<tt>From:</tt> <tt>
&quot;David Guyatt&quot; &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</tt>
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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>There is a "billionaires club" and they usually 
only play on rigged roulette wheels but possess the necessary clout to make sure 
all the wheels in town are rigged, anyway.&nbsp;&nbsp;I think dope and guns 
account for only&nbsp;part of their total operations. The bigger game&nbsp;is 
the global financial markets.&nbsp; Playing them ultimately amounts to the same 
thing as drinking at the public trough as national treasuries are often 
lightened in the process - for example, the&nbsp;Long Term Capital Management 
story.&nbsp; This outfit needed almost four billion units of money-blood from 
the Wall Street ER to keep it breathing because with only $2.2 billion in assets 
it had accumulated $1.25 trillion exposure giving a leverage of about 568:1 
(which means it must have owned a gold card at the very least!).&nbsp; It was 
"rescued" (to use the Fed's euphemism for an event that almost caused a systemic 
collapse of the global financial system) in September 1998.&nbsp; In December 
1988, LTCM made a profit of $700 million!&nbsp; Just goes to show how effective 
a money transfusion can be when the dollar doc's are on your case.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>David</FONT></DIV>
style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; 
  <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black"><B>From:</B> 
  <A href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Brian Downing Quig</A> 
  <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A 
  href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
  <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, February 02, 2000 5:44 
  <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> [CIA-DRUGS] THIS IS WHAT I HAVE 
  <DIV><BR></DIV>"When all the small players are stripped away what will 
  probably be found is a small pack of billionaires in a feeding frenzy at the 
  public trough." 
  <P>Would anyone like to pursue this line of inquiry?&nbsp; I have turned up 
  Carl Lindner and defined his length and breath.&nbsp; Who are the other 
  billionaires involved in this feeding frenzy?&nbsp; George Bush for 
  sure.&nbsp; Who else Hopsicker? 
  <P>In is only when one examines the "small pack of billionaires" concept that 
  one approaches an understanding of what motivates the drug and weapons trade. 
  <P>Brian Downing Quig <BR>&nbsp; 
  <P>Brian Downing Quig wrote: 
  <BLOCKQUOTE TYPE="CITE"><TT>From:</TT> <TT>Brian Downing Quig 
    &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</TT> 
    <P><FONT color=#000099><FONT size=+2>THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL 
    <P>Carl Lindner is quite simply the largest financial beneficary of the 
    contra war.&nbsp; It is essential for you to know this.&nbsp; You can learn 
    it right here <A 
    I do not see any evidence that list members have gotten this point. 
    <P>Let me illuminate the landscape here in Arizona.&nbsp; After Charlie 
    Keating bit the bag for passing out 2.5 billion dollars to locals here Carl 
    Lindner purchased Channel 10 and teamed up with Rupert Murdock. (Talk about 
    an unholy drug alliance!!)&nbsp;&nbsp; Channel 10 news has more physical 
    resoruces than all the rest of the news organizations combined.&nbsp; Rupert 
    Murdock owns 50% of the FIRST INSTERSTATE BANK BUILDING where Harry 
    Rosensweig had his offices.&nbsp; In addition to owning pravately UNITED 
    BRANDS Lindner owns some very large percent of the CIRCLE K CORPORATION. 
    <P>Carl Lindner owned 7 S&amp;Ls that went stinko.&nbsp; His name was not 
    mentioned in connection to the scandal.&nbsp; That is real power.&nbsp; If 
    anyone wants to ask did anyone learn a lesson from the justice metted out by 
    the iran/contra committee&nbsp; I would have to refer them to Carl Lindner. 
    <P>Dispite the televised congressional investigation one must recognize that 
    the contra program was a resounding success for the CIA and its backers. 
    <P>Brian Downing Quig 
    <P>Catherine Austin Fitts wrote: 
    <BLOCKQUOTE TYPE="CITE">From: "Catherine Austin Fitts" 
      &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt; 
      <P>If what is going on at HUD is relevant, Dan, you want to follow the 
      Lindner <BR>lead. According to Stu Webb he is one of six nationwide 
      <BR>comptrollers/financial fraud centers. My guess is that Stu is right on 
      this <BR>one. 
      <P>-----Original Message----- <BR>From:&nbsp;&nbsp; Linda Minor [<A 
      href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>] 
      <BR>Sent:&nbsp;&nbsp; Monday, January 31, 2000 11:47 PM 
      <BR>To:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
      <BR>Subject:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Re: [CIA-DRUGS] Don 
      <P>From: "Linda Minor" &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt; 
      <P>Speaking of George's love of boats, there's a photo of him in Pete 
      Brewton's <BR>book, waving to photographers from his boat.&nbsp; The photo 
      has the following <BR>caption: 
      <P>"George Bush waves goodbye to reporters and sightseers as he takes off 
      for a <BR>second day of fishing from the Ocean Reef Club on Key 
      Largo.&nbsp; Ocean Reef is <BR>owned by Bush's friend and major campaign 
      donor Carl Lindner.&nbsp; CIA gun <BR>runner Jack DeVoe smuggled his 
      Colombian cocaine into this prestigious club. <BR>(Miami Herald)" 
      <P>&gt;From pages 291-298 of The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush: 
      <P>"In November 1985, Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigators 
      <BR>interviewed Jack DeVoe in federal prison in Memphis, Tennessee, 
      regarding <BR>his cocaine smuggling into the Ocean Reef Club.&nbsp; 'DeVoe 
      stated that the <BR>majority of the hangars at Ocean Reef were used for 
      drug smuggling for many <BR>years and a lot of people knew about it,' san 
      and FDLE report....Lindner's <BR>spokeswoman said that Lindner has never 
      even heard of Jack DeVoe.&nbsp; However, <BR>in the summer of 1988 the 
      Ocean Reef Club agreed to transfer title for 31 <BR>acres of mangrove to 
      the state.&nbsp; This friendly takeover by the state of <BR>Florida was 
      allegedly done in lieu of a formal RICO forfeiture complaint <BR>that 
      could have been filed against Ocean Reef for allowing an ongoing 
      <BR>criminal enterprise (DeVoe's drug smuggling) to operate on its 
      property. <BR>Ocean Reef also agreed to pay $150,000 toward the cost of 
      investigation by <BR>the FDLE.... 
      <P>"Of the seven hangars DeVoe listed at Ocean Reef, he himself used 
      three. <BR>But one next to his, Hangar #6, was owned by Bebe Rebozo, 
      Richard Nixon's <BR>closest associate and Watergate figure.&nbsp; (Rebozo 
      was also good friends with <BR>Paul Helliwell.)&nbsp; .....[DeVoe hired 
      Harvey Silets to represent him on a tax <BR>problem.]&nbsp; Silets then 
      sent DeVoe to Lawrence Freeman for help in setting up <BR>foreign bank 
      accounts and companies.&nbsp; 'Freeman was hired to assist in 
      <BR>laundering the smuggling proceeds,' an FDLE report on DeVoe states 
      <BR>flatly....Freeman said he first met Helliwell when he traveled to the 
      United <BR>States for a funeral in April 1969.&nbsp; 'I advised my dad 
      that I intended to <BR>separate from the service and continue to live in 
      Europe, and my father, <BR>being a consul for the country of El Salvador, 
      recommended that I speak with <BR>Paul Helliwell, who by coincidence my 
      father knew because Paul Helliwell was <BR>the consul of Thailand. 
      <P>" 'I met with Mr. Helliwell, and Mr. Helliwell suggested that I contact 
      his <BR>business associate in Zurich, who was Phil Barry.'&nbsp; Barry was 
      in the OSS <BR>with Helliwell, Freeman said.... 
      <P>"Helliwell was identified by journalist Jim Drinkhall as being the 
      reputed <BR>paymaster for the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion.&nbsp; 
      Drinkhall also reported <BR>that Helliwell and the CIA used Castle Bank 
      accounts to fund later <BR>anti-Castro activities. 
      <P>"According to the author and journalist Jonathan Kwitny, 'Amidst all 
      the <BR>speculation that has swirled around CIA agents who were also 
      involved in <BR>narcotics smuggling over the years, the one CIA career 
      officer definitely <BR>known to have planned narcotics smuggling as an 
      instrument of American <BR>foreign policy was Paul Helliwell.' 
      <P>"Helliwell established one of the CIA's first proprietary front 
      companies <BR>called Sea Supply Corp., to funnel weapons to the 
      anti-communist Chinese in <BR>Thailand in the 1950s.&nbsp; The Chinese 
      manufactured heroin to help pay for <BR>their military needs, and the 
      heroin was transported out of the isolated <BR>mountains on the pack mules 
      of Helliwell's Sea Supply Corp." <BR>-----Original Message----- <BR>From: 
      &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt; <BR>Date: Monday, January 31, 2000 12:52 PM 
      <BR>Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Don Arnow &amp; 10-YEAR INVESTIGATION OF THE 
      <P>&gt;From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;from: <BR>&gt;<A 
      <BR>&gt;Click Here: &lt;A HREF="<A 
      <BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : Government&nbsp; : 
      Controver...&lt;/A&gt; <BR>&gt;----- <BR>&gt;Also there are excerpts from 
      Blue Thunder, about Don Aronow and another <BR>very <BR>&gt;interesting 
      <P>&gt;available in Digest 145 and 147. They can be easily accesed from 
      the site: <BR>&gt;<A 
      <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt;Om <BR>&gt;K <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; 
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