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Committee 'biased towards bio-firms'

By Andrew Mullins and Fran Abrams

Members of the Government committee that advises ministers on
genetically modified food are so deeply involved in genetic research
that they are unlikely to question it, a member of the committee said
last night.

Several members of the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
have links to the biotechnology companies, while others are academics
researching the subject.

Kate Venables, a senior lecturer at the National Heart and Lung
Foundation, who was appointed to the committee in May last year, said
its remit was too narrow for it to address public concerns.
"Scientists who are desperately excited by the idea of genetic
modification are not going to be deflected from this as an interesting
and exiting research tool.

"If companies have put millions of pounds into research of something
or other then I suspect the Government is going to listen to them.
Wouldn't you?" she asked.

She was backed by other experts. Julie Shephard, of the Consumers'
Association, was nominated by three organisations for a place on the
committee but was rejected. There have been rumours that she was ruled
out because of her sceptical views on the subject.

"I would not dream of accusing anybody of acting for improper reasons
because of links with commercial interests. I don't think that
happens. But I do think it happens in a more subtle way. You are
hardly likely to question the fundamental assumptions about its safety
if it would mean questioning your whole career," she said.

With political pressure mounting from biotechnology firms including
the American corporation Monsanto, the Downing Street policy unit is
now arguing that the spread of the foods in Britain is inevitable.

The view of Liz Lloyd, who has responsibility for the subject in the
unit and who met Monsanto representatives last year, was apparent when
Tony Blair ruled out a moratorium on the crops at Prime Minister's
Questions on Wednesday.

The only minister who has continued to argue for a moratorium, Michael
Meacher, looks increasingly isolated on the subject.

The pressure for full-scale production of the crops is not just coming
from companies within Britain, though. As reported in The Independent
on Sunday last year, President Bill Clinton phoned Mr Blair to argue
that Britain should accept genetically modified food.



                               *  The Activist  *
 This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
     It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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