From: Daniel Hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is small satisfaction in being able to say
'i told you so;' nevertheless it gives me no joy to
report that Terry Reed called me last evening,
and confirmed what i had strongly suspected:
he was NOT present at the DEA sting of George W. Bush Jr(Dubya)
that took place at Tamiani Airport in Miami in 1985.

Based on his record as a true and genuine American hero,
I'm inclined to give Terry a 'pass' on this, and attribute it
to his desire to see the truth about Bush come out. He also
stated that he had devoted an entire chapter on this incident
in Compromised which was cut out by his publisher, and that this
incident will be a focus of the movie he is working on.

Mike Ruppert cannot be faulted for going with this,
especially as he has broadened his quest for sources in his
latest newsletter. I've been equally guilty of letting what is
our mutual eagerness to expose this issue lead me on
a step farther than current evidence warrants.
A year ago I reported that Ken Starr had actually
authored the deal memo allowing the CIA to 'turn a blind eye'
on drug smuggling, instead of merely being there at the time,
and in the office, where it was written. This remains unproven.

What seems clear at this time is that there IS a true and verifiable
story to be gotten here; the question is, will we be able to get it?

On that count, I admit to having doubts. The one person I am aware
of who WAS there, and who can be easily reached today, is as
dirty as they come, a man whom one high law enforcement source
accused--in my presence--of multiple murders. This man is,
not coincidentally, a 'friend' of Bill Bottoms.

But I will be working with Ruppert and Reed and anyone else
who thinks they can help find those tapes. If they didn't
exist, Barry Seal would likely still be around.

Daniel Hopsicker
The Drug Money Times
"All the news that's ripped from print!"

Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological
It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables,  but is due to
the institutionalization of elite wrongdoing which has occcurred since

"Many of the scandals that have occurred in the U.S. since 1963 are
fundamentally interrelated: that is, the same people and institutions
have been involved."
 --Prof.David Simon, "Elite Deviance 6th edition

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