From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Seeker1)

> We've been throwing around p1 and p2 as though everybody knows what they
> refer to.  I'm assuming they relate to Priory-1 and Priory-2, but could
> someone explain the difference between the two groups.

According to DM, most major religious monastic or anchoritic organizations
(such as the Dominicans, Franciscans, Cistercians, etc.) have a higher and
lower order.

"P1" is the higher or inner order of the Priory, "P2" is the lower or outer
order. How this lines up with the grade system in HBHG is unclear. I still
don't know whether "P1" has 5, 7, or 9 grades.

DM maintains "P2" is 'split' - the European branch is up to all that
nastiness going on in Italy and elsewhere, his American branch is busy
helping homeless people and doing charitable work. There could possibly be
other "P2's" on other continents, but I doubt it, I can't see much reason
why they'd have branches operating in Africa or Asia.

(Now, watch as soon as I finish saying this, a new African POSer named
"Kumata Grailata" descended from Prester John of Ethiopia pops on the

(DM's "NWP2" has two tiers itself - the higher order is his International
Gnostic Catholic Church, with 22 degrees, and the lower order is his Sword
& Shield with - hmm - was that seven? )

SM's sources have told her, however, that the chain doesn't stop there -
apparently there is a "P3" through "P7."

If there really are 7 "P's", and each of them has several grades with an
arithmetically progressing membership, then the Priory consists of a
HELLUVA lot of people. But according to Guelfi, it seems like some of the
lower "P's" (like the Dragon Order) belong to orders controlled by Sion who
have no idea they're actually controlled by it. They are in the PoS, in a
sense, without even knowing it! As Robert Anton Wilson once put it,
"Sometimes you don't even know you're in the Illuminati... until it's too


Steve Mizrach   [aka Seeker1]
TechnoCulturalist, CyberAnthropologist, HyperMediac, AnthroFuturist
Home Page URL:
"Why? .... Why not?" -- Timothy Leary's last words

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