I am sitting at a computer at our local public library. I am here because I have two 
computers at home that have been wiped clean of everything that was on them... all the 
programs as well as all the information I had stored on them.

One of the computers "died" while I was back in Colorado. It was the one that I use 
for writing books and keeping track of personal things. It is not hooked up to a 

The other computer is the one that I do most of the Rumor Mill News articles on. It is 
the one I use to get on the Internet.

Last night, after I sent my letter to Vagabond Virgin, and to everyone else on my 
mailing list, the computer froze. I turned it off and went to bed thinking that I 
could reboot it this morning.

When I tried, it was just as dead as the other one. They both appear to have been 
wiped clean of everything that was on them. Of course I will not know for sure until I 
get someone in to look at them.

I can't help but think that someone is sending me a message. However, I am not "smart" 
enough to figure out what the message is.

Did someone get mad because I was releasing information about Waco?

FYI: Unless investigators want to open the huge mind-control can of worms, there will 
be no REAL investigation of Waco.

Could the representatives of the New World Order want to keep me from putting out my 
information on the new Faction that is causing them so much trouble?

Faction three has gained control of most of the world's hard assets. They have done 
this in two ways. The first started in 1983 when over 250,000 people who were fed up 
with the way things were going, joined their assets together in a trust. The trust is 
in gold, silver and other hard metals.

The second faction of Faction Three, the military side, started in late 1995 or early 
1996. They convinced banks and countries who had bought the pirated software known as 
Promis, to buy their new "fix_it" software which would keep the United States 
government from being able to use the Promis "back door" to spy on them.

The new software, called "Salman" supposedly blocked the Promis back door. But in 
acutality, it just blocked the United States and the New World Order from being able 
to use the back door. Faction Three now controls the back door to every Promis 
software holder on the planet.

Could the NEw World Order not want people to know that accounts are being siphoned off 
all around the world? Any account that does not have the proper documentation is being 
siphoned into a trust. The money is being held until ownership of the account can be 
proved. In the meantime, no interest loans aare being given to the people who live in 
the country from where the money was stolen.

In other words, all crooked politicians, drug dealers and other assorted crooks have 
lost their money.

Could someone have wanted to stope me from putting out that information?

Or could someone want to block me telling you that the Bush family is is heavy 
negotiation with Faction Three. If they jump ship and join faction three, you will see 
a court here in the United States which will be similar to the one that existed in 
South Africa. People will confess their crimes and be able to walk away.

Will this be bad? That is yet to be known. What will be true is that we will have 
defeated the souless creatures who make up the New World Order. They will have lost 
and we will have out constitution and our rights restored.

Is this what the people who destroyed my computers wanted to keep you from knowing?

I don't know, but what I can see right now on my television is Faction Three using 
Waco to force Janet Reno into rolling over on Bill Clinton. If she doesn't do it soon, 
I fear the worst for her. Someone should clue her in.

To all of the people who thought my reply to vagabond virgin was directed to them.... 
it was not.... read the top of the email and you will see that it was a letter to 
vagaabond virgin and only her.... I just sent copies of it to everyone on my email 

My time on the computer is running out and people are breathing heavily over my 

If you need to reach me, call 831 462 3949...

At this moment I do not know when I will be back online. Don't email me.... I doubt if 
I will come back to the library and wait an hour to get online.

There are still Wilcher Reports left... I had more than I thought I had. Also, Hal 
Massey from the Human Right commission said he will print them up so they can stay at 
the lower price.

You can call Hal at 800 400 1999

I did not have the time to take the tapes to the duplicator today... I wonder why... 
so they will not be in the mail this evening like I wanted.

I have to go now before this cmputer kicks me off.

aka Ru Mills

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