>Status: U
>Date: Sun, 17 Jan 1999 01:38:45 EST
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Fwd: MC documentary
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Here is a brief synopsis.
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>To: echos@fyi
>Subject: MC documentary
>Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 21:06:19 EST
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
>Dear Everyone,
>I am very grateful to Transmedia  and Dandelion
>Productions for the fantastic job they did with
>the documentary which was shown on 11/22/98
>in Canada.  The main point the film makes is that
>there are Manchurian Candidates among us and
>that they have been controlled from a distance by
>computer and electordes ( which  have now  been
>replaced by microwaves)   The film includes
>demonstration of  this and shows Jose Delgado MD
>manipulating a charging bull and stopping him in his
>tracks.  The  film also includes a long interview with
>a CIA Manchurian Candidate who acknowledges being
>involved in 76 deaths and also states that her training as
>as assassin started when she was 4 years old.
>ACHES is given considerable attention as  an
>advocacy group that documented stories of
>victims who were used in the development of
>the technology beginning in the 40's .  Clips
>from the original  ACHES-MC video with
>statements from Lynne, Blanche, Ron ,
>Claudia,  Terry Parker,  Martha and Tony are
>woven through the section showing the
>motorcade at JFK's funeral.
>Journalists and agents of the CIA and FBI
>explain that Timothy McVeigh,  Sirhan-Sirhan,
>Mark Chapman and Oswald were all Manchurian
>Candidates.  Ken Burns ( journalist) explains that
>Oswald  had a brain implant which was  installed
>when he had his tonsils removed.
>  Here are a few quotes :
>Dr. Rauni Kilde,  former Chief Medical Officer, Finland
>     " main stream scientists and  medical doctors know
>nothing about this.  It  has been a well kept secret within
>the military ... I live in Norway now, military intellegence,
>in electronic surveillance projects,  the navy is doing implants..."
>"I think it is the greatest threat to humanity and it has been going
> on for about 50 years."
>Narrator:    It is now alleged that the most recent development
>in mind control technology does away with implants  and is
>microwave based, sending messages directly into the mind of the
>Richard Sauder:  " In 1992, over the holidays,  I was sound asleep
>in  my apartment , I was suddenly awakened ...sounded unusual
>and though I was  very relaxed,  my mind  was very alert... all of
>the sudden,   I very distincly and clearly heard a voice that  said
>matter of factly, into my right ear, 'The underground bases are real.'
>...Recently I have discovered that a patant was granted in 1989
>to do just that , to braodcast an intelligable voice right into the auditory
>cortex.  The  technology by which this  is done is very straightforward.
>A person speaks into a microphone,  what they say is then
>transmitted by a plurality of microwaves into the targeted individual.
>That  person then hears the voice  as if it were speaking in
>their...inner ear...very clearly.  This is what happened to me."
>( FYI    I recently received  a flyer for a book by Richard
> on this subject, it includes the patents.)
>Narrator:   Many others have reported
>voices in their heads.  One such
>person reporting  tampering with his mind
>was an inmate in an American  prison.
>  "For several years now I have been
>subjected to the influence of technology
>that  causes me to receive  voice
>transmissions in my head,   Just as if I
>had little  radio speakers in my inner ear."
>Narrator:  Other inmates substantiated his
>claims but the case was thrown out, due
>to lack of evidence.  After all who ever
>believe a convicted felon?
>Wm.Bailey, FBI:  " Sirhan could have been hypntized
>he could have been a Manchurian Candidate programmed
>to assassinate Bobby Kennedy.
>I will  be mailing copies to those who have
>asked for them, on  next Tuesday.   You
>should  have them by the following Monday
>at the latest.  If you don't get them ,  let me
>know.   Anyone  who  else in USA who  would
>like a copy should send me their address and
>check or money order for $8.00 to cover cost.
>(Canadians  should ask Lynne for copy.)

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