-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
From: sallie
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: 300,000 Salvadorans CAN STAY -- BUSH -- Treason!

Thanks Betty,
That's a very interesting story, thanks for sharing and bringing that to my attention.  Canada is also very socialistic. 
It seems whatever happens in the UK, it moves to Australia, then Canada, then here i.e.: abolishing juries and double jeopardy, removing the Magna Carta and revoking Habeas Corpus, etc. while Bush pushes UNESCO.  There's a Congressional vote tomorrow, and everyone should call their Congressman today, and stop it.  Also, all the Illuminati (started in Germany) Globalist world and corporate leaders are meeting at the Bohemian Grove tomorrow (a Satanic event where they worship Moloch).
It's all NWO=Globalism Bush Sr.'s dream mentioned in many of his speeches, as well as Hitler's -- It's scary!
In 1979, when I was visiting the former DDR (E. Germany).  We were in Guben 30-40 KM from Rattenow, and my friend's very elderly mother was in an absolute panic to get back to vote that day, even though her vote didn't count for anything but which communist she'd vote for.  Would they put her in jail if she didn't vote -- probably. 
They have already abrogated our Constitution with the Patriot Act 1, and Patriot Act 2 which is the very definition of fascism.  Our government has learn from all the mistakes of the Nazis, as they bring us into infallible fascism.  It's all being done surreptitiously and incrementally with Americans none the wiser, and are being told it's for our safety.  The same thing Hitler did when he trashed the German Constitution, and initiated under his Enabling Act (our Homeland Security Act), having nothing to do with safety or terrorism, and has been predicted, planned for years, and in progress, as Bush tries to disarm us. -- It's for control.
Communism is when government merges with the private sector, but the state owns the corporations. 
Fascism is when government merges with the private sector, and the corporations are privately owned, but are controlled by the government.  
That's where we are today in America i.e. Banking, GM foods, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Media, and even put mandatory RDIF chips in clothing and products to track and trace us.

"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."  -- President Dwight Eisenhower, January 1961.  

Paul David Collins, author of The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, >From Antiquity to September 11This book raises serious questions about the contentions of self-appointed terrorist experts that populate orthodox academia.  http://www.4acloserlook.com/  The interviews below with this researcher are extremely important!
7/05/03: Interview with Paul David Collins - Michael Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/070503a-collins.ram
7/12/03A: Interview with Paul David Collins - Michael Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/071203a-collins.ram
7/12/03B: Interview with Paul David Collins - Michael Corbin http://www.4acloserlook.com/realaudio/071203b-collins.ram
Michael Corbin is great and on every Saturday on Genesis  www.gcnlive.com/hosts.htm or streaming at  www.4acloserlook.com/

The CIA originally set up by former OSS who came over under Truman who works for the CFR.  They  will assist the their military-industrial complex and media moguls to bring it about.  9-11 was the beginning of the first Coup against the American public having a massive impact by their CIA assets, and will be followed by more NBC = nuclear, biological, or chemical events to gain even more control.  The next staged event will only be bigger and will involve more people, more death, more destruction, and even greater devastation.  Terrorism will now be continuously with us for generations, and why there will perpetual war for perpetual peace, just as Cheyne told us, and we will not see peace in our lifetime -- War is just a government program!  We are spending ourselves into the poorhouse.  Iraq is costing us $3 billion a month, which we can't afford, while we have huge unemployment, and cuts in domestic programs, as we continue to loose our troops at 1+ a day (already 1/2 the amount lost in Gulf 1) and the war has just begun.  Bush lied and people died!  Follow the money!  They have neutralized the good Conservatives by using the Neo-Cons.

"The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, The Trilateral Commission founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years.  They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." -- Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner. 
This is why I believe Bush will "start another war to remain in power," and he is deliberately antagonizing our enemies to attack us.  In two years the bill before Congress allowing unlimited terms in the office of the Presidency, could become effective, and why we must impeach him now before he gets a foothold in that office, and becomes the next world dictator.  Or perhaps they will use PC voting machines to change the vote by satellite, as easily as it charges our credit card for purchases by GPS, in which case we'll be in a dictatorship too.  www.votetoimpeach.org
PS: Thanks for all your great articles on News With Views  http://www.newswithviews.com/Betty/Freauf33.htm
BCC: friends

----- Original Message -----
From: <Betty Freauf>
To: "sallie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: 300,000 Salvadorans CAN STAY -- BUSH -- Treason!

Mandatory voting is NOT just done in third world countries. My husband and I were in Perth, Western Australia in 1990 and I saw a man with a briefcase going to visit some people who had just moved into the neighborhood. What was he doing? He was getting them registered to vote because it is MANDATORY in Australia too. I don't know what the consequences are if they fail to vote but I do know it is MANDATORY but while there, we also got to sit in on their government proceedings -- whigs and all... Their govt. is closed to their people but we happened to know someone who pulled a few strings. We later met with one of their assemblyman in their pub. An interesting conversation. But they are all socialist to the core so it matters not whether they must vote or not, it's simply a matter of voting for twiddle dee or twiddle dum (sorta like in our country, huh?).

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