More Internet censorship, of a particularly chilling variety...

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 2:06 PM
Subject: [July30] UNC6@egroups Deletion Appeal

> July 30 in Philly -
> >Subj: UNC6 group [#4765657]
> >Date: 8/22/00 5:55:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> >
> >Group Owner:
> >Your group (UNC6) has been deleted for violating eGroups' Terms of
> >Service.
> >It is against the eGroups Terms of Service to use our service to send
> >"spam," which is unsolicited email. If you send spam, we will delete
> >your group and deactivate your account. We may also pursue legal
> >damages.
> >Our Terms of Service also prohibit the following, which are often
> >associated with spam:
> >-Subscribing members without their consent
> >-Chain letters
> >-Pyramid schemes
> >-"Get Rich Quick" or "Make Money Fast" (MMF) schemes
> >-Advertise-anything groups
> >-Using or promoting software designed to harvest e-mail addresses
> >*Note: These are merely examples. eGroups customer support retains
> >the right to delete, at our discretion, groups who send spam or
> >violate our Terms of Service. In addition, all eGroups members must
> >abide by our Member Guidelines.
> >If you feel this was done incorrectly please contact:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED], Regards, Abuse Department, eGroups, Inc.
> Dear Sir or Lady or Sirs or Ladies:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] consists of people in government and religious
> movements whose stated public service goals include an end to poverty.
> The issue here is whether news of a campaign for a United Nations
> Declaration that could end poverty by setting up an parallel interest-
> free banking system is useless unwanted material: spam.
> That 17,000 world political leaders have remained subscribers to this
> uninvited public servants' listserv must be evidence that the
> importance of the UNILETS anti-poverty system proposed in the
> Millennium Declaration C6 is being taken seriously by them and cannot
> therefore qualify as spam to those who are still voluntarily
> subscribed.
> In my messages I have stressed that I think this surprise chance to
> end poverty on the whole planet once and for all warranted my
> intrusion into their mailboxes without an invitation in much the same
> way a man who is coming to tell you that your house is on fire might
> not ring the doorbell but try to get your attention by shouting right
> through your door: "Fire and I know where there's a firehose."
> I have not received more than a few dozen actual complaints though my
> rudeness at demanding their attention was often commented upon as some
> unsubscribed. Yet, as public servants, they can have no expectation of
> privacy in the dissemination of information vital to their areas of
> public service. My earliest signed-up politicians have remained
> subscribed for all the messages in the last month though it's not like
> there's been a deluge. Only a dozen from me and a senator from
> Australia and a doctor from Uganda. Can such messages truly be treated
> as spam when dealing with this current UN event?
> And there have been new members who have heard about the firehose and
> subscribed to on their own. I think these members
> should be informed of why the egroup they subscribed to is now no
> longer there and perhaps given the chance to resubscribe. Their rights
> should also be considered rather than only those of the few complaints
> from mainly non-members about a 1-click intrusion in this once in a
> millennium campaign. I would never have have intruded this way had I
> not honestly believed that UNILETS is the best chance to put out the
> planet's financial fires we've ever going to have. Poverty is killing
> people around the world and at home and putting impediments in the way
> of a proven "Anti-poverty" system lifeboat may be judged a cardinal
> sin. One bureaucrat from a Ministry in Norway requested that I stop
> writing to the everyone else in the Norway government. Perhaps if the
> Prime Minister had asked but certainly, one functionary who may not be
> as quick to grasp the importance of the issue has no right to do the
> thinking for them all and request that others who have chosen not to
> unsubcribe have this information interrupted. And over 90% of all the
> politicians including those from Norway were still subscribed despite
> my lack of Netiquette. This upcoming Millennium Assembly has the plans
> for peace and prosperity on the agenda. A really important matter.
> I think all these Prime Ministers, Presidents, Ministers, Members of
> Parliament and National and Provincial Assemblies and political
> parties around the world and new members are the ones who should get
> to decide whether the information about UNC6 UNILETS that I admit I've
> shoved down their throats is spam or manna from heaven. I'm offering
> them, their friends, their businesses, their world a planet-wide
> interest-free bank account and credit card system. How can they not
> see the important benefits to everyone if this surprise UNC6
> resolution gets ratified.
> I think that given the importance of the issue, this vast majority
> have overlooked my delivery style and focused on the content and
> should be asked if they want this information interrupted. One way
> would be to inform them of the decision and and that they are all
> being unsubscribed and that those who subscribed voluntarily and those
> who would like to resubscribe may click to do so.
> But with the UNC6 campaign ending after the Sept. 6-8 after the
> Millennium Assembly and Summit and after the Aug. 28-30 Millennium
> Religious Summit, I pray and you reactivate the UNC6 Egroup now that
> most unsubscribers are gone and let the remaining 30,000 of the world's
> most influential people obtain a good grasp of this new kind of
> banking systems engineering they'll be reading about in their
> Millennium Declarations.
> The world's political and religious leadership aren't still subscribed
> because they think UNILETS is spam. If you're ever going to forgive a
> violation of your corporate Netiquette or make an exception for an
> issue of international import and emergency, I think the implied
> approval by the high retention rate suggests that UNC6 UNILETS
> deserves to be the case for this special treatment. Every court in
> Canada makes exemptions for actions done in cases of national
> importance. If you reactivate UNC6, I'm sure you can always plead to
> the few complainants that you agreed the issue of Internet money was
> of international importance in this state of financial emergency and
> you apologize for letting the guy scream "Hose for the fire." UNC6 is
> going to make the whole world happy. You can't go wrong if you turn it
> back on as quickly as possible.
> If it remains judged improper behavior, I will desist from ever
> signing someone up without an invitation again. I have no problem with
> issuing only invitations to join if you insist. But please reactivate
> UNC6 so that those thousands of new UNC6 egroups members who have
> demonstrated an interest in the UNILETS material despite the style of
> its delivery continue to get receive this last information before the
> August and September summits.
> LETS Cancel Debt Growth First! Then work on debt.
> John C. "The Banking Systems Engineer" Turmel
> For anti-bank and pro-LETS community currency adventures and reports,
> subscribe to
> For links to over 700 timecurrency systems in over 40 nations:
> ______________________________________________________________________
> To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Start Your Own FREE Email List at

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