Subject: LA Shootings - Good Analysis
   Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:38:25 -0400

   From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 I smelled very old fish when I first heard the news
 and do believe this to be an accurate summation.

 We must remember always that:

 #1 They want our guns.
 #2 They will do ANYTHING to confiscate them.

 Many people are probably scratching [their] head over the
 recent shootings in the LA areas, especially when the suspect,
 Buford O'neil Furrow arrived in a neat little package on the
 doorsteps of the FBI Las Vegas.  You are not alone in your

 1. Early Reports.  Yes, you probably heard numerous accounts
 of more than one shooter, different clothing, etc.  I don't
 think there was too much dis-info there.  After all, early
 reports came from young children.  Once the carjacking
 occurred, a more accurate description came forward.

 2. Early statements by Politicians.  People such as Charles
 Shummer, Gov. Gray Davis, Mayor Richard Rearden (sp?) the
 ADL, and the JDL were all screaming hate crime before ANYONE
 had a motive or an actual description of the suspect.

 3. The FBI and ATF were on the scene immediately long before
 the Clinton spoke !!!!!

 Like Columbine, SWAT agents just stood outside until long
 after the postal worker was killed.  Not to mention reports
 about other people (with other descriptions) being arrested
 shortly after.

 4. The Carjacking.  Forgive me, but it seems stupid to think
 that some idiot (and alleged survivalist) hell-bent on
 killing Jews left all that ammo in a van.  No survivalist
 would do that without a reason.

 IMPORTANT:  If Furrow really wanted to kill Jews in mass
 number, he had all the ammo he needed.  He was also in a
 neighborhood where there were plenty of visible Jewish
 targets.  And why allow the female carjack victim to live?
 According to reports, he brandished a weapon, told her to
 get out, don't scream, and just run.  Let's no mention the
 fact that he fired a reported 70 rounds with a semi-automatic
 weapon at children less than 15 feet away in a closed area
 and killed no one [ AND KILLED NO ONE ! ], only superficial
 wounds.  This, from a man with a military background.  Hmmm.

 5. The Postal Worker.  After all, something HAD to happen to
 make it federal.  When over half the LA county police force
 (that's a lot of people, folks) had closed the entire area
 off in search of any angry looking white guy, Furrow finds
 time to stop and off a postal worker during his escape.
 Not to be a certified conspiracy theorist, but think back to
 the Kennedy Assassination.

 6. The APB.  Within 4 hours after the attack on the Jewish
 Center, every radio station in the LA area was giving out
 several (yes, I mean several) descriptions of a carjacked
 vehicle -- two different license plate numbers, and three
 different colors.  I even considered calling a news-talk
 radio station while stuck in traffic in I-605 asking, What
 the hell do you want us to look for??.  Shouldn't the
 carjack [victim] know what her car looks like?

 7. The Hotel Siege.  See if this sounds familiar to you:
 No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house,
 without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in
 a manner to be prescribed by law.  In Chatsworth, CA, throw
 that out the window.  A virtual battalion of black suited
 armor wearing, helmet wearing troops laid siege to this
 entire LA suburb.  The dress code:  All black (with federal
 stuffed shirts playing team leaders), black tanks (LAPD's
 finest) choppers, the whole nine yards.  THERE IS NO WAY
 ANYONE COULD HAVE ESCAPED THIS unless [they had] help.
 Yet, no dice.

 8. The Photo.  After having MAJOR egg on their faces, the
 LAPD spokesman (someone I've never seen before, but no
 matter, he's Jewish) asks for the public's help in finding
 Mr. Furrow.  TAKE NOTE:  At this time, there is so much
 victimization, and wailing, and whining by the Jewish
 leadership in the local media that local politicians were
 probably concerned about a mass exodus to Israel from LAX.

 Back to the photo:  It wasn't a mug shot.  I remember saying
 when I first saw the photo (live), That looks like either a
 work ID or some kind of government issue.  It only took 30
 minutes for the media to have enough info on Furrow to fill a
 CIA dossier.  Good job, Media especially when you didn't have
 a SSN to work from.

 Oh yeah, and the Southern Poverty Law Center JUST HAPPENS to
 have a photo of Furrow playing security at an Aryan Nation
 Complex Idaho.  How convenient.  Beside that photo came from
 the same fat guy from Michigan who did the Roger and Me film
 (this video came from a show called TV Nation).  I can't
 remember his name.  No matter.  Let's all go to bed now,
 and see what we can scare up by morning.

 9. The $800 cab ride.  This is where my personal experience
 comes in.  Uh, cabbie, take me to Las Vegas or Primm Nevada,
 duh.  Get real.  No cab driver in the LA area would do this
 -- would do this -- without notifying the dispatcher of his
 destination.  Folks, we're talking over 250 miles of desert.
 There are other places much closer you can hide.  The cabbie
 (if this story had any merit) would have suspected something
 (there was an APB on every radio station, and probably
 relayed to all cabbies), and would have given a radio
 handshake to the dispatcher where the cab would have been
 intercepted by the CHP before he got to the high desert.

 [Note -- Local news update as I write:  Now the big story in
 the cab driver he's talking.  Strange, the FBI/LAPD said he
 took two cabs.  See more on this in the ADDEMDUM below.]

 But Noooo.  Knowing there's a wanted killer trying to escape
 the LA basin, take your fare-of-a-lifetime and merrily stroll
 across the Mojave Desert.  Remembering of course, that you
 don't want to be charged with transporting a felon across a
 stateline.  So, drop him off just before exit 1 on I-15, and
 tell him to walk over to the Casio, call another (Nevada)
 cab, and have a nice day.

 Our second cab ride goes from the Nevada border (Primm, NV)
 to the FBI office on Charleston Avenue in downtown Glitter
 Gulch.  Hey Furrow!  The Las Vegas shuttle (Greyhound) would
 have been a lot cheaper, and a lot more discrete.  Everyone
 knows that.  And by the time he would have gotten there,
 either no one had his description (meaning he could have
 asked anyone), or everyone had his description (meaning no
 one would have given him a ride anywhere).  But I'm just
 dying to know what he did during the missing 8 hours or so
 before he turned himself in.  Lemme Guess:  He [spent] the
 rest of his cab fare (destination Idaho?) at one of the Vegas
 Casinos.  Nice try.  There are cameras in mass at every
 major casino, and they watch everybody.  He would have been
 flagged in a New York minute.

 There's more about this Vegas trip, but I cover that in my
 conclusion (and besides, they've changed stories since I
 began writing).

 10. The Surrender.

 The reports say he simply walked in, walked up to the
 receptionist and said, I'm the man you're looking for.
 I killed those kids.  Then we have an AP report quoting
 sources who claimed he said upon surrender, "This is a wake
 up call to all Americans to Kill Jews."  Horsecrap.

 Here's the dirt:  Like most other government buildings, the
 FBI has cameras outside with full-time eyeballs in watching.
 To get to the lobby of the FBI office, you must take an
 elevator to the 3rd floor (with the watchful eye in the
 elevator car, of course).  Then you must walk up to a 2-inch
 bullet proof glass.  Show your ID, sign in and, someone will
 be with you shortly.  In his case, he would have been met at
 the elevator's third floor exit with handcuffs (they see you
 3 times coming and going), the building would have been
 sealed off (lobby cleared), a search, pass through metal
 detectors (located left of the elevator), read em his rights,
 and escort him into the interrogation room right behind the
 door on the left.  In other words, he wouldn't have gotten
 past his name before he was on the floor in irons.

 Make sense?  So, how did the AP (in lightning speed) find
 a source who gave up VITAL information about an on-going
 investigation?  That goes against agency policy (according to
 them) and loud-mouths are subject to immediate termination.
 These kind of damaging statements can compromise further
 investigations (Reno's famous words).  And there would be
 no trouble tracking this source down, since the LV field
 office is relatively small in number.

 Back to the cab ride:  So, you're anti-government, and you're
 fighting ZOG.  So, you open fire on Jewish kids, go postal
 on a postal worker, then take a cab almost 300 miles to turn
 yourself in at a federal office, when there are at least
 4 different places in LA to do the same thing and spend less
 money.  Then, you spill your guts to the FBI to get your
 story out???

 Bull****.  The place to go and get your story out is the
 LA Times, with branch offices all over the area, the
 LV Review-Journal, or any TV news room.  You think they
 wouldn't have covered this?  Or better yet, drop a letter
 to the news media off in the postal truck after killing
 the guy.  Or, if you're nuts, check into a hospital.


 11. The Press Conference.  This was the real kicker.  While
 the cops and politicians were high-five-ing each other for
 the wonderful job they had done (he turned himself in),
 there was one point in the press conference that was a
 real eye-opener.  It happened when the Assistant Special
 Agent-in-Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
 for the Los Angeles Area -- Joe Torres (he got all that out
 in one breath) mistakenly was given the task of answering
 the question, Exactly what type of guns did you find?.

 The Answer should make anyone ask a ton questions.  Quoting
 exact:  We found no fully-automatic weapons.  There was a
 Bushmaster that's a AR-15 -- a rifle, and I think there were
 two handguns, and they were.............

 He never finished the answer.  In fact, it seemed like the
 U.S. attorney, who was also on stage grabbed the ATF SAC by
 the throat yanking him off camera.  I'll bet money that
 Very Special Agent Torres will never, EVER be seen giving
 public statements in the future.

 [ Ed. Note:  As much as the ATF is the group we all love to
 hate, you gotta give em credit.  They keep accidentally
 telling the truth.  (WACO) Remember, If we would have been
 left in charge, we wouldn't have burned all those kids up? ]

 No wonder the feds never want these guys on the record.
 Back to Agent Foot-in-Mouth Torres

 Hmmm An AR-15?  That was the only rifle, eh?  Guess that
 would explain the 70 rounds fired.  But wait:  the AR only
 holds 30 in the clip.  Guess he reloaded (twice).  Right,
 and no lethal wounds from 15 feet?  This, from a guy with
 military experience??

 [BTW, I saw some of the ammo left behind.  About a case of
 7.62x.39 ammo, .50 cal. Round (with a mag) and 9 mm handgun
 ammo (about 1K)]

 Smell something funny yet?

 And of course

 12. The After Hype.  On cue, the regular characters are
 calling for tougher gun laws.  Never mind that this guy
 wanted to kill Jews, and would have used anything he got
 his hands on (if you believe all this).  Don't blame
 the Neo-Nazi, blame the gun.  Blame the gun show.  How
 condescending.  All Jews should be insulted.  Here's where
 the plot thickens:  A Rabbi Heir of the Simon Weisenthal
 center, who has been making the rounds on local and national
 TV, this morning said, two employees of the Weisenthal Center
 recognized Furrow from the photos as a man who has been here
 at the center recently just walking around.

 So, while we're getting all hyped up over this, we learn
 that a man who wants to send America a message to kill all
 Jews (and wanted to kill Jews) failed to do so in the midst
 of a HIGH concentration of Jewish people the Simon Weisenthal
 Center and its surroundings.  Best chance of killing mass
 numbers of Jews in the LA area next to a Synagogue on

 Starting to see what's wrong with this picture?

 [Since the time of this writing, the story now is that he
 cased three Jewish institutions and chose the community
 center because of its lax security.  Hogwash.  An AR-15 goes
 right through security at the Museum of Tolerance if you're
 hell-bent on killing Jews.]

 Let's toss this in for good measure for cyber-savvy:  The
 morning after the shooting, A Yahoo search turns up an e-mail
 address for the fat criminal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Take note of the .mil.  Then, the Seattle Times cranks out
 the history of the Fat Nazi:

 Military databases indicate that Furrow served in the
 military and, at one point, was stationed at McChord
 Air Force Base near Tacoma.

 Seattle Times, Aug 11, 1999.  The whole story can be
 found at:

 Why do these guys keep popping up with military background?
 And of course, with all this guy's history, he somehow passes
 a military back ground check.


 The only difference between this script and a Hollywood
 screenplay is that we know Hollywood in lying.  This whole
 story is bull.  It doesn't add up.  If some one were to say
 Furrow was under orders from higher-ups in government, it
 would not surprise me one bit.  The cab to Las Vegas bit,
 the turning yourself to the FBI to get your story out crap.
 It would be more of believable if shown in a movie theater.

 I would have suspected that this action wasn't a hate crime,
 but the ULTIMATE DIVERSION for something more lethal, and
 Furrow wanted to be out of the area when it happened.

 This man (Furrow, or whatever his name really is) was
 either under strict orders, or is not the most dangerous,
 but the dumbest criminal ever to set foot on American soil.

 I vote for the first choice.  This so-called Neo-Nazi,
 this so-called survivalist, leaves a suspicious,
 made-for-hate-and-gun-crime-legislation trail of evidence.

 Think about it -- this guy, this neo-nazi -- in just one day,
 enhanced, then embraced everything he is fighting against
 with no remorse whatsoever???

 <re-read that sentence above>


 Have a Nice Day, ya'al !

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