One of my research interests has been MKULTRA, mainly because
I realized that working at UCLA gave me access to the same
libraries housing the same materials utilized by the doctors
who were involved with creation of some of the projects.
I have a copy of the Joint Hearing before the Select Committee
on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific
Research of the Committee on Human Resources; U.S. Senate
95th Congress, First Session.  It was not until after these
Senate Hearings that MKULTRA was officially/publicly
shut-down in 1978.
Yes, there had been a CIA memo dated October 20, 1975
calling for the destruction of agency records pertaining
to MKULTRA, signed by Donald F. Chamberlain, Inspector
There are many of us who have evidence that the MKULTRA
projects were never really shut-down, as witness
the Senate's determination that they needed to have a
hearing even after the CIA declared MKULTRA finished.
Many of the MKULTRA projects were called something else
before being brought under one project name with many
sub-projects (Bluebird, in a memo for example discussed
in a 1952 with a blacked out signature).
What document do you have that provides a date of 1973?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [MC] Operation Paperclip

It is important to remember that the bulk of the MK_ULTRA were destroyed in
1973. In spite of what they claim, I do not think they abandoned the old
methods; they are still in operation today. At least according to my
research. But I do believe that they knew about electomagnetic methods,
tho' that has not been the focus of my research. We do know they were
working with electricity (electro-shock) and radiation: not a big leap.!

Ann Earle
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