-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: schuetzen - RKBA! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, 21 October 1999 19:13
Subject: SNET: German pilots had US atomic bombs in the early Fifties

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

German pilots had US atomic bombs in the early Fifties
By Ben Fenton in Washington


LUFTWAFFE pilots had effective control of American nuclear weapons less
than 10 years after the defeat of the Third Reich, according to formerly
documents published yesterday.

The Pentagon papers also show that Britain was not the first country to host
American atomic weapons, but, unbeknown to the Paris government, they
were deployed earlier on French-owned bases in Morocco. The files also
show that America kept atomic bombs in Iceland, Spain and the Philippines.

The formerly highly secret History of the Custody and Deployment of Nuclear
Weapons 1945-1977 has been declassified after pressure from three
researchers on nuclear policy and has been published in the Bulletin of

Although much of the information has been in the public domain for some
time, other parts have been released for the first time, the authors say.
includes the fact that American control over the thousands of nuclear bombs
kept in Nato bases in Europe was "amazingly lax" until the Sixties. "Under
President Eisenhower [1952-60] . . . West German Luftwaffe pilots, for
example, had virtual control of the bombs when on alert," they write.

They add that the election of John F Kennedy in 1960 led to the introduction
of "permissive action links", or locking mechanisms, to ensure that nuclear
bombs could be detonated only under American supervision.

Historians have always believed that Britain was the first country to have
American nuclear weapons on its territory and the papers show that the
casings of such devices were first deployed in Britain in July 1950 under
orders of President Truman. But these weapons, usable only after the
of nuclear cores kept on American soil, were not replaced with fully
operational bombs until September 1954.

Juliet Hindell in Tokyo writes: Japan's vice-defence minister resigned
yesterday after he had broken the ultimate national taboo and suggested that
Japan should acquire nuclear weapons. Shingo Nishimura had been in his new
job as vice-minister at the Defence Agency for just two weeks before he got
into trouble. In an interview with the magazine Weekly Playboy he said
countries that had no nuclear weapons were in the utmost danger.

5 August 1998: [UK News] Navy planned midget N-subs to attack Russia
19 December 1996: [UK News] A-bomb fear that dogged Britain's major
28 November 1996: British mole 'led French to bomb'
chas (Houston,TX)
Gun Control is Victim Disarmament - RKBA!

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