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Subject: OBRL - Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
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Western Drought and Fires: Bioenergetic Factors

Some persons have asked me what might be the background factors underlying
the current drought which has affected the Western states, and other parts
of the USA, and also the large wildfires.  As one of the senior members of
the USA Core Network, with over 30 years of research experience in orgone
biophysics, and 25 years of field work with the Reich cloudbuster, these
questions have been foremost in my mind, and for our work and activities
here at the Greensprings Center.

The science of climatology and meteorology has been adept at making
accurate measurements of weather patterns, but has failed in understanding
their deeper causes.  It is exactly here where the science of orgonomy, and
the discoveries of Reich, allow some new observations and reasonable
speculations as to causation.  And from this newer understanding of
causation come new approaches for change.

1.  Some familiarity with my book "Saharasia" is necessary, at minimum the
chapter on "The Saharasian Desert Belt" which gives a classical description
of the world's largest continuous dry region, given the name Saharasia by
myself.  The Saharasian atmopshere also plays a fundamental role in Earth's
climate and weather, as documented in my "Desert-Drought Map", published in
our journal, Pulse of the Planet #2, p.82.  Further discussion on the role
of Saharasian dor and dor-haze in blocking precipitation within Saharasia,
and as exported to other world regions to cause drought globally, as well
as its relationship to the El Nino phenomenon, is discussed in my article
on "Green Sea Eritrea: Cloudbusting Project" as recently printed in Pulse
of the Planet #5.  With this background information, which has also been
presented to several international scholarly conferences on global weather
and climate, it is known that the West Coast of the USA has for many years
been under the influence of Saharasian dorish air masses, which arrive on
the West Coast via two pathways:  Saharasian dor firstly has a
low-altitude discharge pathway out the Red Sea and Persian Gulf, moving
eastward across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, to arrive along the West
Coast of North America to form a dry "marine layer" (eg., typical "dry
fog") which builds the dry coastal zone of California and Baha.  A second
pathway for Saharasian dor is high-altitude, originating within the central
deserts of China where large dust storms scour the landscape and discharge
dor-haze, and dust, into high altitudes where it is carried across the
Northern Pacific by prevailing westerly winds.  This material descends to
lower altitudes in the mid-Pacific, becomes relatively enriched with
humidity, and arrives in the Pacific Northwest as a stagnant stratus layer
which washes along the coastal regions sometimes yielding good rains (when
dor is sequestered into rains) or stagnant drizzles, or if sufficient in
quantity, drought.  There also is a pathway from West Africa across the
Atlantic to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico region, which can affect Texas
and the full SE region (as well as parts of South America).  When Saharasia
is in a state of expansion, as during the present time, more dor-haze and
dor-dusts are discharged at its borders, and is then distributed globally,
eventually to arrive in the Western USA where it arrives in greater
quantities than is otherwise observed.  This is a major factor underlying
USA droughts.  We therefore observe how events in Africa and Central Asia
affect our weather in a rather direct manner, though with a delay of
several weeks or months from the time of the major dor-haze discharges to
their arrival across the oceans.

2. It has recently been observed that USA weather patterns are put into a
state of high energetic expansion following subcritical nuclear testing at
the Nevada Test Site.  Two such tests have occurred in the USA this year,
one on February 14 -- which put an end to exceptionally good wintertime
snowfalls across the West -- and another on June 7th, which basically dried
up the Western states, and initiated the current period of dry lightning
storms and wildfires.  Previously, we had known that underground nuclear
testing was correlated with outbreaks of severe heat waves, high pressure
conditions, droughts and massive dry wind storms in the Western States, and
documentation on similar heat wave and drought effects following nulcear
testing in India and Pakistan has also been documented.  Our Pulse of the
Planet journal has carried various articles on this subject over the years,
including Kato's work on variations in the Earth Chandler wobble and
mesospheric temperatures following underground nuclear testing, and
Whitefords work on changes in global earthquake patterns following testing.
However, until most recently, it had not been clear that subcritical
nuclear testing was capable of producing similar effects. Now, it appears
this is so, and that the atmosphere is over-excited into oranur conditions
by sub-critical nuclear tests, in a manner similar to undergound nuclear
bomb testing.

9/24/96  President Clinton signs Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, banning
underground nuclear tests.
10/8/96  DOE announces it will conduct subcritical tests at Nevada Test Site
4/4/97  Secretary of Energy Pea announces US plans to conduct subcritical
7/2/97 Rebound - LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/18/97 Holog - LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
3/25/98 Stagecoach - LANL
9/26/98 Bagpipe - LLNL
12/11/98 Cimarron - LANL
2/9/99 Clarinet - LLNL
9/30/99 Oboe 1 - LLNL
11/9/99 Oboe 2 - LLNL
2/3/00 Oboe 3 - LLNL
3/22/00 Thoroughbred - LANL
4/6/00 Oboe 4 - LLNL
8/18/00 Oboe 5 - LLNL
12/14/00 Oboe 6 - LLNL
9/26/01 Oboe 8 - LLNL
12/13/01 Oboe 7 - LLNL (final test in Oboe series)
2/14/02 Vito - LANL and UK (under the terms of the 1958 Mutual Defense Agreement)
6/7/02 Oboe 9 - LLNL

3.  For those who are unaware, there is a growing network of people who are
using cloudbuster-type devices on a continuous basis, setting them up and
operating them around-the-clock, day after day, and in the process
over-exciting the atmosphere and creating oranur-like effects which yield
widespread cloud-dissipating tendencies.  These individuals have very
little knowledge of Reich's work, but toss around his name as if they were
intimate experts in the field, with the blind leading the blind.  Their
goal with this madness is to "dissipate chemtrails", and "chemtrails" are
vaguely defined as being roughly equal to any jet contrail.  In the process
of attempting to dissipate jet contrails, other clouds are affected.   The
network of "chembusters" as they are called, has several hundred members,
with an internet presence, and have caught the attention of somewhat
alarmist conspiracy-theorists with large web sites and radio talk shows,
getting a kind of publicity never afforded to scientists following and
investigating Reich's work more directly.  Many of them believe toxic
chemtrails are being deliberately sprayed into the Earth's atmosphere by
humans who have been influenced by either the United Nations, or by evil
demons or aliens from outer space, in a macabre plot to poison people
across the countryside.  Reich's name is being injected into this confused
mish-mash.  Efforts to warn this group of the dangers of untrained and
prolonged use of cloudbusters -- that they are actually increasing weather
chaos and enhancing drought tendencies in the atmosphere -- have led to
only dismissive contempt-reactions, and slander being directed at those who
gave the warning.

4.  Finally, of course, our own home-grown nuclear power facilities across
the USA continue to exert their oranur effects, making problems in their
local areas.

Of the above, Saharasian dor transport is the more powerful influence, in
my opinion, with the others taking a back seat.  Without the first, the
others would have only local and temporary effects.

Some work with the authentic Reich cloudbuster has been periodically
undertaken by the Core Network, with limited success given the limited
financial resources available -- efforts continue as this is being written,
with a major new storm off the Pacific Coast which hopefully will bring
some relief.  Earlier efforts were also made to contact the governors of
both Colorado and Arizona during their period of massive forest fires, with
copies of published articles and professional cover letters being delivered
to their aids, who had previously been contacted by various well-connected
professionals with sympathetic views about Reich.  The hope was, that
members of the Core Network could apply their considerable skills in the
cloudbusting methods to assist in fire-fighting efforts, and thereby obtain
some minimal state-support and logistical assistance for the efforts.
However, no response was forthcoming in either case -- only the deadly
silent treatment which orgonomy has been subject to now for over 50 years.
We therefore are left with undertaking the necessary work by ourselves,
with only our own resources.  Individuals who have financial resources to
assist the considerable needs of this work are encouraged to make a
donation to OBRL.

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director of OBRL


OBRL News is a product of the non-profit
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Research and Educational Center
PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA

Building upon the discoveries
of the internationally acclaimed natural scientist,
Dr. Wilhelm Reich

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