----- Original Message -----
  From: Kathleen
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [diy_freedom] Skull and Bones Terrorism

  This is the day of Samhain. Samhain is the god of the


  ok. you do NOT know anything about the pagan religions if you think

  samhain is the holiest day of the year for us. it represents the end
  of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest and spirits
  can pass from this world to the next, to be prepared for
  reincarnation. it REPRESENTS the dying of the old god, in preparation
  for the birth of the new. how can you claim to be so well versed in
  something you know nothing about? do not start making blanket
  statements about dark magik and paganism, or even referances to them
  until you have some idea about what you are truly dealing with and
  talking about.

  Look you yourself just said that it is a day of death of one god and for the life of 
another. I was married to a witch and have some knowledge of the processes of magick. 
I am well aware of the good that many witches do and am a supporter of their work. 
This does not remove the fact that there are some very evil people that use this art 
to very evil ends. This is the day of the dead. Dead is not negative necessarily but 
in the case of Zionism is very very evil. No I am not a scholar in the field but I am 
far from ignorant about the activities of this night. It is pagan and in total 
opposition to the concept of the One God. Just as in Islam and Christianity there are 
evil forces that use these consciousness constructs. If you know what you say you know 
then you know that what I have said is true. This time period (the darkening of the 
moon) is a time for the workers of evil to cast the evil intent and gain power there 
by. Or do you say there is no such thing as satanism and Black magik? My God does not 
die. You are speaking of fertility structures that are wicken and rely on earth powers 
to manipulate the unseen world. These are the same sources of Satanism. That you might 
choose white magick maybe a hope of yours, but they are connection of the law of three 
and other forces that are easily misused and are very dangerous. I don't know how long 
you have been involved but I have lived and practiced magick long enough to know that 
it is very, very dangerous.

  Stay safe, I pray for you and those nearest to you. I also pray that your work 
tonoght is successful and contained by the powers of peace and love. Let there be a 
mirroring of all evil intent to upon all those that would cast this night for 
selfishness and personal gain.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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