-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

From: Brian Downing Quig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The sun never sets on wars financed with U.S. dollars.  At
every hour of the day or night someone is
dying at the hands of those who control our government, and
we American taxpayers pay for it.

George Bush Jr. recently claimed he is God's man in the
Republican Party, a Christian by profession,
his life changed by Jesus Christ, he says. He wants to lead
our nation as its president, as did his father.
Bush is not alone in professing Christianity, all
politicians realizes election is impossible without a split
of the Christian votes.  Bush's father, former President
George Bush Sr. knows this too.

Bush Sr. was 10,000 miles away, quoted at an air base in
Kuwait on January 19, 1999.  There he told
American servicemen, "I'm delighted that I've been invited
out here today to salute you, who, in my
view, are doing the Lord's work."  Bush said to rapturous
applause from 400 troops of the 332nd Air
Expeditionary Group whose job it is to bomb people of Iraq
daily.  George Bush Junior should be
asked if he views the bombing of women and children as the
"Lord's work.".

People are dying at the hands of the unknowing American
Taxpayer in Iraq every day, and there can
be no doubt that our leaders know.  The facts of the
killing, which number about 4,000 children a month
from starvation and deprivation alone, are undeniable.
Hundreds of humanitarian minded persons
have visited Iraq in spite of every effort by the US
Government prevent them.  One of these many
voices is Zachary Fink who last July traveled to Iraq with
members of "Voices in The Wilderness," a
nonprofit anti-war group.  The group, one of many that could
be named, has traveled to the country
twenty-five times with hundreds of witnesses since 1996,
claiming to deliver food and medicine to the
Iraqi people.  In doing so each person openly, violated U.S.
law, which prohibits unauthorized
transactions in Iraq.  Mr. Fink captured the tragedy he
witnessed in Iraq on a small digital camera and
on his writing pad.  He, like hundreds of others, witness to
the destruction of villages, farms and
innocent live left by American built bombs and missiles
launched by the very men Mr. Bush Sr. claims
to be doing "God's work"...

While the US bombs fall on the starving people of Iraq, the
people of Chechnya are the willful target of
planned annihilation by the Russians. The missiles differ,
but the money is the same.   American
dollars pay for the Russian attack, for Russia is one of the
largest recipients of U.S. foreign aid,
supposedly given to it to keep non-communists in power.
That money is going to pay for war as surely
as if Russian artillery shells, made in the USA, are falling
on the entrapped Chechen civilians.  Russia
has been a foreign aid recipient since the middle 1990s in
amount of up to $790 million a year or more.
These billions do not go for peaceful redevelopment of the
Russian people, but for war against a
freedom seeking population of ethnic non-Russians in

The American's foreign aid map spans the world taking in
about 120 countries.  In addition, the United
Nations, financed primarily by the U.S. Taxpayer, maintains
armies on active duty in upward to 25
countries everywhere under the sun.  Almost every one of
these marks a war zone, from Uganda to

Truly, the sun never sets on wars financed by U.S. dollars.
Will Christian professing George Bush Jr.
stop all of this if he becomes our president?  How does he
feel about his father's statements, the
bombing and shelling of a helpless and starving population
10 years after they were destroyed
militarily in Bush's unauthorized war?  Does he too believe
that bombing starving children is "God's

There is one even more important question.  If the votes of
Christians are so important that politicians
must cater to them, why does not every Christian know it?
Americans must ask why our media
Celebrity Christian have not told us the facts of war over
their million dollar network hook ups.  They
have the means to alert much of church going world in
minutes.  Can we expect George Bush Jr. to be
more moral than our church leaders?
                                Heads Up!  Perhaps you
should ask them.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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