# [Key  Word] mind  control, conspiracy theory, new  world order,
human  rights, privacy, electronmagnetic waves, microwaves,
victims, stories, satanism,  ritual/child abuse, perpetrator, survivors,
harrassment,  FBI, CIA,  NSA, social  control...

#  Dear All MC Victims,

Let  me  introduce myself first. I'm one of  the  victims  of  the MC
that started a  couple of  years ago.  Cheryl Welsh knew   me  because
my symptoms  are very similar  to  her.
My personal   story is appeared  on  the  MCF  site  in the victim
section  of the   site (please take a look  and find out  my name George
Li on the list).

I've decided  to start a list called "Mind  Control   Vicitm's
Experiences"   (MCVE)  using onelist.com list server  in   addition  to
this list and   MCO. All victims   worldwide   are  welcomed.  As   the
title  has  indicated,  this  is a  list for  the victims to   share
their  personal experiences on MC.  Perpetrators   are  not welcomed.
I'll be  moderator, list observer  and,  occassionally, would like to
take part in the list  discussion  and  share with the  list members
with my own experiences,thoughs and feels on  MC. I'd  not expect my
list  as  high volume of  the traffic  as  MC-L.  But  expecting  you,
the list member,  share  your  thoughts,  experiences and   feels on the
MC in  a caring manner  as  much  as  I  do. It shall  be, from   the
beginning, a small community as  it carefully evolves  towards the

Your  messages  contributed  to the  list  are   archived publictly.
And you  shall consider  your private emails exchanged with  other list
members  be one day appeared  as public messages  as  they may  be
provided  as  evidence in  favor  of the discussion  on   the particular
subject. Please  keep   this mind  as  you  might
show your  private  emails to be  presented   on  the list in favor  of
the discussion in  a more effective manner  and that would somehow
avoid the unnecessary misunderstandings  between  the   parties involved.

We might  not know  all  the  aspects  of  the MC  under the operations
by military  agencies and    intellegience  circles. But   we  need   to
support  ourselves and  stick  together  emotionally and intellengently.
Even   the  FBI   or  CIA   agents  won't know   what they're  doing in
the  mess  of the MC tragedies. They the   agents   only  perfom    what
they  are told  to carry out  their  missions.  In a sense,  the
targeted,  the victim,   is  their commodity   with  some   code  names
on  the file.  We  really need to  protect ourselves emotionally  and
intellectually  in every  thoughtful  manner  as  daily  struggle to
live  in  this world without regards   to  who  you're, where  you
live,  what   you've been  doing,  what is  your   ethnic  and gender,
etc. Who  are  gonna  protect  you?  No  one!  But with   this list, we
support each other  and care  about each other and like  to  listen   to
each  other's   stories.

One  of my  close  friend was  being  mind controlled recently.  And
this let us  form  a  closer  cycle   with  each  other and this's  a
strating point in facing the  miserable  future  under  the  endless
harrassment  of   the MC  towards the   end of  one's life.  Again,
we'd like to hear   your story   as  detailed as possible  and  let   us
the issues  involved  in a  more   personal  manner. This is not
intended to be a  research  list.  However,  if  you  can provide brief
overview  of the  article presented, that will  be  wonderful  for those
readers who  don't have  time  and/or  patience to read   the   entire
article. (Wes, please let me re-post this message in the near future)

Sincerely  yours,


MINDCONTROL-L Mind Control and Psyops Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the following text: "unsubscribe MINDCONTROL-L" or "subscribe
 Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, list moderator

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