 The Russians - who have done the most diligent research into
 the biological effects of microwave ovens - have OUTLAWED
 THEIR USE and issued an international warning about the
 biological and environmental damage that can result from the
 use of this and similar-frequency electronic apparatus.

i'm finding this *real* hard to swallow.  did you just say the use of
microwave ovens has been outlawed in russia?  since when?  as for the
rest, i think it's pretty safe to dismiss it as quackery.  microwaves
aren't going to hurt your food or you any more than the heat in an oven
will.  both methods break down nutrients, and carginogens can be found in
just about anything if you look hard enough.  not to mention all that talk
of life-energy fields, brainwave distruptions, mind control, and various
other things that don't exist in reality...some people must think your
electric toothbrushes, flashlights and blenders are controlling your
minds.  and worse yet, some people believe those people.  microwave ovens
are sheilded. if you're concerned about yours leaking, get it tested
before it starts forcing you to do things against your will. your cell
phone will give you a more hefty dose of radiation that a microwave oven
will....but i suppose those also cause cancer....not to mention the fact
that they alter "life-energy" fields and open you up to invisible
electronic weapons used against you for no particular reason. i know i'm
being sarcastic and annoying to anyone who sincerely believes the
government is controlling their minds through their doorbells, garage door
openers and alarm clocks, but putting that aside, i've got to say that was
one of the most non-scientific and flawed studies on microwaves i've seen
in a long while (the first at http://www.all-natural.com/microwa1.html).

if you really want to debate about microwaves and health (just don't bring
up mind control and microwave magic), get yourself over to sci.med and
sci.med.nutrition and ask the doctors and health buffs.  don't say i
didn't warn you, though.  you might not last long.

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