Dear Mr. Weeks,
    After reading your post on what is going to happen to America, I
forwarded it to a friend or two and asked for comments. The below post from
Ray is one of those comments.
    Now then, would you care to comment on what Ray said?

John Lee

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Earnest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [RMNEWS_DAILY_EMAILS] [Fwd: Danger in Israel and the Fall
of "Babylon"]

> There is much wrong with these scenarios.  First,
>   Israel is not a spit of desert land, but an idea
>   and a people, and always has been.  It is people
>   who make a nation, not land.  Read Genesis 22:18:
>   "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the
>    earth be blessed; because thou has obeyed my voice."
> Secondly, the descendants of the original Hittites,
>   Sumerians, and peoples of other names with whom the
>   original Israelites constantly warred (jews) are cur-
>   rent residents of this nation, in the numbers exce-
>   eding over one half of the world jew populations.  It
>   is the jew, and always has been the jew, representing
>   Satan, who has warred with we Israelites.  They will
>   finance, and thus control, any and all wars of anni-
>   hilation against Israel, and it is unthinkable that
>   they would destroy New York City, Miami, Florida, and
>   other sections of the nation where over half the jew
>   population of the world resides.
> Even though one group of jews massacring other groups is
>   nothing new, it is the source of wealth amongst them
>   that will control the targets of the "great" war.  Mat-
>   erialism is the lifeblood of the jew, and let's never
>   forget that.  It has always been "money," or the lust
>   for that drives them, even unto death, so we can't omit
>   this important factor when we determine their next move.
>   Lenin, Stalin, and ninety percent of all others in pow-
>   er during and after the Russian revolution were jews.
>   Many of Hitler's top generals and admirals were jews, so
>   we know their abilities and treachery against their own
>   kind; but...there has always been the lust for power,
>   which also represents materialism, behind the motives of
>   the jew, regardless of his "adopted" nationality and those
>   with whom they war. This inbred factor has always been his
>   downfall, being run out of all European nations because of
>   it, slaughteed by the tens of thousands because of it, and
>   the final and lasting slaughter to the last of them will
>   result because of it.
> If, and when, we see an exodus of jews from this nation in
>   large numbers, then we can start worrying about this coun-
>   try being the target of nuclear aimed missiles, and act
>   accordingly.  A jew is not only a piece of garbage, but
>   is an idea like Israel; one represents evil and the other
>   morality and thus God.  When the final battle is over one
>   will be the winner and take all, but we know that God is
>   forever, and cannot be destroyed, and we Israelites, being
>   a part of that God, cannot be destroyed entirely either.
>       Ray Earnest
> John Lee wrote:
> >
> > Comments?
> >
> > John
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Byron T. Weeks, MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2000 7:45 PM
> > Subject: [RMNEWS_DAILY_EMAILS] [Fwd: Danger in Israel and the Fall of
> > "Babylon"]
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > -------- Original Message --------
> > > Subject: Danger in Israel and the Fall of "Babylon"
> > > Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 16:41:26 -0600
> > > From: "Byron T. Weeks, MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Organization: A Messenger
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Babylon The Great Is Fallen?
> > >  [A Biblical Prediction.]
> > >
> > >  References Ezekiel 38-39, Obadiah, Joel Ch. 2-3, Revelation 6-16.
> > >
> > >  "ALAS, BABYLON"
> > >
> > > I think that the two nations of America and Canada are "Babylon the
> > > Great" of the latter days, while the people of these nations, and
> > > probably Britain, are thought by some to be "Joseph" in Biblical
> > > prophecy. The term Israel, as it refers to a people includes Judah and
> > > the tribes of Israel. Esau means the Palestinians and Jordan, and
> > > is of course the people of Israel, usually meaning the nation of
> > > or Judah. The Bible is not too clear at times as to which group is
> > > referred to and I have been doing some research in an attempt to sort
> > > all out. "Gog" is Russia and the states of central Asia, including
> > > Kasakhistan, and Turkomen, but perhaps excluding the Ukraine,
> > > Azerbaijan,  and Georgia. Persia is, of course, Iran, and Togarmah is
> > > Turkey. Germany, now Gomer, was once Assyria before they migrated to
> > > Northern Europe, and before that they seem to have been the
> > > Have you noticed the affinity of Germany to modern Assyria, or Syria?
> > >
> > > If you study the parts of the Bible that refer to a final cluster of
> > > wars, there is no way to include it all as simply Armageddon. The war
> > > Gog and Magog seems to occur twice, both before the Tribulation, and
> > > after the thousand years that follow Armageddon. Jesus Christ will
> > > to terminate the 3 1/2 or 7 years of war that culminates in His return
> > > to rule. But in other places, it refers to His return in a time of
> > > peace, when the people are "eating and drinking and getting married."
> > > and "two women are working in the field and one is taken, the other
> > > left..." Could this mean that He returns twice in the end times? If
> > > comes in a time of peace, completely unexpected, it would have to be
> > > before the first war of Gog and Magog, in which Russia and Iran will
> > > attack Israel. I believe this means both the nation and the people of
> > > Israel, which includes North America and Britain, as well as the House
> > > of Judah. There is no mention of Ishmael or the Arabs participating in
> > > this war. Nor does it refer to what could be construed as America
> > > in on the side of the nation of Israel. Could it be that the Arab
> > > nations, and America, or Babylon,  no longer exist, or perhaps
> > > devastated to the point of inability to respond? In the book of
> > > it says that Jacob will destroy Esau, and Joseph will burn Edom. In
> > > other words, Palestine and Jordan, and possib;y America--all
> > > In other places, the Bible talks about Israel regaining all of the
> > > original land they had before Rome conquered them. This would include
> > > most of the lands now held by the Arab nations. The present day Oslo
> > > "accords" are gradually taking away the territories held by Israel
> > > the Six Day War. At some point in the near future, I think that the
> > > Israeli conservatives and Messianics will rebell and, in desperation,
> > > will demand that Barakuse either neutron bombs or EM weapons [HAARP]
> > > destroy the Arabs and take back the original lands of Israel and
> > >
> > > So how will the burning of  Babylon take place? Remember that "Babylon
> > > the Great" will fall, referring to the nations of Britain, America,
> > > Canada,
> > >  a part of the people of greater Israel, will be destroyed, or
> > > profoundly disabled. I think this could mean that Gog, or Russia and
> > > allies, as a part of the first war of  Gog and Magog, will preempt the
> > > plans of the New World Order to use biological warfare on America, and
> > > will nuke us out of the way and to stop us from  a take over of the
> > > rich lands in the Caspian areas  and the Caucasus, before they march
> > > Israel. This could happen in conjunction with their recently announced
> > > plans to invade the Balkans and rescue Serbia from the Kosevars.
> > > Remember too that we have been warned by Colonel Lunev, the Russian
> > > defector, that Russia's newly elected President Putin has plans to
> > > attack the United States.
> > >
> > > So, will Russia  suddenly burn America with H-bombs and neutron bombs?
> > >
> > > It is said that they can wipe us out in one hour-- perhaps with the
> > > adjuncts of EMP, HAARP, and bio weapons, since they have their greedy
> > > eyes on the wealth of America and wouldn't want to destroy it
> > > kill all the people. [But some will survive and gradually the Republic
> > > may some day be reestablished? ] Soon after that the nation of Israel
> > > will destroy the Arabs.  About that time, the Antichrist will be
> > > announced and he will be accepted by the Jews as the Messiah.
> > >
> > > But what about the first return of Christ in the Times of the End? He
> > > will evidently come before the beginning of the final wars, in a time
> > > peace. Certainly, He won't come the first time during the wars of Gog
> > > and Magog. And in the war of Armageddon He comes at the end to destroy
> > > the AntiChrist /  New world order/ European Union. So if He comes
> > > twice--the first time will be briefly to evacuate the planet of the
> > > Faithful prior to the onset of a major world war, to rescue them
> > > they are all to be killed, whether it be in a war, or a mass murder by
> > > their own leaders of the New World Order. In case the above is
> > > and the way the world now appears to be on the brink of a Middle East
> > > war, then the "rapture" may be imminent. Nonetheless, at the time of
> > > second return of Christ, we read that the "Saints" will return with
> > > Perhaps those who were taken up in the rapture??
> > >
> > > Are you ready? Get right with God, before it is too late...
> > >
> > >
> > > Byron T. Weeks, MD
> > >
> >
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