-Caveat Lector-

> http://www.stratfor.com/
> ______________________________________
> Stratfor's Third Quarter Forecast
> June 27, 1999
> Note: This Forecast should be read in conjunction with Stratfor's
> Decade Forecast prepared in 1995
> (http://www.stratfor.com/services/giu/decade.asp),
> its 1999 Annual Forecast (http://www.stratfor.com/services/giu/1999.asp)
> and its Second Quarter, 1999 Forecast
> (http://www.stratfor.com/services/giu/2q1999.asp)
> Stratfor's organizing theme for its 1999 Annual Forecast is found
> in the title: "A New and Dangerous World."  That concept remains
> valid and the fundamental trends identified within that theme
> remain intact.   The most important trend identified in that
> forecast has now become manifest.  We wrote that "Russia and China
> will be moving into a closer, primarily anti-American alliance in
> 1999."  That process is the most important global trend today.  It
> is well under way and is also intensifying.
> It should be understood that this trend was not put into play
> because of the Kosovo crisis, although it is clear that it was
> intensified and accelerated by it.  Indeed, Stratfor's ability to
> predict the Kosovo crisis in its 1999 Annual Forecast was
> predicated on this trend already being in place.  A critical
> element in Milosevic's strategy was his view that the deteriorating
> relationship between Russia and the United States had opened a
> window of opportunity for dealing with the Kosovo situation.  It
> was precisely because Milosevic saw this process in Russian foreign
> policy as already under way that he took the risks he did.  At the
> same time, Milosevic's failure to allow U.S.-Russian tensions to
> mature opened Serbia to a partial reversal in Russian policy that
> left him in a series of untenable positions.
> The split between Russia and China on one hand and the United
> States on the other has still not fully matured.  Therefore, the
> response, a Sino-Russian alliance, has not yet fully taken shape.
> Nevertheless, matters are rapidly moving in that direction.
> Therefore, it is our view that the single most important global
> theme of the Third Quarter of 1999 will be fairly quiet, yet
> intense, diplomacy between Russia and China as they explore the
> precise meaning and implementation of their strategic relationship.
> A summit meeting will take place in Beijing between Boris Yeltsin
> and Jiang Zemin some time this summer or autumn.  The precise date
> is not altogether certain at this point.  There are two reasons for
> this uncertainty.  First, and most important, there is a tremendous
> amount of work to be done at the ministerial level and below prior
> to the summit.  It is one thing to speak of a strategic alliance.
> It is another thing to implement one.  There are some real issues
> outstanding between Russia and China.  Second, both Russia and
> China will use the available time to try to extract concessions
> from the United States and the West in general, under the
> assumption that they will be eager to prevent a Sino-Russian
> alliance from solidifying.  Both of these reasons point to a fairly
> slow process.
> There are fundamental geopolitical issues that need to be resolved
> by the Russians and Chinese.  The most important of these is the
> status of the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union.
> China is experiencing substantial unrest from Moslem groups in its
> Xinjiang province.  These groups are drawing support from, at
> least, elements within predominantly Moslem states of the former
> Soviet Union, and perhaps from some of the states themselves.
> China clearly wants Russia's help in dealing with that problem.
> Russia, however, is hesitant at this point to get bogged down in
> pacifying the region.  Yet, at the same time that it is hesitant,
> there is a growing movement inside of Russia that regards the
> collapse of the Soviet Union as a monumental error and which dreams
> of its geographic, if not institutional, resurrection.  We think
> these forces are gaining strength, which means that there is
> growing support for a more expansionary Russian foreign policy.
> The geopolitics of the region may actually be a force pulling
> Russian hard-liners and Beijing closer together.
> A more important issue on the table is what the alliance will mean
> in relation to the United States.  The purpose of the alliance is
> twofold.  First, it is to create a counter-weight to the United
> States that would force the U.S. to take Russia and China
> seriously.  The second purpose would be to provide a focal point
> for secondary states looking for a safe haven from American power,
> which would, in turn, enhance the power of the Sino-Russian bloc.
> What this means in practical terms is unclear.  It might range from
> a general policy of coordination to a mutual defense pact pledging
> each side to support the others' wars.  Neither side wants to be
> excessively exposed to the adventures and vulnerabilities of the
> other.  At the same time, too loose a relationship leaves room for
> manipulation.  Thus, this summer will be devoted to very quiet and
> very important discussions in Moscow and Beijing aimed at defining
> the relationship in concrete terms.  The goal is clear: to have a
> summit conference sealing the relationship no later than mid-autumn
> and hopefully sooner-perhaps by the end of the summer.
> There is an important second reason for delay.  Neither Russia nor
> China want  to burn their bridges with the West.  Quite the
> contrary, each is using the threat of a Sino-Russian alliance as a
> lever to extract concessions from the United States.  At the very
> least, they do not want a split with the United States to turn into
> a generalized confrontation with the West.  Russia, in particular,
> is engaged in a complex game in which it is using its ability to
> create and solve problems for NATO, and the United States, as a
> tool for solving its own massive financial problems through Western
> loans, aid, and investment.  China has plunged its relations into
> the deep-freeze with the United States as well, but continues to
> hope that U.S. fears of having to confront a Sino-Russian alliance
> will cause the United States to redefine its relationship with
> China on terms more favorable to China.  Both Russia and China want
> time to explore ways to use the threat of an alliance to extract
> concessions.  Each sees the very process of negotiations as being a
> useful tool for extracting U.S. concessions.  This means that there
> is a real element of distrust between China and Russia concerning
> the other's commitment to the idea of strategic alliance that needs
> to be overcome.  All this takes time.
> In our view, the strategy of using the threat of alliance to
> extract concessions from the United States will fail and the
> alliance will form.  Here are some of our reasons for thinking
> this:
> *The very process of using the Sino-Russian negotiations as a tool
> for extracting concessions is creating the opposite effect in
> Washington from what Moscow and Beijing want.  The very slowness of
> the process, coupled with periodic overtures, particularly from
> Russia, is convincing Washington that neither the Russians nor
> Chinese are serious.  Therefore, the United States will not be
> forthcoming and the process will indeed end in an anti-American
> alliance.
> *Yeltsin has limited room for maneuver vis-a-vis the West.  While
> his ability to manipulate Moscow's political structure is awesome,
> every tack takes him away from reform and further toward the
> conservative position.  Primakov may have been sacked, but Yeltsin
> could only go as far as Stepashin for a replacement.  The days of a
> Kiriyenko are past.  Each twist and turn confirms the main trend.
> *The ability of NATO to get Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and for a
> time, Ukraine, to agree to prohibit overflights to reinforce
> Pristina, has driven home Russia's geopolitical isolation to the
> Russian military.  The military understands that it is powerless to
> influence events in Central Europe but it also understands it can
> influence events along Russia's own periphery, in areas where the
> Russian military still has the upper hand and NATO and the U.S. are
> relatively weak.  The pressure to reassert Russian power along
> Russia's periphery is extremely strong and will be hard to resist.
> That will increase tensions with the United States and decrease
> possibilities for accommodation.
> *Russian needs and Western resources are completely out of synch.
> No amount of money can save the Russian economy-certainly no amount
> that the West would be rationally prepared to invest.  We have no
> doubt that all sorts of hints and promises were made during the
> last days of the Kosovo war to induce Russian compliance.  It
> suited Yeltsin's short-term political interests to believe those
> promises.  Nothing substantial will come of it, beyond a few
> billion dollars of no real consequence.
> *China's demands on the United States are essentially undefined and
> indefinable.  The bottom line is that China wants to go back to the
> good old days of ample capital flows.  These have dried up for
> economic, rather than political reasons.  While Asia is recovering
> somewhat, we see this as a cyclical upturn in a long-term down
> trend.  It will not substantially change Western investors' lack of
> appetite for Chinese investments and loans.
> *One of China's demands is a basic change of the atmospherics in
> Washington to help facilitate China's access to potential American
> financial partners.  The problem is that the atmosphere is not
> being defined by the Administration, which has lost control over
> its China policy.  The Administration's opponents are in control of
> the mood toward China in Washington.  They do not want to see a
> thaw while Clinton remains in office.
> *Which brings us to the most important point.  A scandal-weary
> Washington is facing a summer of foreign policy scandals.  The
> China spy scandal shows every sign of exploding again, as
> revelations this weekend show that the Administration clearly knew
> about Chinese espionage in 1995 and did nothing about it.  This
> weekend also brought Kofi Annan's statement that it appears that
> the U.S. used UN cover for espionage against Iraq.  The U.S.
> continues to bomb Iraq, toward no clear end.  The Kosovo situation
> is promising to reside somewhere between instability and chaos.  As
> elections approach, the Republicans will do everything possible to
> exploit these problems.  This will lead to a serious lock-down in
> the Washington policy-making apparatus.
> We therefore expect that the Third Quarter of 1999 will bring
> Russia and China to the brink, if not over the edge, of a formal
> alliance whose goal will be to contain American power and provide a
> counterbalance to American geopolitical power.
> Europe will be left in a particularly uncomfortable position.  On
> one hand, Europe's interests are intimately linked with those of
> the United States.  On the other hand, Europe has much greater
> vulnerability than the U.S. to tensions within the international
> system.  As such, Europe is inherently more risk averse.  A
> conservative, assertive evolution in Russian politics will leave
> countries like Germany with major strategic challenges with which
> it doesn't want to deal.  The weaknesses of NATO's geography, where
> Hungary is physically isolated from any other NATO country and in
> which strategic countries like Romania are outside the alliance, is
> something that comes to the fore only when there is confrontation
> with Russia.  Ongoing confrontation will mean the need for rapid
> and dangerous evolutions in NATO.  This is something that the
> Europeans do not want to see happen.  Aside from the costs inherent
> in expanding NATO, NATO expansion logically means EU expansion.
> With the euro doing so poorly, and an emerging cyclical weakness in
> Europe's economy, this is not something the Europeans want to deal
> with now.
> Therefore, France and Germany will be working throughout the summer
> to get the United States to respond to the evolution of events in
> Moscow and Beijing.  They will be joined by Japan, which does not
> want to see itself trapped between China and the United States
> while struggling with its economic problems.  Thus, a secondary
> round of diplomacy can be expected within the Western alliance as
> the second tier powers try to find a way to focus Washington's
> attention on the unfolding reality.  We expect them to fail.
> Washington will be utterly self-absorbed this summer.  In failing,
> we expect to see a new process emerge.  Countries like Japan and
> Germany, rather than simply marching in lock-step with Washington,
> will start to search for means to establish some sort of political
> neutrality between the new China-Russia alliance and the United
> States, while still maintaining economic ties with the United
> States.  As the Sino-Russian situation solidifies, the Western
> alliance will become more fluid.  Indeed, one of the strategies of
> a Sino-Russian alliance will be to use German and Japanese fears of
> a new confrontation to create both fluidity and opportunities for
> favorable economic relations with these increasingly insecure
> countries.  Germany is particularly vulnerable, given its fairly
> harrowing experience following the American lead in Kosovo.
> In short, the inevitable readjustment in the international system
> will be nearing fruition during the summer of 1999.  American power
> from 1989-1999 was simply too overwhelming economically,
> politically, and militarily to endure.  It led to risk-taking and
> carelessness that while not exposing the United States to major
> risk, did expose others.  These others inevitably are working to
> create a counterbalance to the United States in order to increase
> control over it.  The process will not be confined to the Eurasian
> powers, Russia and China, but will extend to more traditional
> allies, who will redefine and modify their behavior to take
> advantage of the new geopolitical reality.
> There are, of course, issues not directly connected to this main
> theme that will be of importance during the Third Quarter of 1999:
> *The Indonesian elections seem to be promising a dangerously
> ambiguous outcome.  The leading candidate, Megawati, may well not
> be able to form a government or, if successful, may not be able to
> govern because of the political configuration.  We judge the risks
> to be not only high, but also an opportunity for Chinese-American
> competition as each tries to influence events in this strategic
> country.
> *The United States still regularly conducts minor air attacks on
> Iraq.  The purpose of these attacks is unclear and they seem to be
> going on more out of habit than out of a coherent strategy with a
> clear goal.  We do not think that this situation can go on
> indefinitely.  Since this is a domestic political issue as well as
> a foreign policy issue, we expect a major review of U.S. policy on
> Iraq during the Third Quarter, triggered by political criticisms of
> the ongoing and endless air campaign.
> *The tension within Iran is rising once again, with moderates and
> traditionalists locked in an endless battle that does not seem able
> to resolve itself or go away.  As Russia's presence in the Caucasus
> Mountains increases over the summer, these two issues will begin to
> intersect.
> *We do not regard the Asian recovery as a reversal of the main
> trend.  This is particularly true in Japan, where the basic issues
> that caused the banking collapse have not been dealt with.
> The post-Cold War world is over.  We are now deep into the
> transition to a new era.
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