This note below, from a reader of NewsHawk articles and bulletins, makes
such a very significant point with regard to the NTSB and the Kennedy
crash, I felt ALL should be made aware of this information.

Here is PROOF that the NTSB is handling the "investigation" into the
(causes of) the destruction of Kennedy's plane, in an unorthodox,
irregular and SUSPICIOUS MANNER!

FIFTY-SEVEN incidents are reported since July 16 at the NTSB website:
including some as recent as July 28. Yet there is not ONE MENTION of
the crash of N9253N... you remember; the plane that Kennedy, Lauren and
Carolyn Bessette were flying in when it BLEW UP?

What possible reason would the NTSB have (gee, let me think...) for
EXCLUDING N9253N from it's normal processes of investigation AND DISCLOSURE?

And another point. I've been getting really irritated lately by people
who suggest that "we" shouldn't be spending any more time and money on
investigating how this hot shot rich kid busted up his plane in the water.

Unfortunately for them our society has this funny thing about
apprehending and punishing perpetrators of CRIMES, like MURDER. That's
ONE thing our government is actually SUPPOSED to spend "our" money on.

How would any of YOU feel if there were STRONG evidence someone in YOUR
family who was an extremely accomplished pilot with 600 hours and 17
years experience was intentionally BLOWN TO PIECES in the sky; yet
relentless, incessant repetition of baseless, groundless,
officially-instigated rumors, speculations and outright LIES had
convinced most others that your family member was so incompetent as a
pilot that he must have managed, incomprehensibly, to cause his plane to
EXPLODE in mid-air due to some non-existent "haze"... or whatever... so
therefore there is no need to spend time and money looking at the REAL
evidence of MURDER!

Interesting that just last weekend there were 2 small plane crashes or
crash landings in the San Francisco area, in which TRULY INEXPERIENCED
pilots with FAR LESS flight experience than JFK Jr. had to make forced,
emergency "crash landings"... over land. These 2 inexperienced pilots
were BOTH able to land their planes in genuinely marginal conditions and
NO ONE was was badly hurt in either incident. To think that a pilot with
Kennedy's experience and qualifications would be unable to make a soft
landing in the calm waters off Martha's Vineyard is really utterly
unwarranted and illogical.

Again; WHY is there NO MENTION of the crash of N9253N on the NTSB's website????

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

   Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 19:44:40 -0700
     CC: "KING TV-5 Investigators" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
         "KIRO Radio 710" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
         "KIRO TV-7" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

July 30, 1999
Mr. John Quinn
NewsHawk, Inc.

Dear John, et al:
Not only does the NTSB engage in cover-ups (((See: Hearings Before The
Subcommittee On Crime of the Committee On The Judiciary, House Of
Representatives, 101st Congress, 2nd Session, December 4 and 5, 1990,
concerning the Gander Newfoundland Arrow Air DC-8 Crash on December 12,
1985, caused by an ON-BOARD EXPLOSION, that claimed the lives of 248 men and
women of the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division and the 8 crewmembers, and
the REAL TRUTH and DISSENTING OPINION by the Canadian Government))), the
NTSB is apparently hiding evidence by withholding a "PRELIMINARY" report of
JFK JR's airplane crash (N9253N) on its "Accident Synopses" website of
monthly aviation accidents and incidents. See:
http://www.ntsb.gov/aviation/Accident.htm and click on "Select from monthly
lists of accidents", and then select "July". From July 16th forward, there
is NOT one mention of the crash of this airplane. WHY?

Today is July 30, 1999. The so-called "accident" occurred on Friday evening,
July 16, 1999. Since that time NTSB should have had at least a preliminary
report posted. There is nothing. Yet, an "incident" that occurred just two
days ago on July 27, 1999, IS LISTED, to wit:

Prel  JETMORE, KS         Hughes 269C                    N88007 Nonfatal

What's more, there ARE other "Accidents/Incidents" listed from July 16th to
the present time - a whopping 57 including the helicopter incident above.
Why would the NTSB be interested in EXCLUDING N9253N from the list of
"Accidents/Incidents" during this period of time? Who is covering up for

What could possibly be the reason for the NTSB's TOTAL SILENCE with regard
to N9253N, the Piper Saratoga with three souls on board who perished?

James Hall of the NTSB, who is the Chairman of this agency, needs to be
SWORN IN before a GRAND JURY and put to the test about what he knows, and
when he knew it, concerning not only TWA-800 three years ago, but this most
recent air fatality in which he has participated in a cover-up with FBI,
CIA, the US Coast Guard and the White House - apparently on direct orders
from Adolph Clinton. And who can trust this latter individual? Wasn't Adolph
Clinton just order to pay $90,000 to Paul Jones for contempt of court in an
"incident" that he swears he had no participation in? Gee, I guess somebody
must be lying. Your don't think it could be the Liar-In-Chief, do you?

People, we are dealing with a CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT!

/s/ John R. Prukop

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to it."
--Thomas Paine, Rights of Man ("Conclusion")

"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void."
--Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

CCW Coalition: Citizens For A Constitutional Washington
John R. Prukop, Executive Director
11910-C Meridian Ave. E., #142
Puyallup, Washington 98373
TEL:  (253) 840-8071
FAX: (253) 840-8074

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