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-Caveat Lector-


Thou shalt be like Bush


Patrick Henry College in rural Virginia is not your average American
university. The students - about 75 per cent of whom have been taught at
home - sign a statement before they arrive, confirming (among other
things) that they have a literal belief in the teachings of the Bible.
Students must obey a curfew, wear their hair neatly and dress "modestly".

If they wish to hold hands with a member of the opposite sex, they must do
so while walking: standing while holding hands is not permitted. And
students must sign an honour pledge that bans them from drinking alcohol
unless under parental supervision.

Several Christian establishments across the United States enforce such a
code. What makes this recently established, right-wing Christian college
unique are the increasingly close - critics say alarmingly close - links
it has with the Bush administration and the Republican establishment. This
northern spring, of the almost 100 interns working in the White House,
seven are from Patrick Henry. Another intern works for the Bush-Cheney
re-election campaign, while another works for President George Bush's
senior political adviser, Karl Rove. Yet another works for the Coalition
Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

Over the past four years, 22 conservative members of Congress have
employed one or more Patrick Henry interns. Janet Ashcroft, the wife of
Bush's Bible-thumping Attorney-General, is one of the college's trustees.

And this is no coincidence. Rather, it is the point. Students at Patrick
Henry are on a mission to change the world: indeed, to lead the world.
When, after four years or so, they leave their neatly kept campus, they do
so with a drive and commitment to reshape their new environments according
to the vision of their college.

The college's openly stated aim is to train young men and women "who will
lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values".

Nancy Keenan, of the liberal campaign group People for the American Way,
says: "The number of interns [from Patrick Henry] going into the White
House scares me to death.

"People have a right to choose [where their children are educated], but we
are concerned that they are not exposed to the kind of diversity this
country has. They are training people with a limited ideological and
political view. If these young people are going into positions of power,
they have to govern with all people in mind, not just a limited number."

The staff and students at Patrick Henry College are extraordinarily
pleasant. The campus lies in the small town of Purcellville, about 90
minutes' drive west of Washington DC. It is small - there are 240
students, all white - and dominated by one large building that houses the
classrooms, library and cafeteria, where the students and staff take their

On one wall is a copy of a famous painting of the revolutionary war hero
after whom the college is named, 10 years before he made the "Give me
liberty or give me death" speech for which he is best known. Students are
required to attend chapel every morning.

The college was established four years ago by Michael Farris, who runs the
Home School Legal Defence Association, set up in 1983 to promote the
values of Christian home-schooling.

The association now has 81,000 families, each paying dues of $100. Last
year, when George Bush signed legislation banning so-called "partial-birth
abortion", Farris was one of five Christian conservatives invited to
witness the act in the Oval Office.

The college gets so much money from right-wing Christian donors that it
operates without debt and yet charges just US$15,000 ($22,200) a year for
tuition - about US$10,000 ($16,100) less than comparable institutions.

Farris, who is also the president of Patrick Henry, was unavailable for an
interview when we visited, but told The New York Times: "We are not
home-schooling our kids just so they can read. The most common thing I
hear is parents telling me that they want their kids to be on the Supreme
Court. And if we put enough kids in the system, some may get through to
the major leagues."

The man entrusted with the education of Patrick Henry's students is Paul
Bonicelli, a former staffer on the House of Representatives international
relations committee and now the college's dean of academic affairs.

He, too, is terribly pleasant. "I am just sorry that the most important
thing we do did not get mentioned," he says, referring to an article in an
American newspaper that focused on the strict behaviour code.

"And that is to provide a very good, liberal arts education." He adds: "I
think the most important thing is our academic excellence, [and that we]
combine it with a serious statement about our faith and values."

All members of the teaching faculty, too, have to sign a pledge stating
that they share a generally literalist belief in the Bible. Oddly, only
staff teaching biology and theology have to hold a literal view
specifically of the six-day creation story.

And what is Bonicelli's view? He smiles. "I believe in six literal days,
but I remain open to someone persuading me otherwise."

Internships or apprenticeships, which all students must do in their final
year, form a major part of their courses. Many spend time working for
Republican members of the House or Senate, or in the White House. Only one
student has interned for a Democrat. "Most students' values don't link up
with [those of] the Democrats," Bonicelli says.

"Values" are something the students here seem to think about an awful lot
- values and focus.

"It's a very focused campus," confirms Marian Braaksma, 21, a charming,
third-year creative and professional writing student, who was
home-schooled by her parents in Arizona until the age of 18.

"We know why we are here and we want to learn everything we can here. The
professors give us a great opportunity to learn. We do work awfully hard,
more than most colleges."

But what about student life? What about having fun, what about those usual
student experiences that one might struggle to enjoy while obeying the
rule about hand-holding and walking?

"We do have fun, but it is not the sort of student life of a normal
college," insists Braaksma. "There are no heavy parties, we have a curfew.
But there are sports and games.

"It is a very musical college. We have a drama team. We also have a debate
team that does very well. Mr Farris has said the debate team is our
college sports team. Often we will stay up to welcome them back if they
have been away debating against another college."

On a tour of the campus, we stopped to speak to Leeann Walker from San
Diego, a 20-year-old due to be among the college's first students to
graduate next month. Unlike most of the students, Walker was not
homeschooled, but she had nothing but praise for her friends who were.

"I have found them to be some of the most responsible, most hardworking
people I have ever met," she says.

Walker feels the college has prepared her for the real world. She is
looking to work for one of the many conservative think-tanks in
Washington. "The mindset of most students is of denial of reality. They
want to stay in their own, self-centred world for as long as possible."

It was at this point, walking past the single-sex dormitories and the
campaign posters of suited students running for college office, towards
the main building, that one was struck with a sense of being on a film
set. One could not help but recall the 1998 film Pleasantville, in which
two teenagers are transported back to their parents' 1950s town.

The staff and students at Patrick Henry may laugh at this - if, that is,
they have seen the film. The MTV and VH1 pop-culture channels are blocked
from campus televisions because their contents are considered
inappropriate. The students' computers are set up with a program called
Covenant Eyes, which monitors the websites they visit.

There is something a little unsettling about Patrick Henry and the cultish
devotion of its students. The establishment claims to challenge its
students to think for themselves, yet establishes a fixed, rigid framework
in which they are to operate.

But, to its critics, what is perhaps most striking about this small,
influential college is its utter transparency. Patrick Henry College is an
institution devoted to spreading its word, spreading its view of the
world, and helping to place its students in positions of authority and
influence. And it does so in plain view.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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