In a message dated 8/26/1999 3:58:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< Subj:     Re: [RuMills] RUMOR MILL NEWS IS BACK!
 Date:  8/26/1999 3:58:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time

    If you truly wished the public to have this information, you would
 not be charging fees for it.

   You have lost your credibility with me.

   Please unsubscribe me.


May I ask how  you pay your bills?

Do you work or do you have someone who takes care of you?

Were you born wealthy?

Being married to Gunther Russbacher cost me everything I had ever accumulated
in life. All my sweet cherished treasures had to be sold for a fraction of
their worth to pay for lawyers, telephone bills, rent, food, etc.

I declared bankruptcy twice and I am still recovering.

I have not charged for the information on my webpage. It cost me over a
$1,000 to build the webpage. I doubt if I have sold $100.00 from it. I don't
have advertising on the web page. I  give away information that is far better
than what is in most of the books and videos you have on your shelves. Did
you buy these books? Or did the writers give them to you for free? Do you
expect all writers to write, edit, publish, and print their books so they can
 give them away for free? Where do you live? If this is the way it is in your
world, I would like to live there.

In a perfect society people wouldn't have to worry about food, clothing,
shelter, computers, webpages and Internet carriers... these would all be
provided for us by our benevolent government.

But since I do not live in a perfect world, I must do something in order to
make the money that I pour  into Rumor Mill News! Since you insist that I
GIVE AWAY my information, how do you think I should support myself?

If I do not charge for the books and tapes that are advertized on my webpage,
I will not have the money to pay my rent or my telephone bill... or the web
server...  or AOL.... indeed, I will not have the money to pay to print and
record the very tapes and manuscripts  that you want me to given away for
free! Or I guess you want me to transcribe the tapes and put them out over
the Internet. I wonder how many hours of my time you want me to devote to
doing this.

Do you want me to go back to work at a regular job to support my hobby? I did
this for several years. It is very hard burning the candle at both ends. I
came down with fibromyalgia. I can't work at a regular job now even if I
wanted to. I have a sleep disorder which is caused by the pain I am in
constantly. Even though I have cured myself of the worst part of the
fibromyalagia syndrome, I still am in pain, and because of this I cannot
sleep. Because I cannot sleep, I can no longer hold down a 9 to 5 job. It is
ver hard making ends meet when you cannot work... and now you want to force
me to give everything away for free.  As soon as you tell me how to pay the
bills I have incurred in order to continue publishing the Rumor Mill, I will
feel much better!

In order to create the Rumor Mill the way you see it, I had to charge
computers, scanners, printers, software and other things on my credit cards.
When I wrote and printed the book Diana, Queen of Heaven, it too went on my
credit cards. When I go to conferences where I lecture and then sell books
and tapes, I have to create an inventory of items.... this has to be put on
my credit cards.

I have been doing this for over 10 years now. Since I make no money off what
I do, I guess you could call this "my hobby". But it would be nice to have my
"hobby" support itself, instead of having me work a fulltime job to support
my "hobby".

If you still think I should give all my information away for free, then I
want you to come up with a way to pay the credit card payments, my rent and
telephone bills, as well as the Internet charges, the server, the webmaster
and the tape duplicator.

And as for putting the information on the Internet for free, this is usually
what I do. The article on JFK, Jr. is the first one that my Sources have told
me not to put out over the Internet.  Most of the information that I put on
the intenet is also printed in books. The books are sold to people who don't
have computers. Needless to say, not very many people buy my products because
only a select few are interested in the things I write about.

Maybe your letter is really a wake up call to me. Maybe God is using you to
tell me that I shouldn't be doing something that doesn't support me.  Or
maybe He is using you to tell me that I must come up with another way of
supporting the Rumor Mill. I don't even have advertizers on my web page. I
have people who want to advertize, but I haven't added any. Maybe I should.

If I could have released the JFK, Jr. information over the Internet, I would
have, but my Sources told me not to put it out over the Internet. I do not
understand why they told me this, but since they have saved my life many
times in the past, I trust these men to know how to chart the safest course.

Maybe you have never had a car coming straight at you doing 90 miles an hour.
Maybe you have never had the bolt of terror shoot through you as you realized
 you were about to be pushed off a very high freeway overpass. Maybe you have
never had "Guardian Angels"  in the guise of Navy SEALS, put their car
between yours and the speeding death car.

The men who are my Sources have risked their lives to save mine. I have seen
them drag the dead body of my would-be  assassin from my doorstep. I have
seen them run another assassin over a cliff.... the same cliff the assassin
had just tried to push me over. There are numerous other incidents that I
hardly ever mention due to past ridicule and accusations of paranoia.

My friend and lawyer Paul Wilcher was murdered while trying to expose the
same crimes I was and am exposing. The list of dead bodies that surrounded
Gunther and I and the other whistle blowers of the Bush Administration, was
almost as long as Clinton's body count. I know I am alive today because of
the Navy SEALS who protected me.

Two of my Sources are the same men who protected me during all the long and
lonely years while my husband, Gunther Russbacher was in prison. He was a
political prisoner of the Bush Administration. He and I were trying to expose
the  crimes and corruption of the CIA and the Bush administration.

Gunther and I have spent many hours on the telephone with writers and
reporters. Books and articles have  been written about us. Writers have been
paid, but neither Gunther nor I ever made a dime from  the hundreds, maybe
thousands of hours we  spent talking to writers.

Not only have we never made money from telling our story, Gunther and I paid
dearly for what we did. We lost everything, including each other. When he
left me for another woman, he didn't even remember being married to me.
Evidently it was someone's idea of a joke to erase the part of his memory
that included me.

Because he had no memory of ever being married to me,  he insisted on seeing
a copy of our marriage license before he would sign the divorce papers. I
filed for divorce only after he married another woman while he was still
legally my husband. Can you even begin to imagine what that felt like?

There are evil people in the world who wanted to punish Gunther and me with a
fate worse than death. They were successful. They stole everything we had
including Gunther's memory of me.

One of the last things he told me was, "If anything happens to me, keep
putting out the Rumor Mill, it will keep you alive." By that he meant, stay
visible and in the public's eye. Even though public figures are murdered all
the time, it is far easier to kill someone who has faded into the woodwork.
No one would even miss them.

Fortunately there are thousands of people who love the Rumor Mill and who
give me the support I need to continue it.... not financial support...
emotional support. So far, I have been able to keep the thing going. I have
no idea is a sheer miracle. The Rumor Mill does not pay for itself.
I do other things in the few spare hours I have. It is the "other things"
that pay for the Rumor Mill.

If you can think of a way that the Rumor Mill can support itself, please tell
me. I would love to have a rich benefactor who pays all the bills and lets me
do nothing but research and write. What a wonderful world that would be.

Maybe in some future perfect world, everyone will have all their needs met
and all they will  do is pursue their "hobbies." As soon as you find that
world, please come get me, I would like to live there too. But for now, I
have a choice, I can sell things to help  support Rumor Mill, or I can stop
writing it.

Maybe I can win the lottery. Do you have any good numbers I can play? If I
win I would cut you in, but since you have no understanding of needing money,
it must mean you are rich, therefore you don't need a share of my winnings.

Anyway, there are many other victims of our government, who are in far worse
shape than I am.  I will  share my lottery winnings with them and with the
other writers and investigators who devote their entire lives to trying to
wake-up a sleeping country.

Just for the record, I want you to know that I have sent money I needed
desparately to men and women who needed it more than I did. When you know
people like me personally, it is hard to make statements like the one you
made. I sincerely hope you never have to live through what I have lived
through, or what the wife of Congressman George Hansen has lived through.
Being a victim of the United States government is akin to being tortured in a
Soviet Gulag.

Most people who are on my mailing list have been able to vicariously
experience what Gunther and I lived through. But there are some who are must
experience their lessons first hand in order to fully appreciate what it
feels like. I guess you are one of these. When you need help, just write to
us and let us know what you need. Of course, we will have to follow your
lead, and if it costs anything, we won't be able to help because it would
prove that you are just in it for the money.

Have a good life, until reality finds you. And I will gladly remove you from
this list!

With warmest regards,

Rayelan Allan (Russbacher)
aka Ru Mills, Editor in Chief, Rumor Mill News

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