-Caveat Lector-

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Date: September 19, 2007 3:11:01 PM PDT
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ?!? "Osama Jr Weds British Granny for Green Card" / "Osama's Niece Poses Nude"

Judging by the family life of the supreme icon of anti-American Islamist terrorism, we've WON the War on Terror. Jerry Springer could handle Homeland Security.

Please tell me Osama isn't holed up in some seedy motel in Vegas, guzzling Bud lite and gorging on pork chops, glancing up from counting a stack of greenbacks to savor some naked shiksa's acting out of infidel-ity on the Playboy Channel ...

British Woman Divorcing Osama's Son

!!! "The British Consulate rejected Omar bin Laden's application
for a visa - for failing to provide his father’s permanent address" !!!

Posted: 2007-09-19 07:12:56

http://news.aol.com/story/_a/british-woman-divorcing-bin-laden-son/ 20070919064809990001?ncid=NWS00010000000001

LONDON (Sept. 19) - A British woman who married a son of Osama bin Laden says the couple are divorcing because of opposition from his family, The Sun newspaper reported Wednesday.

Jane Felix-Browne, a 51-year-old grandmother from Moulton, a village in northwestern England, married Omar bin Laden, 27, in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia in April.

But Felix-Browne said, according to The Sun, that bin Laden's family members feel they have been humiliated. The newspaper quoted her as saying her husband had been threatened in a telephone call, but she did not identify the caller or give details about the threat.

"Omar was told he shouldn't be married to me, and there was a very good chance he would be taken to prison," The Sun quoted her as saying. "Omar knew who it was on the phone, but he wouldn't tell me. After the call he said he felt both our lives were in jeopardy."

She could not be reached for comment Wednesday morning.

"People are opposed to my marriage because I am British. I wasn't prepared to see the man I love die," she was quoted as saying.

"It was a really, really good marriage, a strong marriage. But I cannot stand by and watch my beloved husband die before my very eyes.

"The bin Laden family are afraid of the political implications of a British woman being married to the son of Osama bin Laden. They fear embarrassment and complications, not just in their own country but also in Britain and America," Felix-Browne was quoted as saying.

The Sun quoted Omar bin Laden also as saying "this marriage is now over."

"I don't want a divorce, but there are serious reasons for this breakup that I can't talk about," The Sun quoted him as saying.

"I adore being with this woman. But we can't stand up when the waves from the sea are coming to wipe us out."


British Granny Married Bin Laden Son

51-Year-Old Divorcee Wedded Omar Bin Laden, 27, In Egypt Last April

LONDON, July 11, 2007
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/07/11/world/main3043338.shtml? source=RSSattr=HOME_3043338

(CBS/AP) A British divorcee has married one of the sons of al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, she told British television Wednesday.

Jane Felix-Browne, a 51-year-old grandmother from Moulton, Cheshire, in northwest England, married 27-year-old Omar bin Laden in Egypt in April, she told ITV's GMTV program.

Felix-Browne, who also uses the name Zaina Mohamad, is a local councilor with three children and five grandchildren. It is her sixth marriage.

She told The Times and Sun newspapers, which initially reported the story, that she met Omar bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader's fourth son, while riding a horse near the Great Pyramid, in Giza, Egypt. She had been in the country to undergo medical treatment for multiple sclerosis, she said.

The couple held Islamic marriage ceremonies in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Felix-Browne said.

In a new audiotape on Tuesday, al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al- Zawahiri threatened Britain with more attacks, accusing London of defying the Islamic world by honoring novelist Salman Rushdie.

Last month, attackers failed in two car separate car bombing attacks in London and Glasgow. In July 2005, four suicide bombers killed over 50 in coordinated bombings on London's transit system.

Felix-Browne said she "married the son, not the father."

"I just married the man I fell in love with — to me he is just Omar," she told The Times. "I hope people will take a step back and think what it is like when they fell in love."

She told GMTV that she would one day like to meet her father-in-law to find out if he really is the mastermind behind the terrorist atrocities he is accused of.

"You know, the newspapers say he did it and certain newspapers say they don't know, so I would ask, that is one question I would ask. 'Did you do it?' Because I don't know," she said in a telephone interview broadcast live.

She said her husband, a scrap dealer and one of 18 brothers, was raised in Sudan and Afghanistan after his father was expelled from Saudi Arabia for anti-government actions. She added that father and son last met in Afghanistan in 2000.

"He left his father because he did not feel it was right to fight or to be in an army. Omar was training to be a soldier and he was only 19."

Felix-Browne said she has become Omar bin Laden's second wife, and is hoping to arrange a visa for her new husband to visit Britain, but acknowledged it would be difficult.

"Because my husband's name is bin Laden he finds it very difficult to travel anywhere," she told The Sun.

A spokesperson for the British Consulate said Omar bin Laden's application was rejected because he had failed to provide them with his father’s permanent address, CBS News has learned.

The couple last met in April when Felix-Browne spent three weeks at her new husband's home in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

News of the nuptials has caused a ripple of excitement in Moulton — a quaint English country village more accustomed to community fairs than hosting the world's media.

"It gave me goose bumps when I heard the news," said nursery supervisor Gill Targett. "It's all very scary considering what Osama bin Laden has done to so many innocent people. He's still a relation and blood is thicker than water." © MMVII, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Wafah Dufour, Osama Bin Laden's Niece,

Appears Nearly Nude In GQ Photo Spread

By Digger

Wafah Dufour, appears scantily clad in the Jan. 2006 GQ magazine
Finally something related to Osama Bin Laden I can *get behind*.

Wafah Dufour, the niece of Osama Bin Laden, changed her name to her mother's maiden name after September 11, 2001. She hopes to break into the music and modeling industry and says she is all-American.

Wafah Dufour was born in California, has a law degree and lives in New York City.

CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/12/23/bin.laden.niece.ap/index.html? section=cnn_topstories

"Everyone relates me to that man, and I have nothing to do with him," Wafah Dufour, the daughter of bin Laden's half brother, Yeslam Binladin, says in the January edition of the magazine, referring to the al Qaeda leader.

"I want to be accepted here, but I feel that everybody's judging me and rejecting me," said the California-born Dufour, a law graduate who lives in New York. "Come on, where's the American spirit? I want to be embraced -- my values are just like yours. And I'm here. I'm not hiding."

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