FBI CRACKS!! ADMITS Incendiary devices Fired Into Waco Davidian Compound!

At long last the FBI, Murderer-General Janet Reno and Murderer-in-Chief
Bill Clinton have BEGUN to crack under the tidal wave of evidence now
coming forth proving homicidal, savage Gestapo-like brutality on the
part of federal law enforcement personnel during their outrageous and
fundamentally illegitimate "siege' of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

These criminals have finally begun admitting what so many have known
about and demanded justice about for SO LONG--that feds intentionally
and murderously fired incendiary devices unto the compound shortly
before the entire place erupted into mass of explosive flames, killing
over 80 innocent human beings, including upwards of 2 dozen children.

The long, heartbreaking but necessary journey towards justice for those
murdered and punishment for the guilty is now underway.

We must not stop until the murdering fed swine are made to pay the most
severe penalties imaginable for what they authorized and carried out
that gruesome day.

JUSTICE for Reno and all the rest!

Never give up!

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =  =


FBI to acknowledge firing potentially
flammable devices at Waco

August 24, 1999
Web posted at: 7:31 p.m. EDT (2331 GMT)

>From Terry Frieden at the Justice Department

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- FBI officials late Tuesday were set to officially
drop their long-held claim that agents had not fired any potentially
flammable devices into the vicinity of the Branch Davidian compound near
Waco, Texas, the day it erupted in flames, killing more than 80 people.

FBI sources tell CNN the agency plans to release a formal statement
Wednesday acknowledging for the first time that two CS gas canisters
were fired at a concrete bunker in a pit outside the wooden structures
which went up in flames hours later.

But the FBI still insists it is not responsible for causing the blaze.
"The ordnance was fired at the bunker in a direction far away from the
compound," an official said.

The FBI said the ordnance used was not designed to be pyrotechnic, but
could start a fire under certain circumstances. The bureau insisted that
in this case the canisters simply bounced off the roof of the bunker and
fell into a puddle.

The FBI acknowledgement that even potentially flammable grenades were
fired in the direction of the compound on April 19, 1993, is a source of
embarrassment to both the FBI and Justice Department, officials said privately.

Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI Director Louis Freeh and their
subordinates have repeatedly denied any such devices were fired on the
day of the fatal fire.

The FBI's revised position came just one day after the Dallas Morning
News quoted former Deputy Assistant FBI Director Danny Coulson as
revealing that two pyrotechnic grenades were fired several hours before
the blaze began, but were not to blame for the inferno later the same day.

Government investigations determined Branch Davidian leader David Koresh
and some of his followers set the fires that destroyed their compound.

The issue recently re-surfaced following allegations by surviving Branch
Davidians and family members of victims who are suing the government in
a wrongful death lawsuit. The case is scheduled to be heard in federal
court in Waco.

Reno last month repeated the Justice Department's long-standing position
that no pyrotechnic devices were fired on the day of the fire. Her chief
spokesman, Myron Marlin, said Tuesday that Justice officials had asked
the FBI to review records in the case following Coulson's statement.

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