-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: David Wilcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:17 AM
Subject: ET Disclosure on Global Politics pt3

UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com

ET Disclosure on Global Politics,
Immediate Future Earth Changes and Ascension Events

-by David Wilcock et al.

Greetings, members of our growing global Internet family. The following
article is a collection of the most recent "Global" material that we have
received in my deep-trance psychic readings. It contains everything
pertinent in this category that was dictated from May 1, 1999 up to June
20, 1999.

The messages in this article are of an extremely urgent nature, as they
deal with a series of massive events that are going to unfold in the very
near future upon our planetary sphere. These events will dramatically,
permanently affect every living person on Earth. The key question is
exactly what these effects will be, and how to prepare yourself to reap the
positive benefits of what is about to happen.

Please remind yourself that I am not aware of the vast majority of the
content of what is being said in these readings until I transcribe the
tapes myself. Therefore, these readings are as much of a puzzle and
surprise to me as they are to anyone else; I simply make myself available
for them to come through me. Over the last three years I have learned to
tune myself into a very deep trance that allows the information to come
through unfiltered, without any significant distortions.

This purity of contact lends itself to highly accurate future prophecies
and strange sentence structures and wordings, since my conscious mind does
not distort the results that I receive. The forces responsible for these
words have full access to the "probability vortexes" for our own future, so
we must always look ahead for the events that they prophesy, as they have
proven their accuracy on an ongoing basis. All of this work has been
fastidiously documented, and soon we will have the entire 3000-page catalog
of readings and dreams available in archive form on the ascension2000.com

This is actually the third major article in a series that has been posted
on the website about the current negativity and wars on the planet and how
they might trigger a land shift on Earth. We will see how the forces were
scanning the situations surrounding the Kosovo crisis, and how the
prediction was made in a dream of Milosevic's imminent surrender. We will
also see the continually developing idea that the Ascension itself will
happen only moments before these mega-Earth Changes get started.

We have increasing reasons to believe that the time period of the Aug. 11,
1999 solar eclipse / Grand Cross conjunction could act as a "trigger-point"
for these changes, and therefore for the Ascension as well. A Nostradamus
reading from the 1500's suggests that the land shift / Ascension event
itself might not occur until two months after this conjunction, in October.
A recent article about this reading is also on the ascension2000.com

The Ascension we are speaking of is a fundamental raising of the personal
vibrations of many people to a higher level of frequency, actually
rendering them invisible to those remaining in the third dimension. I have
written a massive, 300-page "tour de force" about this from the scientific
perspective, entitled Convergence. This book may be downloaded and read
free of charge on my website, www.ascension2000.com. I have received many
Emails from people who say that Convergence is "the best book they have
ever read," "completely redefining everything they understand and believe
about their lives on Earth."

As time continues to tick forward, we may or may not see events occur on
Aug.11 exactly. However, based on our scientific understanding of the
hyperdimensional physics at work in our galaxy and Solar System, we have
every reason to believe that this conjunction will significantly increase
the strength and power of the fourth-dimensional vibrations that are
streaming into the Earth and its inhabitants.

We will also see a reading in this article that explains that this eventual
burst of energy from the Galaxy's core will actually be physically visible
in our skies! This might possibly be related to the idea of a "Coronal Mass
Ejection" from the Sun, although it was not directly stated one way or the
other in the reading itself. [Note: I just saw "11:11" on the clock as I
reread this sentence. That is the exact time that the sun goes corona
during the Aug. 11 eclipse.]

So, what we can make from all this is that "at the last minute," we have
been able to figure out the hard science behind what is an eminently
spiritual event on Earth. Most people look at this Ascension in terms of
faith, and would not realize that it could actually be studied
scientifically. We believe that this work will attract a great deal more
attention once the first 'wave' of Ascension has passed, as once it has, a
full framework will be in place to explain exactly how and why it happened
when it did. Many people will simply never believe that something this
fantastic could be true until they have already missed the first major
event itself. And even then, they may still reserve doubt.

On the personal level, these are a set of readings that have come from the
Extraterrestrials responsible for the development of our planet throughout
the last 75,000 years. None of these scientific findings would have been
possible without their cooperation, and thus we can all thank them for
their tireless service to this planet. They present us with a simple
message: by striving to be at least 51-percent motivated towards service to
others and only 49-percent towards service to self, we too will be
vibrationally compatible with the Ascension vortex that is opening.

The experience that we will have as we go through this is too fantastic to
be expressed with human language at this time. In the introductory chapter
of "Convergence" we suggest some "training films" that can help you prepare
your imagination for what this might actually feel like.

Lastly, you can personally be of great assistance to us in this work by
booking yourself a "dream reading." This is a low-cost opportunity to
receive direct, personal messages from this same Source at a distance,
regarding your own personal spiritual issues, questions and concerns. The
"dream reading" gives you a same-day priority-mailed audiocassette
containing the deep-trance psychic reading itself, which works off of the
results of a full-length dream that is incubated about you and your life.
Please go to the very bottom of the www.ascension2000.com website for
further information, and the Email address that you will need to get the
ball rolling.

And now, let the readings begin. Remember that we now understand that the
Earth Change content does not physically apply to us if we will be

Friday 5 / 7 / 99 - 6:30 a.m.

The mountains will tremble when the fear looses violently upon the lands.
Since we have decided to use this as a resource, it will indeed resolve
many of the apparent contradictions that now exist in the global sense.

[Note: This is obviously a scary way to start, but let's keep it in

For just a few minutes, I had an idea. The concept of personal
self-integration demanded effort and sacrifice on a level far too massive
to be considered on the conscious level. [You are all] going beyond that
level, and thus there is always going to be another opportunity for change
and expansion thereafter.

[Note: The readings have often said that if "everything necessary" to
prepare the majority of us for Ascension happened all at once, we would be
"shocked at the severity of the occurrence." So, it says here that those
who do not Ascend will go through a layer of "effort and sacrifice" that
will be beyond the conscious level. This appears to be referring to Earth
Changes, and the overarching subconscious transformations that they can
produce in people.]

So, advancers led decliners by a two to one margin, and the New York Stock
Exchange [Industrial Average] was approximately 10,661.24.

[Note: This last sentence is obviously a "time-stamp" about the current
economic situation in the United States at the time this reading was done.
Obviously this booming growth is one of the "contradictions that now exist
in the global sense" that they are referring to here.]

Friday 5 / 14 / 99 - morning

DREAM: [As you read this, keep in mind that it is actually about the NATO
bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Kosovo.]

At the end here, we had this oceanfront area, and these rockets were coming
out of the sky. One of them hit me on the foot, and then another. They
didn't go off, whereas other missiles were. They were just little ones, so
it wasn't anything really bad, but it did hurt my foot. Right after the
rockets came, there were these really big tidal waves coming from the
ocean, and I was really worried that they were going to slam me up against
the wall. Even more interestingly, the tidal waves definitely had messages
on them that were written in bold Arial capital letters. Certain portions
of the message were actually highlighted in red, which made it that much
more poignant. Obviously, they had a very important "message."

[Note: We can see that this is about the deliberateness of the Chinese
embassy bombing, and also about the Earth Changes that could be triggered
if our governments continue in this path.]

I tried to complain to a military type guy about what had happened to me,
and he really didn't seem to care. That was very lame, actually, because
you expect at least a little bit of consideration in these matters. The
bomb guy had already started to pick up the missiles, and so you couldn't
trace them back to their source.

[Note: This was obviously about how NATO refused to acknowledge any
wrongdoing with their deliberate bombing of the Chinese embassy, and then
deliberately tried to cover up the whole thing.]


Down in the South, there are those people whose opportunities may seem very
limited. They do not necessarily understand the ways and means of skilled
labor, and the processes of farm transformation from mass production to
individual production. This is going to be one of the problems. The
humanitarian efforts needed will not be available.

[Note: This is obviously again warning us that there is not going to be
very much food once these changes hit town; it is certainly going to be a
very serious situation.]

Let's talk for a minute about the Kosovo crisis and China. In the dream
here, we want to illustrate the fact that all those who fight do not
represent the highest forces of good. There is a decidedly negative *
component to what is going on, as was just evidenced in the public by the
wholescale denial of the [deliberate] bombing of the embassy.

(* Synchronistically, a deafening jet noise outside halts dictation at this
very moment. I am near several military bases here in Virginia Beach.)

Tidal waves of change are indeed rolling in, and this has stirred up and
riled up the pot somewhat. Disaster breeds contempt, and now you have a
situation where the forces are indeed looking at this [war] as a means to
an end, as a way to accomplish objective goals that were made a very long
time ago in linear time terms, and have yet to reach their fruition in the
present moment.

[Note: So, what we are getting here is that the hidden, multinational
bankers supporting NATO have a goal of creating contempt in the Chinese
that will lead to war. This is part of the "objective goal" of the New
World Order that they seek to impart. The gamble is that they can actually
win a war against China, under the auspices of "He who has the most toys
wins." Furthermore, there is an indication of the increasing inevitability
of tidal waves and land shifts as a result of warlike actions like the
bombing. We can still change this prophecy by making progress towards Love
and Light as a civilization.]

So instead of walking away from a situation, failing to see the truest
import of these actions, it is important to look within. Recognize that the
missiles that attack you at the center are created by yourself, and can
indeed be easily deflected. Part of David's dream was to show the fact that
the missiles involved did not actually create any great harm or difficulty,
but rather helped to express how it is that this situation came about.

Sunday 5 / 23 / 99 - 4:49 a.m.

The audacity of the entire system is that it requires two times two in the
number of participants to make it work. There is something failing you in
the understanding of how this [war] has rekindled a long lost love that the
international bankers have been searching for.

It is important to recognize that the globalist agenda is felt to have
significance of a very profound nature, based on the existence of
extraterrestrial life and the need to present oneself to it. And thus,
similar to Manifest Destiny, these forces in your physical plane feel it
necessary to strive to conquer in order to bring about these matters.

[Note: So what the readings are referring here is the commonly held belief
that they have told our governments that we have to achieve world peace
before they will accept us into their Confederation. That puts the pressure
on our governments to try to stop various conflicts in the world. Here, the
readings are saying that the globalists have justified this war to
themselves by saying amongst themselves, "ET made us do it," when actually
they have an entirely different agenda behind these actions as well.]

And so, when someone in the car wishes to be in the spotlight, we find that
the others are forced to move aside temporarily as the Ego asserts itself.
We do want to assure you that the course is still steady and clear, and
thus do not be afraid by whatever transpires in the physical, as it is only
indicative of a much larger arena of spectators that watch and guide these
events. We cannot take away your free will, but we do have an enormous
number of resources available to us in order to produce change in your
environment. That should be something of significance to you.


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