-Caveat Lector-

Yikes!  I hope this is propaganda!
-----Original Message-----
Newsgroups: alt.culture.saudi,soc.culture.bangladesh,alt.conspiracy
Date: Thursday, April 08, 1999 2:03 PM
Subject: Child Slaves & Sadism in Arabia

Child Slaves & Sadism in Arabia:  In United Arab Emirates [Dubai/Abu Dhabi]
there is a popular pastime of racing camels. The camels have one jockey
sitting on top of them, and a small Pakistani boy tied low on the right hand
side, just behind the jockey. The jockey uses the live Pakistani child to
create shrill screams so that the camel runs faster. This is accomplished by
the jockey lashing the boy with a cane and then when the boy starts to
like a scared animal, the camel is also scared and runs fast. All this is
watched by a disconcerned audience sitting away on a stand, and they are all
interested only in the outcome of their camel race.  The Pakistani children
are bought in Pakistan by "exporters" working for the Arabs at the going
of Rs. 20,000 per boy, equivalent to U.S. $ 400. They buy any boy aged 6 to
12 years, preferring ordinary boys from poor, neglected, helpless family
environments, so that nobody comes to ask about their whereabouts once they
have been physically assaulted and killed by their Arab owners. Since this
a business, where money is to be made, the child-traders are from the
Balouchi, the Pakhtoon, and the Panjabi communities. The Panjabi community
the dominant money people in Pakistani culture and control all policies and
habits.  Once a contingent of the children arrives the children are taken to
a wash place and washed and given new clothing. Then, they are taken to
residences and put to rest in rooms. Later, at night, when they are
they are visited by hordes of Arabs who choose their quarry for the night,
and subject the children to homosexual sex. This on occasion is brought to
the attention of the local police but the local police does not think it is
anything worth bothering. Nothing actually happens in the territory, and the
police does not want to bother with any purpose. The weather is dry and hot,
and the mind is careless.  Not surprisingly, it is not unusual in Arab
society to physically attack or punish a live human being who is poor and
helpless. In Pakistani society there is a masochistic need among certain
types of people to physically beat children and poor helpless people. The
society is so aware of this type of person they immediately shut down in
front of any "officer" of the governing class, or any "landowner/landlord"
type they encounter, because the ordinary public can be suddenly attacked
injured by a puncher gang that these ruling people keep for the purpose of
establishing territorial and subjectorial rule.  Arabs quote in no uncertain
terms their right to have "slaves" given to them by God, and to have sex
them.  If a slave runs away from the "master" he or she is  to be hounded,
and attacked and killed as soon as found out. In Heaven, these Arabs are
promised beautiful looking boys. So, being an attacker-gay is not a crime in
their view.  In the towns of AL-Khobar and Dammam, young Pakistani girls
poor families were brought in to tutor and teach at a Pakistani Community
School. They were given lowest salaries and harassed and molested. The
of this project is Malik Abbas and his cohort the Pakistani Ambassador to
Saudi Arabia.  In Saudi, a white foreigner will make a salary like US $ 5000
per month, but an Asian will get US $ 300 per month for the same job.
the salary scale of Pakistanis and Arabs was same, it was lessened
considerably for the Pakistanis by the decision of the Pakistani ambassador.
Now, virtually all Pakistani workers live in barracks like animals and have
to behave like slaves. An Arab or a Pakistani will also say that God made
diamonds and rubies and money and gives to those He likes, and the poor He
dislikes and so keeps them that way. A God who designed Jupiter, Saturn and
the whole wide Universe has no purpose being involved in human monetary
system and economic crimes. The economic system is created by groups of
beings who are mostly gangsters.  In religious practice, anybody who brought
any technical training for cleansing of character is stopped, thus the
religion exists only as a dogma and does not offer any education. If you
all the books by the Wahabi sect you will come out believing that there is
God, since towards the end they do not allow anyone any prayer or  asking
from God for any help as they declare that God does not exist and will show
Himself only at the Day of Judgment.  The biggest joy in the heart of an
is to see someone who spoke truth die in front of him.So, these people
sometimes brutally attack a servant maid girl from Pakistan, or far-east
Asia, and a horde of them fuck her for days, until they have had their fill
and want to create another type of incident. Their pride surges forward as
they logically arrive at another idea. They take the girl to an isolated
surrounding outside Dammam, Saudi Arabia, or similar outskirts in United
Emirates or Kuwait, and then throw her to the ground. They judge their
position and the girl's right and position. An evil smile appears on the
faces of each of them, from grandfather to son, all gathered around this
girl, a live human being, far from home, and she hoping they would take her
to the airport and let her go back to her country. The judgment becomes that
she qualifies as a slave only, so it was okay to assault and rape her. But,
since so many guys did her for a fortnight she must have had some orgasms
with all that hard penetrations, so this looks like she took part in a zina
[sexual act], and enjoyed it. Thus, she qualifies as one who must be
for committing a sin.  And, with that logic, they take out silver pistols
shoot the girl in a frantic manner, until she is a bundle on the ground and
is declared gone from this world. This is the true and authentic face of the
Arab world. Two nations famous for establishing slavery in the modern world
in the past few centuries are the Europeans [mainly the Dutch], and the
Arabs. With no chance for young men to meet or even see a young girl, the
Arab man is a animal who has justified strange acts for himself.  Since,
putting dick into a girl's pussy is considered a sin, they decide to put
their dicks  into the anus of any girl. But then, that cannot happen since
technically you can never physically meet a girl for such an act, unless she
happens to be a close relative, a sister, or a servant.  Usually, they come
to another plan.  They allow child-butt.  Kidnapping some small boy when he
is walking alone in the neighborhood, then quickly taking him to an isolated
construction site or a men's room, where other guys are also waiting to take
part in the work. A few slaps and punches to the boy, with they saying to
boy that they will kill the boy's father or brother, etc. The gang rape
quickly starts. Afterwards, the boy is taken back to the place where they
picked him up, or they leave him somewhere near his home. The parents may
become aware of something fishy, but they are bluntly met, assualted and
warned. Legally, to the Arab society child-butt is okay because it is not a
rape act and no virginity of any girl was molested.  In Pakistan, after
finding out that there was no legal way for the very poor to have sex no
matter what, a maulvi [religious teacher] came up with his own scientific
diagnosis and application. He declared legal for people to penetrate their
actual sister in the anus. This way there would be no "rape" as the sister
would remain a virgin in the pussy, but a man could achieve an orgasm and an
ejaculation which is thoroughly denied to him in the society. Please note
that masturbation is a crime, also. In Arab lands, if you spend more than
four minutes in a toilet somebody can come over and arrest you in suspicion
that you are in there playing with your peepee.  A new culture among
Pakistani women, and young girls, is to "marry the Quran". This is a
mentality established by the maulvi culture. If you happened to marry a girl
from such a background, you better open up a madressa in the house as well,
capitalize on the situation,  and make some money, as there is nothing else
to do because sex is completely and absolutely denied to the husband.  If
husband wants to talk in logic and sense, he is told  that using logic is
habit of Jews, so do the opposite. Since she is not without her "gang", she
can really fuck you and get your arms and legs broken in an assault by
people who will visit the gate of your home and then completely come inside
the house, in order to discuss your irregular habits and your behavior with
the girl [your wife, but actually a member of their community]. There is no
privacy in muslim lands. Everything is run like a family affair and like in
forced cult.  There is a new breed of youth growing up of age in the
countries of north Africa, the Arabian peninsula and Iran, Afghanistan and
Pakistan, that is secretly of the belief and suspicion that the religion is
designed to terrify the young and keep them in a state of servility until
their youth time has gone.  The thought in these new muslim girls is such
that you be forewarned, for instance,  that you cannot have sex with the
lights on. The girls do not allow you to fuck them with horniness, because
sex is mayoob [cursed] and is only done for making children. She will also
take note if you look at her ass, and she will not allow you to look at her
"shame" places. You cannot watch  an x-rated movie with  the wife [for
example, in order to improve your horniness], but you can watch a gay-movie
with the wife because in a gay movie there was no pussy being penetrated.
is thought of as an act of interest to Eunuchs. Many girls are told at the
religious institutions that marriage has no purpose and only prayer can
them forgiveness [at age 13?, from what?]. Now this may sound like medeivel
Catholicness from some Margaret Attwood novel, but these people arrived at
from their own desire, habits, and ingenuity. This system whose history and
characteristics are given above is represented by the Arab organisation ISNA
and the Pakistani organisation ICNA in the United States of America,but the
U.S. Bill of Rights will hopefully bring these organisations to end their
work on the territory of America. These organisations have headquarters in
Illinois, and many centers in Santa Clara county in Northern Californa, in
Houston, Dallas, Austin, Los Angeles, Chicago,Manhattan and Queens [New York
City], Silver Springs [Maryland], on Massachusetts Ave in Washington DC,
Diego, UC-Santa Barbara, New Jersey, etc. If you are interested in
investigating further, you can search thru the phone book wherever their
"islamic centers" are located [also known as MCA or "muslim community
association"]. These centers are all financially owned by ISNA, an
organisation of Palestinians who have used gangster tactics to take over
almost all the centers throughout USA and combine them under their command,
so that one day the entire country of United States of America can be
suddenly attacked and abolished, as is their dream and written in their

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