      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Number 360

26th July ­ 1st August, 1999



All those people who still believe that having a job is the key to security
need to think again.  Over 30% of people in Australia who have a job are
casual workers, of 538,900 jobs that were created for men between 1985 and
1997, 502,400 were casual jobs.  During the same period of time of the
920,200 jobs that were created for women, 405,800 were casual.  Over 65% of
all jobs created over the past twelve years have been casual jobs.

Why this newfound love for casual work?  Do employees want to stay on
permanent part time contracts for the rest of their lives?  Of course not,
people work to earn an income.  Job security has been a goal that most
people aspire to.  Capitalism by its very nature is an insecure way of
living.  If you get sick or lose your job, it doesnıt take long to find out
what happens when you canıt bring in that money.  That old adage that the
difference between living comfortably and being poor is six weeks wages,
encapsulates the insecurity of living in a capitalist society.

The drive towards individual contracts and casual labour has increased the
level of insecurity among Australian workers.  The pay off for casual work
is slanted towards the employer not the employee.  Employers donıt have to
pay sick pay, annual leave or payroll tax.  These substantial savings are
not incorporated into casual rates of pay.  No wonder the number of casual
jobs have exploded over the past fifteen years.  Although casual work may
seem attractive at first glance, the payback includes reduced productivity,
lack of identification with the companies goals and a sense of alienation
and insecurity.

One of the critical differences between a capitalist and an anarchist
society is that sense of security that is such a central feature of life in
anarchist community.  Anyone who lives in an anarchist society is entitled
to share in the decision making processes and the wealth created by that
community, not because of what they do or who they are, but because they are
a member of that community.


The re-election of Howard and his merry band of incompetents has resulted in
a financial union between the state and the church in Australia.  The
privatisation and out-sourcing of the governments community services
responsibilities has seen church groups lining up to feed off the government
gravy train.  The leader of the pack has been the Prime Ministerıs favourite
charity, the Salvation Army.  Anyone who has any knowledge of the Salvation
Armies origins, would realise that the Armies role has not changed since the
days it was used to break up socialist and Anarchist organisations in
Britain in the 19th century.

Those churchıs that have traditionally kept at arms length from the state,
have also been attracted to the gravy train.  Most are more than keen to
line up and tender for government contracts to provide for the "less
fortunate in society".  The bun fights to land these lucrative contracts
have to be seen to be believed.  Few church groups can withstand the whiff
of a buck at the end of the day.  As we have seen with the Salvation Army
and its handling of the drug issue, the policies of the church and the state
become intertwined and indistinguishable.  The churchıs responsibility
changes from that of an organisation that looks after the interests of the
people it provides services for, to an organisation that administers
government policy.  Confidentiality clauses in contracts closes the mouths
of the more radical elements within the churchıs.

The churchıs, not government bureaucracies now administer much of the
Federal and state governments community obligations.  Most church groups
seem to have no ethical dilemmas or qualms about their role as providers and
enforces of government policies.  One of the few church groups that has
resisted the current push to tender for government contracts, is the
Melbourne City Mission.  Unfortunately even in that organisation, elements
within the Melbourne City Mission are pushing to tender for government
contracts.  It seems that the lure of mammon is too much for most of Godıs
organisations in Australia.


You have to laugh about the fuss thatıs being made about the privatisation
of another 16% of Telstra.  Reading, listening  and viewing what laughingly
passes as informed comment in the Australian media, you could be forgiven
for thinking that the further privatisation of Telstra is a potential
bonanza for Australians.  Considering that Telstra has been given ten
million dollars to advertise the sale, you can be assured that weıre all
going to hear about the never to be repeated benefits of privatisation.

Unfortunately the reality of the Telstra sale has once again taken a back
seat to the glitter surrounding the privatisation process.  The
privatisation of Telstra is literally highway robbery.  An asset thatıs
theoretically owned by the people of Australia but actually owned by the
state, is being given away to the private sector.  Although public assets
are owned by the state not the people, the profits made by public assets are
normally used by the state for the benefit of the people.

It makes no economic sense to sell a gold mine.  Telstra was a successful
publicly  owned asset that literally made billions of dollars for the
Australian people.  To remove such an asset from the hands of the people and
sell it to the private sector is little short of day light robbery.  Over
the next few months we will see people with disposable private assets buy
public assets.  The eighteen billion dollars that will be made by the sale
is literally a drop in the ocean, if its compared to the profits that could
be used for the benefit of the community if Telstra continued to be owned by
the public.

Ah well thatıs life in Australia, the current Federal government is
fulfilling its ideological dream of literally giving away public assets to
the private sector.  If they were serious about making every Australian a
shareholder, they would have given every man, woman and child in Australia
an equal parcel of shares, instead of selling Telstra to those people with
disposable incomes and to the corporate sector.


Victoriaıs great helmsmen Kim Il Sungıs clone Kim Il Kennett is at it again.
The great man has turned his attention to hospital caterers and cleaners.
Attempts to negotiate a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement with whatıs left
of the states public health system.  Caterers and cleaners, some of the most
poorly paid health workers are seeking a 14% wage rise spread over three
years.  The Victorian government through their apologists in the Health Area
Networks have offered them 9% over three years.  Hence the current dispute.

In one of the most hypocritical outbursts of the year Kim Il Kennett has
accused hospital cleaners and caterers of holding patients to ransom.  The
head of a government that has gutted public hospital services, undermined
staff morale, has been responsible for the introduction of third world
standards into the Victorian public hospital sector, has the nerve to accuse
cleaners and caterers of "holding patients to ransom".

The Victorian regime has placed the health care of Victorians to ransom.
Their so called reforms to the public health sector has held patients to
ransom.  Their indifference to the plight of public hospital patients has
held patients to ransom.  Kennett and his mediocre cabinet buddies have held
public hospital patients to ransom since they were elected to 1992.

No amount of lies and hyperbole can draw peopleıs attention away from the
mess that the public health sector in Victoria is facing.  If anybody is
holding patients to ransom, itıs the implementation of the Kennett regimes
health policies.  Their policies have created a climate of indifference and
fear within the public hospital sector.  No amount of government bluster can
alter the facts about who is "holding patients to ransom" in Victoria.


Remember how psychiatry was practised in the Old Soviet Union.  If you were
anti-communist you were obviously mentally ill.  The Soviet Unions mental
hospitals were full of political prisoners who found themselves guests of
the Communist Party because they dared challenge orthodox thinking.  Well it
looks like the same psychiatric system is about to be introduced in to
Blairıs Britain.

The same Labor folk who want to dismantle the social security system, have
now taken their pathetic ideas a step further.  You see, there is these
anti-social personalities, they havenıt done anything wrong and they donıt
fit the current mental illness criteria, but they do have an unfortunate
habit of asking difficult questions - Well Mr. Blair and New Labor believe
itıs time these perky folk were taken off the streets and detained at her
Majestyıs pleasure until they recant and beg forgiveness for their
anti-social ideas.

The only problem is that there are no laws that can be used to detain these
potential troublesome blighters.  Well Mr. Blair has told one and all who
cares to listen that soon laws will be introduced into the British
parliament to detain these social nuisances for treatment, although no
recognised treatment exists for anti-social behaviour, Iım sure it wonıt
take long before political activists are detained and treated for the
countries good.  I can see a whole new bevy of government bureaucrats
drawing up plans to define the anti-social personality.  Possibly
subscribing to a belief that the state is here to harm not protect ordinary
people could land you in one of New Labours proposed social re-engineering
units.  I wonder how long it will take for the first inmate to graduate from
this proposed academy.  Considering the extent of these proposed powers to
detain and forcibly treat people with personality disorders, it wonıt take
long for radical political activity to be viewed by the community, the state
and the medical profession as a mental illness.


Q. Globalisation, friend of foe?

A. Anarchism is an international movement that wants to break down national
boundaries.  Anarchists support globalisation.  They support initiatives
that improve communication between people.  They also support initiatives
that break down social, cultural, religious and national and economic
differences.  They donıt support the neo-liberal idea of concentrating
economic wealth in fewer and fewer hands.
Globalisation of capital is the very anthesis of what anarchism is all
about: Anarchists want to see economic power wrestled out of the hands of
monopolies and placed back in the hands of the people.  The current
neo-liberal conversation about globalisation is a conversation about
concentrating power, wealth and cultural objectives in the hands of
monopolies, not in the hands of the people.
A classical example of the type of globalisation anarchists support is the
internet.  The internet is a decentralised method of communication that
potentially allows everyone in the world to communicate with everybody else
in the world.  The internet is a decentralised global network.  When
neo-liberals talk about free trade, they talk about powerful economies
opening up one way markets in less powerful parts of the world.  When
anarchists talk about free trade, they talk about the free flow of goods
across the globe from areas of plenty to areas of need.
Neo-liberals strive to create centralised global networks that are
controlled by a few monopolies, anarchists strive to create decentralised
global networks.  Although both groups have global objectives, one group
dominates, the other empowers.  As anarchist activists itıs important that
we support non-authoritarian decentralised attempts at globalisation and
fight neo-liberal attempts to globalise both capital and power in the hands
of corporate monopolies.  The current privatisation and globalisation craze
increases the power of the corporate sector at the expense of the state.
Anarchist want to abolish both the corporate sector and the state.  The
globalisation of capital shifts the focus of power, it does not abolish the
seats of power.


Anarchist more than any other social or political activists rely on their
communication skills.  As anarchism is a voluntary not a authoritarian
movement anarchists need to be active in the game of winning hearts and
minds.  In order to win hearts and minds we need to be able to offer an
anarchist opinion on whatıs happening around us and we need to have ideas on
how anarchists would tackle particular problems.  Itıs no good saying
Anarchists donıt believe in blueprints or that a problem would be solved
after the revolution.
There is no earthly reason why anybody should take anything you as an
anarchist say on trust.  Chanting Mantras may be good for the soul, but it
doesnıt win hearts and minds.  Anarchist activists need to be able to
subvert and build at the same time.  We may not have all the answers on tap
but we should have mechanisms by which we can show people how we can arrive
at answers for particular problems.
Grab a newspaper, turn to page five, look at the news items, apply anarchist
principles to the stories and see if you can come up with an anarchist
analysis and possible solutions to problems raised in the newspaper.  Sports
people become good at what they do because they practise.  As activists we
also need to practice the art of communication if we are to have any hope of
winning hearts and minds.  Work in anarchist concepts in your everyday
conversations.  Listen to the news, dissect it and try to analyse it from an
anarchist point of view.
Before you know it, youıll be able to tackle any question and be able to
come up with an anarchist analysis of whatıs happening in your street, town,
city or country.  Once you start making sense of the world, your confidence
as a community and political activist will increase.  Soon other people will
begin to take notice of what you say and begin to compare their reality with
your analysis.
Winning hearts and minds through conversations, arguments and practical
examples is one of the main challenges that faces each and every one of us.
Whether we are able to meet this challenge, will depend on the amount of
time we have spent analysing the world around us.



A free speech struggle developed in Brisbane  after the defeat of the 1912
General Strike.  A number of speakers chained themselves to the verandah
posts in Queen St, Brisbane in 1913 to protest about the lack of free speech
in Queensland.
A number of these protesters were sent to Boggo Road jail for their efforts.
One of the prisoners George Campbell Thompson a member of the Socialist
Party went on a hunger strike when he was sent to Boggo Road jail.
Two prison doctors at Boggo Road jail certified him insane and had him
admitted to a locked ward at the Lunatic Asylum at Goodna near Ipswich.
Political activists in Queensland were outraged at his confinement.  The
Inspector for Asylums claimed that Thompson was insane and not fit for
discharge.  It took over eighteen months of protests before George Thompson
was released from the Lunatic Asylum in Goodna, just before May Day in 1915.
Interestingly he was only released on probation.  George was never arrested
again.  Later on in his life he moved to Macleay Island and lived a quiet
life on the island until his death in 1958.
Free speech struggles have been a feature of life in Queensland for most of
this century. Successive Queensland governments have stifled protest
activity limiting protests to those that have a police permit.  It seems
that the movement of traffic in Queensland has always been a much more
important priority than free speech.

Container Deposit Legislation
by Georgios Alexandrou, Published by SCAM Publications 1999 Melbourne

Georgios Alexandrou has accidentally stumbled on a hidden truth about the
anarchist movement in his well researched and convincingly argued case for
Resource Recovery and Waste Minimisation.  The author examines the history
of deposit legislation in Australia and tackles head on the reasons why
every state government (apart from the South Australian government) has not
introduced Container Deposit Legislation.
This book isnıt bedtime reading, although itıs tedious in parts, Georgios
has attempted and succeeded in making the topic accessible to ordinary
readers.  He has kept jargon to a minimum and has looked at every
conceivable angle.  Governments, industry and can collectors all get a
hearing in this seminal contribution to the Container Deposit Legislation
In an attempt to give a human face to his report Georgios has included an
interview with Lyle, a can and bottle collector at the Victoria Markets in
Melbourne.  This interview reminded me of the old bottle-O.  The bottle-O
was a permanent feature of the Australian landscape before disposable
containers became all the rage.  Most of these people were elderly or
disabled, they went from house to house collecting bottles, loading them
onto hand pulled carts or into old prams.  Disposable containers removed
that little extra income that many people on pensions were able to make.
If corporations who produced disposable containers are forced to pay for the
damage their products cause to the community, tens of thousands of people
could earn a decent living from collecting disposable containers.  Georgios
has stumbled on an old anarchist home truth that is again raising its ugly
head.  Many of the anarchists involved in the Spanish Revolution were
self-employed people who worked long hours to keep body and soul together.
Their experiences drew them to the collective aims of the anarchist
movement.  As individuals they worked all day, without holidays and
sickdays, pitting themselves against other people who earned as little as
they did.  Joining a collective ensured they received a decent reward for
their efforts and allowed them to take holidays.
As we approach the 21st century the push toward individual contracts has
stripped away what little protection workers have.  More and more people are
becoming self-employed, working longer hours for less, collectivism provides
an alternative to the individual contract nightmare.  The very people who
are championed by the author in this book, find themselves in a similar
situation to the barbers, waiters, newspaper sellers and vendors who flocked
to the anarchist movement in Spain.
Container Deposit Legislation is published by SCAM Publications.  Copies of
this detailed, well researched, incisive publication can be obtained by
writing to Scam Publications, PO Box 756, Brunswick Lower.  3056  Melbourne
Australia.  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Walking the dog seems to be an Australian preoccupation.  Every morning,
every evening, tens of thousands of people of all shapes and sizes walk
their dogs.  Big dogs, small dogs shaggy dogs, black dogs, white dogs, there
seems to be as much variety in the dogs as there is in their human handlers.
Youıd have to be Rip Van Winkel if you havenıt noticed the collection of
doggy poos on every footpath in the land, some as big as a decent sized
human turd, but thatıs another story.
Morning dog walkers, are normally athletic types, the mutts and their human
handlers have a predilection for running.  Men, woman and dogs seem to work
themselves up into a lather over nothing.  The action in the afternoon
starts at around 4.00 p.m.  Bored, listless, in your face young teenagers
are dragged round the suburbs by yap yaps whoıs cuteness and friendship
factor has been replaced by a sense of duty thatıs reinforced by a slow
trickle of parental pocket money.
Around 5.00 p.m. elderly folk emerge from gods waiting rooms to exercise
their coiffured, pampered, short legged friends.  They stop, start on their
promenade using the walk as an excuse to exercise tongues that have been
stifled by a daily dose of the young and the restless, days of our lives and
Oprah.  As dusk falls, middle aged men go through the motions of walking
elderly mutts that have outlived the attentions of teenage children who have
discovered the attractions of drugs, sex and rock Œnı roll.  These ghosts
who walk crawl streets, oblivious of everything except their own impending
Later in the evening young couples with lust on their minds exercise long
legged pedigree dogs, coats glistening in the moonlight.  Walking hand in
hand their dog on a leash, they dream about their future together not
realising that mortality will soon puncture any dreams they may have.
Around midnight the occasional jogger is harassed from behind suburban
fences by forgotten dogs who are dutifully fed but never walked by their


Two terrible murder suicides in West Australia in the past two weeks has
raised critical questions about family life in Australia.  In both cases, a
parent has hooked up a hose to a car exhaust and has gassed their children
and themselves.
The interesting aspect about the current rash of familial murder suicides is
peoplesı reaction to these tragedies.  Many people are saying that they
understand why a parent embarks on such a tragic course of action.  Many
peoplesı lives are tied up with the lives of their children.  Children are
seen as private property not as individuals with their own lives, hopes and
aspirations.  When families break up, or run into difficulties, a parent may
decide to end their life and the life of their children because they see
their children as an extension of themselves.
I donıt think that revenge is the primary motive.  I believe that despair
and depression drives people to take what they believe is the best course of
action for themselves and their children.  Suicide is essentially an
impulsive action.   For every person who succeeds in killing themselves,
twenty others survive.  Counselling, psychiatric intervention, changes in
the way break ups are handled by the courts and changes in the way people
interact are long term solutions to the problem.
Attaching a hose to a cars exhaust pipe and pumping carbon monoxide into the
car is an impulsive painless method of committing murder suicide.  A parent
stabbing, shooting or bashing children to death is a course most parents
wonıt contemplate.  In the late 1960ıs a rash of suicides primarily among
women occurred as a result of barbiturate overdoses.  The number of
overdoses were dramatically reduced by introducing one simple measure.
Barbiturates were removed from plastic containers and individually packed in
foil.  As suicide is normally an impulsive act, itıs much much easier to
swallow a container of pills than individually remove and swallow a pill
thatıs wrapped in foil.  This simple measure had the desired effect of
reducing the number of suicides in Australia.
The same principle can be applied to carbon monoxide poisoning.  Car
exhausts do not have to produce carbon monoxide.  A few additives added to
fuel storage points can remove carbon monoxide from exhaust products.  This
simple act would have prevented the recent murder suicides and would also
prevent the deaths of those people who use this method to end their lives.
Why havenıt governments looked at this simple solution?
They claim that the extra cent or two a litre that would be added to the
price of petrol, puts this proposal out of contention.  Considering that
over 60% of the price consumers pay at the bowser is tax, you really have to
wonder why this simple proposal has not been implemented.

JOSEPH TOSCANO (Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society).


… FREEDOM VOL.60 No.14 10th Julyı99, 84b Whitechapel High St, London E17QX,
Great Britian http://www.tao.ca/~freedom email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Rio/SE, 41130 Spain Tel/Fax (95) 5772135 email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


… CONTAINER DEPOSIT LEGISLTATION (See this weeks book review) by Georges
Alexandrou, Scam Publications PO Box 756 Brunswick Lower 3052, Melbourne
Australia email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
… NEW FARM NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWS No.5 Julyı99 PO Box 5208 Westend 4101,
Brisbane Australia Tel 0738464358, Fax 0738465899.
… WESTEND NEIGHBOURHOODF NEWS, No.67 Julyı99, PO Box 5208 West End 4101,
Brisbane Australia Tel 0738464358, Fax 07 38465899.


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B) Towards an anarchist society 1999 handbook

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