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ATTN: Join us in our "Chat Room" on Monday nights for a chit-chat...
upcoming Promotional Paranormal Contest details to follow in a few weeks

Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     A. Scientific Manipulations--False Data
     B. The Hertzian Conspiracy
     C. The Ancient History of  Montauk and Surrounding Areas >Power
              Points>Tetrahedral Physics
     D. Recent Chronology Of Camp Hero > Star Wars
     E. Changing of the Guard
     F. Montauk--The Project That Wouldn't Die
     G. Troubled Times At Camp Hero
     H. Schism Within The National Government
      I. Down The Hatch
     J. Who's on Whose Side?
     K. Nearby Underground Facilities #2.  Twenty-Five Year Ago  (True
Story)  By          Stan Gordon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#3.Strange Facts You Never Knew! By Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 4 of 10


Weeks goes on to describe extremely coherently and lucidly how the
public is
continually manipulated and our evolution and progress substantially
restricted by the suppression, destruction, and/or alteration of
significant, important information.

Weeks refers particu
ATTN: Join us in our "Chat Room" on Monday nights for a chit-chat...
upcoming Promotional Paranormal Contest details to follow in a few weeks

Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     A. Scientific Manipulations--False Data
     B. The Hertzian Conspiracy
     C. The Ancient History of  Montauk and Surrounding Areas >Power
              Points>Tetrahedral Physics
     D. Recent Chronology Of Camp Hero > Star Wars
     E. Changing of the Guard
     F. Montauk--The Project That Wouldn't Die
     G. Troubled Times At Camp Hero
     H. Schism Within The National Government
      I. Down The Hatch
     J. Who's on Whose Side?
     K. Nearby Underground Facilities #2.  Twenty-Five Year Ago  (True
Story)  By          Stan Gordon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#3.Strange Facts You Never Knew! By Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 4 of 10


Weeks goes on to describe extremely coherently and lucidly how the
public is
continually manipulated and our evolution and progress substantially
restricted by the suppression, destruction, and/or alteration of
significant, important information.

Weeks refers particularly to an alteration of Maxwell's equations which
resulted from Maxwell's extensive research into electromagnetism--
alterations which drastically affected the entire course of "mainstream"
science and physics forever afterward; notably in the information made
available to scientists and physicists off the time such as Einstein, as
well as the subsequent conceptual framework which Einstein arrived at.
To cut to the chase, the missing link which would provide the key to the
unified field theory was deliberately cut out of Maxwell's equations by
a rather sinister group of scientists before Maxwell's work was
presented to the scientific community and the world. Of course his
original work and all the implications thereof were and are now known to
the covert world government, as are the resultant advanced sciences and
applications of this knowledge to very high technology.

This technology is all being implemented in the furtherance of
unquestionably evil, abusive, oppressive, brutal and rapacious agendas
and goals; with consequences which are destructive to nearly every
significant aspect of human beings, destructive to human societies and
any of its positive, hopeful and constructive goals, and destructive
globally, to the fabric of life itself; in part due to a general state
of mind which has no understanding of, respect for, and connection with
and to nature and the earth with its multitude of life forms; a state of
mind which is the product of our current dehumanized, mechanistic and
massively mind controlled (through every available means) existence at
the hands of the worldwide covert government and its super hi-tech
arsenal of mind manipulating technologies.

I found the information below regarding Maxwell's original equations and
interdimensional implications thereof very interesting, and I feel
extremely relevant to what is known about the work of Wilhelm Reich
regarding what he called "orgone" energy; some characteristics of which
are "electromagnetic" in nature but outside of the commonly understood
"EM" frame of reference. The information is also quite relevant to what
Preston Nichols has reported on regarding the Montauk Project-- both the
mind control and interdimensional/time travel aspects of the Project.

>From The Suppression of Vital Data in Physics by Byron Weeks :

"For thousands of years, many discoveries have been suppressed from the
populations of the planet in order to keep them in bondage. The burning
of the libraries of Alexandria is one example of how information can be
suppressed. Another example would be the common technique of suppression
of scientific information by alteration of the information itself.

"Perhaps the most blatant and far reaching alteration of data was the
alteration of
Maxwell's equations. James Clerk Maxwell was a mathematical genius who
lived in the late l9th century. His original work, which is available to
covert scientific departments in the government, had the potential to
radically alter the entire course of our civilization.

"It is certainly clear to most of you by now that the human population
can easily
manipulated by electronic means using various methods developed through
the military industrial complex. What may not be clear to you is that
many of the EM effects can be initiated from outside of what is normally
seen as the electromagnetic spectrum. Just as a magnetic field in a wire
is at right angles to the current flow, other fields and waveforms exist
that are an integral part of the electromagnetic spectrum, yet exist at
a certain number of right-angle rotations (orthogonal rotations) away
from the electromagnetic field components we are normally accustomed to.
If these hyper-spacial components, which are not subject to the usual
electromagnetic constraints of time and space, are generated and
manipulated, they can in turn generate EM effects that have the
capability to influence human biology and consciousness.

"Let's take a brief look at how and by whom the equations of Maxwell
were changed, in order to make subsequent open scientific development
that would have influenced civilization in a positive way impossible."
            --_ Byron Weeks

The following section contains crucial information about the massive
deception and manipulation of scientific concepts which so extensively
impacts our view "reality" in this present day materialistic culture,
and is quoted directly from Valdamar Valerian's Matrix III, Volume One,
1992, p.310-311):


"In late 1864, James Clerk Maxwell published his epic material on
electromagnetic waves. His material dealt not only with electrical and
magnetic waves, but also the relativistic/ethereal psychoactive
component of these waves (representing electromagnetics of the second
order and above). The equations also included transformations that
enabled the change from inertial frames of reference to non-inertial
frames of reference. Maxwell's original equations were written in
Quaternion notation, a complex mathematical system available at that
time before Vector Analysis was introduced by Oliver Heaviside. Today's
generalized equivalent of Quaternions is Tensors.

"In short, Maxwell's original work gave the necessary information for
propulsion and psychoactive devices. Someone somewhere recognized this,
for shortly after his death, the mathematician Oliver Heaviside, the
chemist Willard Gibbs, and physicist Heinrich Hertz decided to "edit" or
"interpret" Maxwell's famous equations which were, in the original form,
the foundations of electromagnetics and Unified Field Theory (UFT). This
"unholy trio", especially Heaviside, disregarded the Quaternions or
Scalar components of Maxwell's original equations, because they
represented potentials and not fields. He thought potentials were akin
to "mysticism", because "everybody knows" that fields contain mass, and
mass cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials
are, both literally and mathematically; they are an accumulation or
reservoir of energy. Furthermore, not only did they throw away the
gravitational component with the Quaternion/Scalar, but also postulated
that gravitation and electromagnetism were mutually exclusive, not
interdependent. That was the death blow to subsequent efforts by
scientists to realize a functioning unified field theory. Because of
this one act, electromagnetism was reduced from its original five
dimensions to only four: X, Y, Z, and time. The element of G was removed

"Because of this deliberate act, twenty-two other errors exist today in
electromagnetic theory. The very concepts of force, mass and charge are
ill-defined, and the so-called "static" electrical charge has been
discovered by Quantum mechanics not to be static at all, but to move
rotationally by virtue of the quantum mechanical spin. Finally, adding
insult to injury, the so-called "imaginary components" of Maxwell's
original equations as well as the mutilated version of the equations
have also been discarded or ignored. With this last error, the door to
hyper-spacial domains was forever closed, for the present mathematics
and physics of electromagnetic theory do not allow for hyper-spacial
domains (domains outside of three dimensions), superluminal signals
(signals that exceed the speed of light or are infinite in speed), and a
unified field theory.

"The edited version of Maxwell's work, which every physicist and
engineer has had to contend with, discards electrogravitation, and
avoids the unification of gravitation and electromagnetics. It also
prevents the direct engineering of gravitation, space-time, time flow
rates, free energy devices, and quantum changes, which is viewed by the
altered equations that are vector-based as only a statistical change.
The quaternion approach captures the ability to utilize electromagnetics
and produce local curvature of spacetime. Heaviside wrote a subset of
Maxwell's equations where this capability is excluded.

"Dr. Henry Monteith has independently discovered that Maxwell's original
quaternion theory was a unified field theory. Einstein assumed, because
he only had access to the altered equations, that curving spacetime
could only be achieved by the weak gravitational force due to mass, that
the local frame would always be a Lorentz frame, which would mean that
all operations would be constrained to "conservation laws of physics".

"In the 1960's the Hertz (Hz) replaced Cycles Per Second. Since, then
everyone thinks that all electromagnetic waves are hertzian. Only the
upper portion of the spectrum before Infrared contains Hertzian waves.
ELF and ULF are not; waves in biosystems and natural phenomena are not
Hertzian in nature."
            --_ Valdemar Valerian


There are two researchers who have contacted me independently with what
I feel is some quite significant information. The work of each these
individuals dovetails and coincides to a great degree with that of the
other on some very intriguing points. The information brought forth by
each is very significant in relation to the truly ancient history of
Montauk, and what's more to the real history of the human race on earth
as well.

Dr. Bruce Cornet of New Jersey was the first of the two to contact me.
Dr. Cornet's detailed and extensive research relates to the tetrahedral
physics developed by Carl Munck, Bruce Cathie and Richard Hoagland (who
popularized it), and applies tetrahedral formulas to the northeastern U.
S. in particular in this case--as it relates to a planetary grid system
and specific power points. Cornet has accomplished this by means of
correlating the tetrahedral data to topographical features, geomagnetic
anomalies and known locations of metaphysical/ parapsychological
phenomena, and has cross-referenced this data this with the esoteric and
ancient history of the region to come up with some most intriguing ideas

To sum it up, Mr. Cornet has pieced together evidence and information as
related this to the photographs of Mars' Cydonia region, and states that
much of the northeastern area of the U.S. had actually been terraformed
many millennia ago (obviously by some technologically advanced
civilization) in what amounts to a replica of the Cydonia region of Mars

Of particular note would be the lower Hudson Valley region of New York
State, an
area with a very significant history, both recent and not, of a great
number of occurrences of paranormal, metaphysical phenomena. Areas of
New Jersey and Pennsylvania would be included in this region, and Long
Island and Montauk itself would be figure in this overall the scheme of
things as researched by Cornet.

(This is a good place to mention that for some time I have felt or
intuited a
"connection" of some kind between the lower Hudson Valley region and
Montauk. My feeling is that this connection would be "esoteric" and
energy-related, and there could possibly be actual physical connections
as well--perhaps tunnels. In fact I have had this intuition corroborated
by a number of people. In terms of hard evidence, I offer this statement
, which came my way through Bruce Cornet, from Mr. Bob Tidwell.

"I was assigned to Stewart AFB, near Newburgh (lower Hudson Valley area)
in 1969, so I'm familiar with that area. (I was only there for two weeks
, and that's a story in itself. Stewart was used as a staging point for
Montauk personnel.)"

Let's keep in mind here that Montauk Air Force Station was officially
decommissioned in 1969. Why would the Air Force need a staging area for
a base which was closed? In fact, Stewart AFB was also supposedly closed
right around this time as well, though it is well known throughout the
area that it in fact is not the least bit closed--even today! (Stewart
AFB seems to have played a rather significant role in some way or other
in the widely publicized "Hudson Valley UFO" phenomenon, tens of
thousands of sightings of mostly huge boomerang-shaped craft throughout
much of the mid and late 1980s).

Dr. Cornet wrote: "By the way, Montauk occurs at the same latitude as
Colchis on the eastern side of the Black Sea. Colchis was important as
an early ancient Egyptian outpost, and the place where the Golden Fleece
of Greek mythology was hidden. The Golden Fleece, according to Temple
(1976), is Horus or Hero. Colchis is also where the native saffron and
crocus plants are located, the only known source of a chemical that
cures gout. Read The Sirius Mystery by Robert K.G. Temple. http://www.

"Oh, and by the way, my area of specialization in geology was the Newark
Supergroup, and one of the basins I concentrated my studies on was the
Newark basin of PA, NJ, and NY. It is shaped like a giant Ark or Argo,
with Philadelphia as its rudder, Newark near its bow, the Empire State
Building at its prow, and the Statue of Liberty along its keel. Long
Island and Montauk fit into this picture as a forward submarine
extension of this Ark - something like a ramming device."
            --_ Bruce Cornet

Another researcher named Michael Lawrence Morton contacted me with some
similar information: to whit, that he had applied the tetrahedral
formulas of Munck, Cathie and to some extent Hoagland, to the area
around Turtle Cove/Camp Hero using topographical maps, and came up with
what was to him some very startling correspondences. Within the central
area of Montauk Air Force Station itself according to the noted formulas
, The two main bunkers and radar hill itself came up as being very major
power spots--right on the nose so to speak!

Granted that these hills were the result of construction by the
government and military within (mostly we think) the 20th century--
nevertheless the data and numbers on these three small hills are so
significant that it appears certain that the construction took place at
these exact locations precisely because of their "tetrahedral",
planetary grid significance: what's more, it appears at least very
possible that these exact spots could well have been the locations of
the "Pyramids of Montauk", the existence of which at one time anyway
does seem fairly certain.

Dr. Cornet estimated that the date that this large-scale terraforming
would have taken place would have been at least 10-12,000 years ago.
Interesting to note is that the Montauk Indians are believed to have
inhabited what was until recently the island of Montauk for at least 8,
000 years if not longer.


There are some signs and testimony that "negative", malevolent forces
were not in control of the power spot and subterranean facilities
/laboratories at Montauk Air Force Station, between (approximately) 1993
and mid-1997, although more recently this appears to have changed once

Between 1993 and 1997 the facility was operated by an Air Force
contingent utilizing particle beam technology in defensive operations
concerning Hale-Bobb and the object said to be trailing the comet;
perhaps also against "hostile" UFOs.


In late February of 1998, a psychic in NYC told me that her reading on
Camp Hero indicated to her that the time portal so to speak was
currently shut down.

Not long after, in a phone conversation with Al Bielek, he told me more
or less the same thing: that certain groups closed off the access to the
portal (stargate) for those regressive forces which have been
responsible for so much of the severe horror and abuse at Montauk--not
only abuses against human beings, but abuses of the power
point/interdimensional gateway itself.

According to Bielek, the Montauk Project per se, which Moon and Nichols
written about and which my report covers, was primarily being operated
from the future, and that the project was (and still is) in support of
the so-called "New World order" objectives, using a veritable army of at
least 5,000,000 intensively programmed individuals in the U.S. alone.

Bielek informed me that these negative agencies have numerous other
locations in the U.S. and elsewhere worldwide, some very close to the
Montauk base itself; in fact some within a few miles (one directly north
of the village of Montauk beneath an old Navy submarine base on Fort
Pond Bay). So, it's not as though they've packed up and gone home!

Bielek also told me that "positive" (for lack of a better word),
Constitutionalist groups within the U.S. Air Force had been instrumental
in rousting these creeps to some extent--NOT that the Air Force is
totally unified on this or related issues. It seems that most of the
armed services are in a condition of schizophrenia on the whole issue--
with some elements supporting the New World Order and some not.

Bielek's information indicates that the Camp Hero underground (as
opposed to other underground facilities in and near Montauk) was
recently the site of a defensive operation utilizing particle beam
weaponry and other technologies, reportedly directed against malevolent
ET intrusions. According to Al Bielek this Air Force crew deflected the
Hale Bopp comet from a collision course with earth, and that the object
"hiding" behind it was then destroyed (however an escape pod did manage
to bail out before destruction). The reason this object was targeted was
that the Air Force called in over 130 remote viewers to get a reading on
the trailing object and came up with 130+ different readings--indicating
to them that the object was being heavily cloaked/screened and therefore
it's intentions had to be considered hostile. Time manipulations have
been involved in some of this defensive activity by Bielek's accounting,
and that the fact that the time portal has been shut off does in fact
have some drawbacks from this perspective.

I subsequently contacted Preston Nichols to get his input on this. For
the most part he did in fact corroborate Bielek's information--in fact
much of it came from Nichols. However, he can and will NOT say
positively that there were no negative forces anywhere in the extensive
Montauk underground during this period of time.

As best he could personally determine and through his active contacts
with Air Force agencies recently at Camp Hero, there did not appear to
be any EM mind control operations going on there at the time, but given
the way projects can be hidden within other projects and the way
compartmentalization works, secret agendas can be piggybacked onto
"legitimate" operations with no way for anyone involved in the above
board activities to even be aware of it. Nichols pointed out that his
most recent investigations indicate that there are EM/RF mind control
transmissions still being picked up in the vicinity--by his estimation
emanating from Block Island, about 15 miles directly east of Montauk
Point, but not emanating directly out of Camp Hero.

He confirmed Bielek's statement that anti-"NWO" Air Force agents raided
underground base about 15 miles west of Montauk in Sag Harbor being
operated by the Montauk Project's mind control crew in August of 1996,
and turned up records on 30,000 programees (New World Order shock troops
--mostly recent ones) at that base alone! Apparently this caused (the
Air Force) some consternation; in some respects there is a serious
secret conflict or even a war underway between two opposing factions
within the (covert?) government.

Apparently this "Montauk boys" programming operation in Sag Harbor was
operated with the assistance of a Catholic religious order known as the
Pallotine group: a monastic order working with the secret government to
help train an elite fighting group of children along the lines of Delta
Forces. More on this aspect later in this report.


The Montauk Project (especially the EM/RF mind control aspect) was
reactivated--more like exhumed from the grave--in 1988, and a phase of
the project was carried out at Camp Hero until around 1992. There are
some indications that security had then become excessively problematical
, as the first Montauk Project book by Nichols and Moon had been
published and curiosity seekers and others were becoming far too
prevalent and nosy. There are other rumors of conflicts among different
groups over the use of the facility, and in 1993 the Montauk Project
moved out.

The Project was eventually reorganized at Robins Air Force Base near
However, after a period of time it seems Project directors realized that
certain aspects of the Project just couldn't be implemented adequately
other that at Camp Hero, due it would seem likely to the geomagnetic
characteristics of Montauk. Additionally, directorship of the Montauk
Project appears to have shifted to the Navy at this time, as has
occurred with HAARP. A linking of some elements of the Montauk Project
to HAARP, previously often suspected and which may have already existed,
has now been proved to be underway at the Camp Hero location.


It would seem that there were some sort of contentious or adversarial
activities at the Air Force Station beginning in late 1997.

In mid-February 1998 in the immediate vicinity of Camp Hero State
Park/Montauk Air Force Station, the following conditions were observed;
consequently, clear proof now exists of a maintained covert subterranean
facility operating at this location, a facility whose very existence has
been covered up for years--as it is currently by covert federal
intelligence/military groups, the NY State government and the NY State
Parks System, and other local and regional governments and relevant

There is an old bunker southeast of the base proper outside the
"restricted area"
which is relatively close to the lighthouse and right on the Atlantic
cliffs, with a paved circular area directly south of and in front of it
which was (at one time) an artillery emplacement. (This was the location
where Siemens-subsidiary Cardion Corporation tested a very high tech
particle beam radar system for at least five months in 1994; all clearly
visible from the lighthouse).

The bunker entrance adjacent to this circular concrete area was recently
demolished in an "unauthorized" and "unofficial" fashion in an obviously
substantial endeavor, according to certain witnesses from the Montauk
area. A section was completely broken through the thick concrete
exposing an underground area. This hole was then subsequently cemented
over again by certain authorities.

A contingent of people from Montauk were at this location checking out
the current situation there after having witnessed the previous
conditions just described.

Continuing along the remnants of Old Montauk Highway west through the
"fisherman's gate" towards the "fisherman's (parking) lot", the first
paved road on the right (heading roughly north) leads to the southeast
entrance to Camp Hero/Montauk AFS. About halfway to that entrance along
this road on the left (west side) is a large boulder which had somehow
been moved a bit, and clearly visible underneath was a well-maintained
concrete well or entrance with a metal ladder bolted to the side--all in
good repair. Despite extensive drenching rains around this time, when a
rock was dropped there was NO SOUND of it hitting any water. The boulder
hiding this entrance was quite large and would require at least a few
people to move it.

Further on this road at the base entrance, the extremely sturdy locked
gate at this entrance was severely impacted, smashed and basically
wrecked--although entry with other than a tank would not really be
possible. The same thing also happened to the main entrance to Montauk
Air Force Station off Highway 27 (Montauk Highway) about 6 months ago,
and to at least one other entrance, at the baseball field "leased" (by
whom I haven't ascertained) to East Hampton Township for recreational
use by the residents of the small neighborhood right nearby--the old
base housing area.

        Louise A. Lowry
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