda initiative is, of course, the "Global Warming" hoax. 

          Panic and terror are the means to implement the New World Order. 
Terror can be induced in a society by the governmental hogwash and nonsense of 
uncovered and government-prevented terrorist plots. Thank God for our wondrous 
government that continues to save lives and rescues US from dangerous 
terrorists. But as the criminal Bush regime's successful inside job of 9/11 
demonstrates, the only real terrorist acts are committed by the elements of 
one's own government. The government orchestrated terrorist hoaxes of the "JFK 
Airport Plot" and the "Fort Dix Plots" are just examples of the situation 
comedies perpetrated by our government to scare US into submission, trash our 
Constitution, and cling to Big Brother/Big Mother government. Plots such as 
these are commonplace, and usually perpetrated by incompetents that can more 
accurately be described as zany clowns and anti-social loose cannons. And such 
plots occurred just as frequently before 9/11 as they did after that 
government-orchestrated event.

          "Global Warming" is yet another outrageous hoax being perpetrated by 
the globalists to create panic and terror among the populations of nations in 
order to justify unjust laws and consequences legitimized by the legislative 
and executive actions of uninformed, ignorant and bribe-taking politicians. And 
even if global warming was a truly scientific phenomenon, it would never 
succumb or be rectified by human action. Simply comparing the human condition 
to its effect on the entire planet is to launch an anti-God irreverence and 
human arrogance that can only be described as hideously astonishing.

          Three quarters of our planet is ocean. We, the human species, inhabit 
only a quarter of the globe on land. Considering uninhabitable portions of the 
land mass, such as jungles and the massive deserts, we are basically an 
invisible film on the land surfaces of the planet. Comparing astronomical 
sizes, Earth is roughly the size of a copper BB next to the comparable size of 
a basketball that is our Sun. What effect can invisible scum occupying much 
less than one quarter the size of a BB have upon our solar system? Even if 
madman Cheney launches World War III by attacking Iran with nuclear weapons, 
that will produce virtually the same no-effect on either Earth or our solar 
system. Humanity might be wiped out, but it will have little effect upon our 

          The problem with the global warming theory is that it sees Man's 
involvement not only as a factor, but as a major factor. That's pure nonsense! 
Even without any modicum of scientific critique, this loony theory should be 
dismissed as a hoax just on the basis of ordinary common sense. It is a 
"theory" engineered and manufactured to denigrate American industrial might in 
order to set US back to a Third World Status. It should be classified within 
that same genre of misguided political ventures of Third World anti-Americanism 
as GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the North American Union.

          On the other hand, the theory of "climate change" is indeed viable, 
not only because it is easily provable, but because it is also relatively easy 
to understand. Its key identifier is indeed the operative word "change." In 
places where it was once very hot, it is now becoming very cold. Where once 
there was an abundance of water and rain, there now exists unusual aridity and 
little or no rain. My own observations here in New Jersey are easily arrived 
at: for the last several days, the temperature in both the early mornings and 
evenings were at about 50 degrees. This morning, the temperature at 6:00 a.m. 
EST was a chilling 42 degrees Fahrenheit! This is insane! The normal 
temperature here around the Fourth of July would put temperatures in a range 
from of at least 70 to 80 degrees at dawn and dusk, and at least from 90 to 100 
degrees at high noon. It has been really very cool; but last week, we had two 
hot days nearing the 90s. At dusk on both days, we had super violent 
thunderstorms that quickly returned us to cool temperatures. These storms were 
also rare occurrences, coming as they did back-to-back. 

          I am not foolish enough to use these observations or my brief 
existence on Earth as prima facie evidence that climate change is happening. 
One human lifetime during the entire meteorological and geophysical history of 
our planet and solar system are totally and completely irrelevant. How arrogant 
it is for any human being to step up and proclaim either a global warming or 
freezing trend. And the same global windbags who are now proclaiming global 
warming are the same morons who proclaimed global freezing a few years back.  

More- http://rense.com/general77/global.htm

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