Part 2 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   <CONTINUATION>
      H. Schism Within The National Government
      I. Down The Hatch
     J. Who's on Whose Side?
     K. Nearby Underground Facilities
#2. Twenty-Five Year Ago  (True Story)  By Stan Gordon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#3.Strange Facts You Never Knew! By Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   <CONTINUATION>


Certain of the underground facilities at Montauk AFS, as noted, were
used by the Air Force in what they considered legitimate defensive
operations related to Hale-Bopp comet and an object (said to be)
following it. Preston Nichols, as noted, was in fact working
occasionally with the Air Force during this time on a sort of
"consultant" basis. Nichols believes these operations were not in any
way a part of the "Montauk Project".

At this time as well (1996-1997), Nichols was openly working with an Air
contingent which had busted the "Montauk Project" mind control
operations in Sag Harbor as described above. Apparently the Air Force
was either unaware of the mind control operations at the WW 2 Navy base
on Fort Pond Bay in Montauk or else these activities started up (again?)
more recently (since 1997).

Nichols has affirmed that he had not been in the Montauk underground
since late
spring of 1997 when the comet departed our skies. His suspicions that
the current tenants at Camp Hero/Montauk Air Force Station are Navy
operatives connected to the HAARP project got some solid confirmation
from a source who often receives reliable information from connections
in certain ultra-top-secret intelligence and military agencies. This
source has stated that the Navy/HAARP contingent has without doubt taken
control of the Montauk underground installations, in a decidedly heavy-
handed fashion; i.e., they were definitely not given the keys.

A linking of certain aspects of the Montauk Project with the global
capabilities of
HAARP is high up on the agenda right now, as well as using the Montauk
(Turtle Cove) power spot to boost other HAARP (Tesla technology)
operations and experiments.


This would be a good place to pass along some information conveyed to me
Preston Nichols in March 1998.

I asked Nichols if he was consciously aware of how one enters the
facility at Montauk, and if so, whether he would tell me. He replied
instantly, "Sure, I know. The main checkpoint entrance to the areas of
the Montauk underground which I and Air Force personnel with whom I was
working had access to is beneath the "Montauk Tower" building right in
the middle of Montauk village!"

This was most interesting because that building has had an unusual
history, and was the subject of some investigation on my part not long
ago. The results of that investigation make up the latter section of
Part 4 of my report on the Montauk Project. Suffice to say here that my
investigations on this particular building, purportedly at this time
privately owned "residential condos", turned up a substantial number of
major anomalies, incongruities, and obvious indications of outright BS,
lies and misrepresentation on the part of numerous
government/bureaucratic officials at various regional and local levels,
real estate agents, supposed occupants... you name it.

The roughly 9-story building was constructed in the 1920s--a peculiarity
in its time and still the tallest building on Long Island's east end
(that's not saying much, mind you). After failing to attract many
tenants, it was appropriated during WW II by the U.S. Navy, which
operated a submarine base with underwater "sub pens" about a mile north
of the village on Fort Pond Bay as well as at Camp Hero, and the
"Montauk Tower" became a major command point.

It's history after WW II is notably obscure; I think it's safe to say
that the structure was utilized by means of tunnels connecting it to
Camp Hero at Montauk Point during the 1950s and 1960s before the
"Montauk Project" per se got into gear, in certain forerunner projects
being operated on Long Island, as well as during the Montauk Project
from roughly 1970-1983. And as we now know, even after it's supposed
conversion to privately owned condominium residences, it is still in
fact part of the secret operations in Montauk NY.

One thing I asked about continually when I was posing as a prospective
buyer for
certain units available (supposedly) for sale was what was the basement
of the building used for; how did one gain access to the basement, and
such. Never once did  I receive a straightforward, clear response to
this line of inquiry from any supposed tenants or realtors.

And guess where one gains access to the Montauk underground? Well, of
course not by way of the penthouse apartment, though that "apartment"
was unquestionably an Air Force facility staffed with Air Force
personnel, at least up until mid-1997.

Nichols said that one enters an elevator which goes to the basement:
however, this is NOT the main elevator for the six floors of "condos",
which has no button for a basement level (I know because I was in it).
After exiting in the basement, one walks to a small room off the main
basement in which there is another elevator which seems to go down quite
deep. One exits into a small room with armed guards and is there subject
to what Nichols called a retina scan: word is
that this does more than just correlate patterns in the iris and such,
but in fact actually can scan thought and consciousness as a way of
making an absolutely foolproof identification. From there one enters
into the underground.

Considering the high levels of obvious bullshit surrounding everything
about this
building and what it's supposed to be, I wasn't too surprised to hear
this from Preston Nichols; nevertheless, there it is in black and white:
eyewitness testimony about how one gains entry to the Montauk
underground facilities.

Towards the completion of the "Sky Pebbles" operation with the Air Force
and prior to the U.S. Navy assuming control of the Montauk underground,
Preston Nichols entered the underground by means of the entrance beneath
the "Tower" building in the middle of the village of Montauk, in the
company of an Air Force General. Nichols says this man had orders from
the Pentagon granting him access to the subterranean facility; he and
Preston were authorized to snoop around making sure that by all
indications and evidence the operations being run there were the
operations which had in fact been authorized.

A question arises however as to which levels or areas of the underground
the general and Nichols were given access to. Furthermore, the way
compartmentalization works, certain groups could be involved in certain
activities without any knowledge that their operations may be a small
part of some much larger project, the overall scope of which they are
not even remotely aware. Also, secret agendas can be piggybacked onto
"legitimate" operations with no way for
anyone involved in the above-board activities to even be aware of it.
Thus, at Montauk for instance, there could be Air Force people working
on something to do with particle beam technology, with no knowledge that
, for example, it's being used against ETs. Again, there may be
personnel there who are unaware that their particular activities may in
some way "plug into" HAARP operations; or if they do know that, are
completely ignorant of what some of the real objectives of HAARP
actually are!


Of particular interest as well in this account is the fact that some
cadre within the Air Force dispatched this general to the Montauk
underground to check up on what was going on there: in other words to
check up on what some other Air Force faction was doing or had done in
the "Sky Pebbles" (Star Wars) particle beam operations. This would tend
to bolster reports of a massive, virtually across-the-boards split
within the many levels and layers of the federal government--both covert
and overt--and certainly within the military and intelligence agencies,
into at least two main factions: pro- and anti- New World Order.
Undoubtedly many further subdivisions and splinter factions exist within
these two general camps.


In late 1996 I took a ride with Preston Nichols northeast of the village
of East
Hampton and north of Amagansett, in the Devon, Stony Hill and Springs
areas. In the woods west of Albert's Landing and Devon we found what
seemed clearly to be the remains of an old bunker; several are known to
have existed in the general area. This particular location seemed as
though it had been excavated, cleared and then "landscaped" a bit--
perhaps 5 to 10 years previous to our visit.

These bunkers, which date back to before and during WW II, connected
underground and underwater to Montauk, via tunnels beneath Gardiner's
Bay. Noteworthy also is that there is said to have been a Nazi
underwater submarine pen near Stony Hill, linked to an underground
facility there. (Don't laugh: there is voluminous evidence of a great
many instances of a highly peculiar and rather constant  Nazi presence
and   a strong Pro-Nazi element on Long island
before during and after WW2. Peter Moon has covered many facets of this
entire mind-blowing story in the Montauk project book series coauthored
with Preston Nichols, and I refer readers to this as well as to the
sources Moon cites for further details.) As it seems the bunkers and
underground facilities were still intact during the 1970s there is a
strong likelihood these bunkers
were somehow used in the Project--perhaps as a way to bring kids into
the underground for programming. As at Camp Hero, there were
recreational facilities quite nearby often used by youth groups, day
camps and boy/girl scouts.

Later on this same trip, while driving through the surrounding woods,
Nichols noticed and commented upon the numerous red standpipes
protruding from flat cement slabs, all throughout this mostly
undeveloped area. These seemed at first glance to be fire hydrants.
There are some residences here, but the density is fairly sparse. It
seemed a bit unusual to have so many hydrants in this kind of area, so
we stopped and checked them out more closely.

It seems that a good percentage of these numerous standpipes were not in
hydrants, because in most cases there was a smaller straight pipe with a
vented cap adjacent to the larger pipe which looked like a hydrant. This
immediately gives rise to the solid hypothesis that these larger pipes
are not for getting water from but are in fact for pumping something,
such as fuel, into--obviously into underground storage tanks, which
would need to be vented. Some of these concrete slabs did not have this
vent pipe, indicating that they were in fact the "real" fire hydrants in
the area.

These same kind of standpipes with accompanying vent stacks are seen
along Old Montauk Highway directly adjacent to Camp Hero.

Following this train of thought along some very substantial and well-
bedded tracks, there can't be too many reasons for numerous (fuel)
storage tanks throughout this area; the private residences here use no
common fuel tanks or anything like that. It stands to reason that such
underground storage tanks are in fact for adjacent underground
facilities, and the existence of bunkers in the general area which were
once linked to the Fort Pond Bay Navy base and Camp Hero would lead one
to think that this area still has such connections, and that there is
some kind of currently active underground here.

Nichols also noticed on this trip the existence of triple phase
electrical lines all
throughout the area; this would be totally unnecessary in any
residential or even light-industry area and would simply never be seen
in such areas. Triple phase power lines are only for heavy industry or
other activity in which major amounts of electrical power would be used.
This does not fit at all with any of the visible, surface conditions and
characteristics of this entire area of eastern Long Island. Shipbuilders
or other known industries nearby would not use triple phase power.

My trip to the area in June and July of 1998 brought to light some other
conditions regarding this general vicinity of East Hampton Township in
relation to apparent underground installations, which is discussed
further along in the article.

Changing locales a bit, there is some corroborative testimony regarding
very substantial underground areas at Brookhaven National Laboratories,
related by a building contractor from eastern Long Island. He told
reporter Jerry Cimisi from Dan's Papers on Long Island that he has on
several occasions done on-site construction work in the subterranean
levels of BNL, and stated in no uncertain terms that the underground
areas at Brookhaven were vast--and that only refers to what he got to

#2.  Twenty-Five Year Ago  (True Story)  By Stan Gordon  paufo@westol.

October 25, 1973  Fayette County, PA

Twenty five years ago, I was directing the Westmoreland County UFO Study
Group based in Greensburg. I had started this volunteer research group
in 1970, and I had established a good relationship with law enforcement
and the news media in western Pennsylvania. Then in 1973 a major UFO
wave broke out across the country, and hundreds of sightings were being
reported in
the Keystone state. Then to make the situation even stranger, sightings
of Bigfoot-like creatures began to be reported over a multi-county area
in both western and eastern Pennsylvania. These reports continued for
several months then began to slow down.

Interestingly, the media and police agencies for the most part took the
reports seriously, And our UFO Hotline number was literally deluged with
reports and questions. While some police agencies were investigating
some incidents, they were commonly referring the reports to our group to
investigate, and in some cases our teams were assisting the agency

I had set up a communications center in my home, and we were radio
dispatching investigators to the sites as reports were coming in. We
were conducting this research around our regular jobs, but in many cases
, we had teams on site within minutes to hours after a UFO or creature
sighting was reported. But it was one case which occurred, that made
myself and my associates aware, that there were some aspects  of the UFO
and Bigfoot mystery that are even stranger than were first apparent.

As I have stated since this event, most unexplained UFO sightings are
not reported with Bigfoot encounters. And most sightings of Bigfoot have
no association with UFO reports. But here in PA we investigated a few
cases, where both were seen at the same time. In other cases, A UFO
would be reported in an area, and soon Bigfoot reports would come from
that area, or vise versa. What association there exists between the two
anomalies if any, remains open to speculation. I must stress, these
cases are historically rare, but some are well documented. It was my
position as an investigator to gather the data, and present the
information, not hide the facts that were uncovered because it would
cause controversy from both Cryptozoologists and UFOlogists who have
their theories as to what these phenomena represent.

Briefly, on the night of October 25, 1973, My UFO Hotline was active
with UFO reports from around the state. About 10:30 P.M. that evening, I
received a call from state trooper from the Uniontown barracks
concerning an incident which he had just returned from investigating.
One of those involved, was put on the phone for me to interview. At
about 9 P.M. about 15 people observed a very large red spherical object
hovering low in the sky which began to descend towards a pasture. The
witness and two boys proceeded up the field and observed a white dome
shaped object on the ground that illuminated the area, and was making a
loud whirring sound. It was estimated at about 100 feet in diameter.
They were about 250 feet from the object, and about 75 feet from a fence
line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figures, 7 to 9 feet
tall, covered with hair, and arms hanging down past the knees, and
displaying glowing green eyes.

The creatures were fired upon, first tracers were shot overhead, then
live ammo was used. The largest of the two creatures turned towards the
other almost touching it, and at the same time the object in the field
disappeared, and the sound stopped. The creatures slowly walked towards
the woods. One boy had already ran home, the other two left the field,
went to the farmhouse and
moved the family members to a neighbor's home, and called the state
police. When the trooper arrived he and the main witness went to the
site, and where the object had landed there was a glowing area, that
according to the trooper was about 150 feet in diameter. He said he
could read a newspaper from the amount of light that it was emitting.
The farm animals refused to go into the area. The witness we talked with
has always stated that before they left the field, the largest of the
two creatures was seen in the woods about 10 feet from them, and he shot
at it and it struck the fence that stood between them.

Later that night our team arrived in the area. Radiation levels normal,
glowing area now gone, but animals still wouldn't go near the spot.
Strange events began to occur during the early morning hours in this
dark secluded location. A farmhouse several hundred feet from us was
seen by some in the party to suddenly light up like daylight for several
seconds. A bull in the field
and a dog seemed unconcerned about us, and were looking into the woods.
The main witness, a rather large individual while being questioned,
suddenly begins to growl, throwing his father and my assistant George
Lutz towards the ground. The man ran into the field growling like an
animal and emitting screams, one which was near inhuman. His own dog
approaches him as to attack, then runs off whimpering. The man suddenly
collapses onto the ground. Then two of my team
members begin to complain that they are having trouble breathing.
Suddenly the air is filled with a strong odor that can best be described
as rotten eggs.

The man as he came out of what appeared to be an almost trance-like
state, began talking about visions he saw about the end of the world,
etc. Not knowing what could happen next we helped each other back to our
vehicles. It was apparent that professional help was required in this
case, and eminent psychiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz was contacted. Dr.
Schwarz traveled to PA at his own expense and interviewed all of those
involved including the eyewitnesses and state trooper. There is much
more detail to this case, and I spent years following the life of the
principal involved. There were many para-normal events which reportedly
occured in the years following this episode. And many years later in a
follow up interview, an MIB event associated with the case was revealed.

For a more detailed account of the case see Dr. Schwarz's article
"Berserk" in Flying Saucer Review, Volume 20, Number 1 (January-February
, 1974, or "An Encounter in Fayette County" in True Tales of the Unknown
, Vol.II, published by Bantam Books, November, 1989.

This was a well documented event involving numerous individuals who had
no interest in the unusual. But it seems that the circumstances of this
case affected many of those who were involved.

If you are aware of any similar cases please contact me. Please check
out my website at

Stan Gordon

#3.Strange Facts You Never Knew! By Louise A. Lowry [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Ceremonial Headdress of the Secret Society of Sierra Leone, Africa,
is adorned by Human Skulls and Thighbones-in the belief its wearer will
inherit from deceased members their brain power and fleetness of foot.

The Man Who Located A Source Of Water 6,000 Miles Away!
Father Alexis Mermet of Saint-Prex, Switzerland, by holding a pendulum
over a set of plans in his study, determined the EXACT position and
depth of underground water at the Monastery of San Camilo, in Popayan,
Colombia-He marked the plans at a point where he said water would be
found at a depth of 27 meters (88 feet, 9 inches) and the underground
stream was found at that exact spot! Moreover he correctly predicted
that the water would have a flow rate of 500 liters per minute (1927)

The City Of 4,000,000 Temples
An area of only 60 square miles surrounding Pagan, Burma, during the 255
years from 1044 to 1299 was the site of construction of 4,000,000
temples...The ruins of 5,000 Temples and Pagodas are still visible.

A mold is both an animal and a plant! It absorbs solid food like an
animal, yet it grows and reproduces like a plant!

The Strange Window Box
A window box on the walls of a ruined palace in Jerash, Jordan, still
contains lush green plants. Planted 1,800 years ago and tended by more
than 50 generations.

The Giant Puffball (Lycoperdon Giganteum)
Produces 7,000,000,000,000 spores, each of which could grow into a
Puffball a foot in diameter and which collectively could cover an area
of 280,000 square miles-greater than the size of Texas fortunately only
one of the spores actually becomes a Puffball, and the others all die!

The Slipper Plant (Bulbstylis Paradoxa)
This Plant from Haiti looks like a pair of Woolly Slippers, the kind
that you buy and are plentiful during Christmas time.

A Giant Roll!
Baked in 1730 to feed the Saxon Army on maneuvers near Radewitz, was 28
feet long, 12 feet wide, hauled by 8 horses and cut with a knife 20 feet

The Minimun Rate
For the first messages sent via the Atlantic cable in 1866 was $98.82
for 10 words.

The Land of 5 Suns
In the early morning mists near sing-nying-chu China, create as an
optical illusion in the sky! Seeing the sun in the middle with 4 others
surrounding it!

Deck Of Cards
A deck has 52 playing cards, "ace, two, three, four, five. Six, seven,
eight, nine, ten, Jack, Queen, King, but did you know if you add the
them up it comes out to 52 letters! <g>

        Louise A. Lowry
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