In a message dated 00-07-09 09:57:10 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

 The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling

 Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet
 Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 2:33 a.m.

 The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling...07/08/00
 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

 It appears to be working. I received a call from AT&T/@Home today stating
 they received over 700 calls. It seems the email terrorism has stopped. But
 think it is very important that all those who have not called yet, do so. It
 seems they were unaware of what was happening to you and me, even though I
 told everyone who would listen. From low level support tech's, to the office
 of Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer of AT&T/@Home.

 Now they appear to be playing the game of "It's not our fault, it's
 Earthlink". Of course Earthlink was contacted weeks ago right after the
 disaster. They carefully looked at the header and stated "It sure isn't us,
 we are not your outgoing mail provider, we are your incoming mail provider.
 It is @Home who can stop this". But in fairness, if AT&T/@Home can prove
 Earthlink was responsible, I will hold them just as responsible as

 Think about this for just a moment. If the email that was sent out gave the
 names and address of all the upper management of AT&T/@Home, how long do you
 think the email would have continued? Or what if the email gave explicit
 instructions on how to make a suit case bomb, how long would the emails have
 continued? My point is simply this. I do not believe the problem was IF they
 could have stopped it, but WHY they did not. Incompetence? Disinterest? Fear
 of touching the hot potato? Whatever it was, it appears to be reckless and
 with disregard for the public or its customers.

 I have requested a full investigation with moment by moment events, task,
 personnel involved in this issue. I would hope AT&T/@Home would be very
 willing to do just this so they can better serve the public from it ever
 happening again. What do you think their response will be??? Let's hope it
 not the motto of old "here at AT&T, we don't care, we don't have to".

 I believe what is needed is your continued pressure to hold AT&T/@Home
 responsible for their actions. I know there are many of you, like myself,
 use your email and computer for business purposes. Not only have I lost
 revenue, I have been wounded with regards to my credibility. I know most of
 you have figured out what has happened, but there are some who still hold me
 responsible. I don't blame them, they just wanted it to stop. Also, there
 some of you who have asked to be removed of my e-newsletter mailing list.
 because you blame me, but simply out of fear of it happening again. Again, I
 don't blame you for your concern.

 This event has surely taken its toll on me and my family. I am hopeful that
 not one of you would ever think I would do anything to harm you or your
 family with such a reckless and senseless harassment (terrorism) that all of
 us have endured. I will be taking the next ten days off. I realize if I
 take care of myself, I will not be useful for any of us.

 Here are the numbers and personnel:

 Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer on the Board of Directors.
 (650) 556-5000 or (650) 568-6000 or email him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Abby Oxendine, Executive Relations (650) 556-6900.

 Tech Support number is (888) 404-9200 (But may be different in your area)

 In all cases, refer to case # 02902816.

 Reminder: I have not been able to view my email since July 2nd 10:10 PM
 (PST). Every single email has been auto delete. Please wait until I return
 from my time out to send mail. At that time I will be able to respond to

 Blessings To All,
 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

>From the Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum

The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling

Posted By: Spiritual_Piglet
Date: Sunday, 9 July 2000, 2:33 a.m.

The Email Terrorism Ceased, But Don't Stop Calling...07/08/00
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

It appears to be working. I received a call from AT&T/@Home today stating
they received over 700 calls. It seems the email terrorism has stopped. But I
think it is very important that all those who have not called yet, do so. It
seems they were unaware of what was happening to you and me, even though I
told everyone who would listen. From low level support tech's, to the office
of Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer of AT&T/@Home.

Now they appear to be playing the game of "It's not our fault, it's
Earthlink". Of course Earthlink was contacted weeks ago right after the first
disaster. They carefully looked at the header and stated "It sure isn't us,
we are not your outgoing mail provider, we are your incoming mail provider.
It is @Home who can stop this". But in fairness, if AT&T/@Home can prove
Earthlink was responsible, I will hold them just as responsible as

Think about this for just a moment. If the email that was sent out gave the
names and address of all the upper management of AT&T/@Home, how long do you
think the email would have continued? Or what if the email gave explicit
instructions on how to make a suit case bomb, how long would the emails have
continued? My point is simply this. I do not believe the problem was IF they
could have stopped it, but WHY they did not. Incompetence? Disinterest? Fear
of touching the hot potato? Whatever it was, it appears to be reckless and
with disregard for the public or its customers.

I have requested a full investigation with moment by moment events, task, and
personnel involved in this issue. I would hope AT&T/@Home would be very
willing to do just this so they can better serve the public from it ever
happening again. What do you think their response will be??? Let's hope it is
not the motto of old "here at AT&T, we don't care, we don't have to".

I believe what is needed is your continued pressure to hold AT&T/@Home
responsible for their actions. I know there are many of you, like myself, who
use your email and computer for business purposes. Not only have I lost
revenue, I have been wounded with regards to my credibility. I know most of
you have figured out what has happened, but there are some who still hold me
responsible. I don't blame them, they just wanted it to stop. Also, there are
some of you who have asked to be removed of my e-newsletter mailing list. Not
because you blame me, but simply out of fear of it happening again. Again, I
don't blame you for your concern.

This event has surely taken its toll on me and my family. I am hopeful that
not one of you would ever think I would do anything to harm you or your
family with such a reckless and senseless harassment (terrorism) that all of
us have endured. I will be taking the next ten days off. I realize if I don't
take care of myself, I will not be useful for any of us.

Here are the numbers and personnel:

Milo Medin, Chief Technology Officer on the Board of Directors.
(650) 556-5000 or (650) 568-6000 or email him at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Abby Oxendine, Executive Relations (650) 556-6900.

Tech Support number is (888) 404-9200 (But may be different in your area)

In all cases, refer to case # 02902816.

Reminder: I have not been able to view my email since July 2nd 10:10 PM
(PST). Every single email has been auto delete. Please wait until I return
from my time out to send mail. At that time I will be able to respond to your

Blessings To All,
Mitch Battros
Producer - Earth Changes TV


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