[04/22] EU okays Deutsche purchase of Bankers Trust
BRUSSELS, (Reuters) - The European Commission has given its unconditional
blessing to Deutsche Bank AG's proposed acquisition of U.S. investment bank
Bankers Trust Corp. , European Union competition chief Karel Van Miert said

Van Miert made his comment to reporters as he arrived for a European
Parliament hearing. He provided no details.

An official statement was delayed until Friday.

The EU regulatory clearance marks one of the last steps before completion of
the deal, which faced its biggest challenge in the United States, where
Holocaust victims claimed compensation from German companies alleged to have
profited from Nazi crimes.

Deutsche Bank announced at the end of last year that it was paying 17
billion marks ($9.22 billion) for the eighth-biggest U.S. bank.

But Deutsche's Chief Executive Rolf Breur said recently the acquisition
could cost $1.5 to $2.0 billion less than first expected due to the planned
sale of Bankers Trust Australia.

The U.S. deal catapults Deutsche Bank to the first place in the European
banking landscape, ahead of UBS of Switzerland, with total assets in 1998 of
$666 billion.

But it will not hold the rank for long if France's Banque Nationale de Paris
wins a hostile bid for domestic rivals Societe Generale and Paribas .

The Bankers Trust acquisition is also awaiting approval from the U.S.
Justice Department.

A Commission spokesman said earlier Thursday that a statement would be
issued on the decision as soon as the companies had been notified.

Last Updated: 04/22/99 15:04 EDT

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