-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: David Wilcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:17 AM
Subject: ET Disclosure on Global Politics pt3

UFOTruth - http://UFOTruth.listbot.com



I had some incredible telekinetic abilities in this dream, including the
ability to dig holes in some soil that looked like grain. I was only trying
to dig a nine inch deep hole, but I ended up using so much of my psychic
power that I vaporized all the grain, in what appeared to be like three of
the stalls in a barn. Then after that, they were filled up with something
else. Later on in the dream, I was actually able to recreate this food in
other places, as well as hammer in nails at a distance through focused

[Note: This portion certainly seems to be about food losses - entire giant
rooms of grain suddenly ceasing to be present, as well as the idea that
those Ascended could recreate them.]


The senate makes tougher laws on gun restrictions as a result of this whole
debacle. Meanwhile, the fish fillet continues to settle down into a new
predicament, and the oceans have been raped long enough; they cease to be
viable in the future long-term scenarios. That is yet another problem that
we face here and should not be ignored.

[Note: Another obvious statement about the imminent food shortage problems
that we face.]

Nor should the dividers that would settle up the lands amongst themselves
fail to realize that the clubhouse they are playing in is not impervious to
damage from outside forces such as ourselves, who would seek to right these
situations. So don't fret and fume about the politics that you see on the
Earth, as the focus, as always, is upon your own spiritual growth,
enlightenment and Ascension.

[Note: Again, the forces are saying that even now that the war is over,
there may still be Earth Changes in the Balkans "to right these situations"
if they become too warlike or greedy. We have already seen an earthquake in
Kosovo right in the middle of the war, as well as the almost constant bad
weather that NATO had to contend with during their bombing campaign.]

We can say that the y2k collapse will indeed be of the ice storm variety,
relative to the listing in the article that David has recently seen.
Bearing that in mind, it is important to continue to prepare your food
supplies, as we have always noted. Most importantly are to store the brown
rice and dried beans in large 50-pound bags.

[Note: The article they are referring to was on the Sightings website, and
was supposedly the results of a Department of the Navy / DIA think-tank on
the y2k situation. They classified the possibilities of social problems
into four main categories:

1. Tornadoes - Short-term disasters in small, isolated areas.
2. Hurricanes - Short-term disasters in larger areas.
3. Floods - Long-term disasters in large areas.
4. Ice Storm - Long-term disasters throughout the entire national

Obviously, the message being given to us here by the readings is to be
prepared. However, the further implications are that many of those who will
Ascend might not be around for the brunt of these disasters and land
shifts. We should still prepare as though we will be around for them; if
not for ourselves than for others.]

The Amtrak train station is boarding its passengers as the vehicle into
higher realms now. And thus, as you do this, keep your focus on the
Ascension and on the validity of these experiences in our society. You will
notice that more and more, you are becoming a being of light, able
transcend the difficulties and hardships all around you. That was the point
of this dream this morning as well.

[Note: What they mean by this was that the telekinetic ability to hammer
nails at a distance to build new houses, and also the ability make food and
water disappear and reappear are the Christlike abilities of a person who
has Ascended.]

D: I also just again cued on "Taepo Dong Missile."

Wednesday 6 / 16 / 99 - 4:34 a.m.

The world inbreeds the more that time goes on. Even some of our most secure
sources revealed that knowledge to us. The human embryo develops in its sac
a little while longer, and we already know the outcome of that particular

[Note: The first sentence above seems quite similar to what was said by the
ET's who spoke through Betty Andreasson; namely that humankind would become
sterile. The second sentence about the developing embryo obviously has to
do with the Ascension / rebirth that we are waiting to see. It also has to
do with the genetic program of the Extraterrestrials to produce the bodies
we will inhabit in the new fourth dimensional Earth that we are all so
looking forward to becoming a part of.]

To keep a journal or diary on these utterances is quite good, and remind
yourself that when we have completed the mission, all failures will only be
seen in the Light of missed opportunities. The concern is that when others
are at risk in some way, for it to be your Biblical flood of Noah's
proportions or otherwise, that we have not been able to get out the word
quickly enough to warn the populace in such a manner. That is important.

[Note: Here they were speaking to allay my concerns that this material is
not reaching a wide enough level of readership.]

Thursday 6 / 17 / 99 - 9:21 a.m.


This morning's dream certainly had a lot of interesting qualities to it.
There was definitely a whole section where I was getting together with
someone who looked like Shirley Mc Laine, especially at the end. I knew
that she was from Russia. She typed something into the computer, and the
computer automatically inferred her nationality by her choice of
characters. There was a definite romantic vibe going on between us,
although it was still in the early stages at this point.

There was a whole earlier section that involved a discordant old friend of
mine, except that he was out in some really remote backwoods type of area.
There seemed to be a gun lying around that was heavy with black paint, but
it was actually rubbing off and you could see brass underneath. My mother
didn't want me to have anything to do with it but I ended up carrying it
with me. I just got the word "involuntarily." I did put the gun down at the

[Note: This dream appears to be about the military "romance" that was
forming between the United States / NATO and Russia. The content in the
reading backs up this idea. Russia is presented as Shirley Mac Laine, a
popular woman who was very public about her psychic abilities. This could
be a statement about the mysterious ambiance that Russia has created around

The vice president looks at this as being partly his own authorship, while
not realizing that he is completely naked. The interim period decides the
next victor.

[Note: Based on the dream context, these above sentences seem to be about
the military alliance between the United States (NATO) and Russia. The idea
of the US being "completely naked" is interesting, as is the idea that "the
interim period decides the next victor." This story certainly is not over
yet, and the readings imply that further military conflicts might yet take
place. NATO is certainly not impervious to further Russian military

We have come allying ourselves with those highest forces of Love and Light
to insure that no one is harmed further than necessary. In the event that a
special staged appearance does occur, we have all the contingencies with
women in place to make them back down. The women we speak of are those
angelic entities of Light who can mediate in conflicts through means
direct, and obviously more indirect as well.

[Note: This paragraph builds upon the idea of a military alliance between
the United States and Russia that might again turn to bitter warfare. It
seems to be saying that the forces will do everything they can to stop a
larger war (or "special staged appearance") from taking place. These direct
interventions may be referring to contacts between the Extraterrestrials
and the world governments, as well as the possible threat of Earth Changes
if they do not stop their aggressions.]

This whole thing is about furnishing the house with new sets of equipment,
discharging old penances and realizing never before seen opportunities,
even in the midst of the most adverse circumstances. Think about it. When
we all begin applying ourselves to the basic laws and principles of the Law
of One, then no longer must we focus our attention on the hill that is
before us, as we have indeed already climbed the mountain, so to speak.

[Note: The dream metaphor of a house is the environment in which we live.
So, furnishing our "house" with new sets of equipment has to do with
fundamentally changing the way we live and treat each other into a more
positive, loving framework.]

The least persuasive argument for change is that without it, there will be
no further opportunity on your planet. While that might be true, we are
muttering to ourselves about the fact that the reasons for change are much
more severe than this.

When you look at it strictly from a higher-dimensional perspective, there
is a certain quantitative value of negative energy that exists on the
planetary sphere at present. This needs be counterbalanced, for as we move
closer and closer to the vernal point, or the conjunction of the solar
cycle that we have spoken of, there is then no further wiggle room, so to

As this energy continues to expand, it produces an increasing stress upon
the Global Grid mechanism of energetic vibrations. And this does then
directly create a host of internal stresses, the product of which is the
polar realignment at some distinctive point in linear time.

[Note: What we get from these paragraphs is that the more negativity we
create as a people, the more we speed up the advent of a magnetic pole
shift. The forces have repeatedly stated that this pole shift has to happen
in our near future. We can forestall its arrival and lower its severity by
remaining positive, loving God, other people and ourselves with equal

In order to redirect your thoughts, we scan the most immediate
circumstances that are likely to occur in your future. And with this
knowledge, we suit ourselves up with the forethought and the awareness that
you can be healed, that we can enact change within your life.

Higher and higher the chariot raises in the sky, and it will be seen by
all. The buildings will be smoking, the people will be crying, and at that
point it will already have been done. There will be other stages of it, of
course, but this is an important point.

[Note: What this paragraph says is that the Ascension will occur before the
Earth Changes, and the event will be surrounded with the advent of massive
UFO "Chariot" sightings that "will be seen by all." These ships might be
quite colossal in size as well, as according to Dr. Richard Boylan's recent
disclosures from NSA informant Dr. Wolf, there are at least three 'very
large objects' (mother ships) orbiting in our Solar System right now.

These objects have been photographed by SOHO and have been referred to as
"SunCruisers," since they have been seen to actually fly into the Sun. So,
the point is that those who have not Ascended will see the ships leaving
with those who just did. This has been stated at other points in the
readings as well.]

To make one's exit prematurely [or in other words, to commit suicide] would
not be wise, as this would impede the viewing of the proper situations in
question. However, on the other hand, we also know that it is much better
to wield a crucifix than it is to wield a sword. As the light and love of
the One Infinite Creator is reborn, likened to the Second Coming of Christ
within each entity, we can then see how it is that this change comes about.

[Note: I think the point of this paragraph is that if any person realizes
that they did not Ascend in the first wave and life gets very difficult,
they should definitely not kill themselves, as there will be multiple
"situations in question" to "view" in the future. Then, they go on to say
that it is not proper to have an aggressive, violent attitude towards
others in this "Mad Max" scenario. It will be far better to try to embody
the Christ Principle of service to others than to try to kill others, which
is obviously service to self, the negative polarity.]

Since those who have Ascended will return, and will have their master, so
to speak, you can indeed see a physical counterpart to the Second Coming of
Christ metaphor. There will indeed be these Christed beings who appear
before the angry multitudes and help to guide the way. We will try as best
as possible to make sure that everyone on your planet is able to see one.
Of course, due to all the crises, mass political movements and sudden
cataclysmic situations, these visitations would probably have ended up in
the mythological realm, had the human culture continued on Earth.

[Note: So, the point is that if you miss the first wave of Ascension and
are still on Earth, soon afterwards you will most likely see the return of
those who Ascended. Jesus was simply foretelling the future events that
would occur at the end of our most recent 25,000-year cycle when he made
these prophecies in the Bible. (See my book "Convergence" at
www.ascension2000.com for more information on these cycles.)]

We must again remind you of the fact that the third-density is cycling its
way out of existence to make way for the fourth-density. Within that
paradigm, it is important to see that those who inhabit the Earth will be
seen to change. We do not speak of this as happenstance or as possibility,
as to us it is as eventual as the turning of the tide or the dawning of a
new day. The validity in our arguments comes from the fact that we have
access to the intelligent currents of Light / Love energy that seek to make
themselves known when one is able to access the fifth density, or sphere of

[Note: The particulars of this "new breed" of humanity have been tackled in
other articles that are available to be read on the website, such as "The
Birth of the Christ Within."]

Within this density level, then, we see how it is that all others who have
fought and struggled to attain liberation are then able to master the
cosmic Internet, so to speak. As this knowledge translates down into your
physical sphere, it may indeed cause some resistance. We know that you
might never fully understand all the wisdom that there is to be gained in
the universe at this time, but that does not mean that we cannot give it to

The value of this information is priceless. Never before in your human
history has the veil between the "waking" and the "dead," so to speak, been
so thin. And of course, we are implying that you are the dead, and we are
the waking. You are dead to your own potential, dead to your own identity.
It is only through a very elaborate series of cooperative dreaming
exercises that your physical illusion exists as it does. It is rather
humorous for us to contemplate on the fact that everything around you is an
illusion, and that you have become so captivated with it that you have
completely forgotten that this is what it is.

So many of the events that you call 'Random' are actually scripted and
guided by Higher Intelligence that it would bring your mind to fathomless
depths to even be able to conceive of the level of planning and forethought
that is actually going on.

Cigar smokers indulge themselves after a new baby is born. Although we do
not smoke cigars, we do certainly look forward to the new delivery. We
eagerly await each of you coming before the Throne of the Divine and
signing your name on the parchment of Everlasting Life, as we have said.
You will then complete your obligation to the third density of bondage,
polarity, karma and suffering, and move forth into higher directions of
space and time. And with that, we remind you that you are being taken care
of, and that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. Peace
be with you in the Light of everlasting Love.

* * *

And with that, we conclude this article. More updates will continue as they
come in. Also, look for a new section that will be coming up on the
website, entitled "David's Personal Readings: Latest Updates." This
material builds off of the newly edited book of my life story, and the
continuing quest for self-perfection in the eyes of the One. No one has
received more attention from my readings then myself, as their main goal
was to get me to the point where I could live completely by their teachings
and be prepared for the highest level of growth at the time of Ascension.
Again, check with me if you would like us to produce a full-length reading
of your own.

I thank you for taking the time to read this article that we wrote, and
Peace be with you. See you in the Ascension.

-David Wilcock et al.


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