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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

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PANUPS: Colombian Drug Wars

Pesticide Action Network Updates Service
Farmers are Victims in Colombian Drug Wars

September 23, 1999

Under the premise of eradicating drug crops, the Colombian

government has been spraying traditional farming communities

indiscriminately with herbicides containing glyphosate.

In June of this year, the Colombian government began spraying homes

and farms of the Yanacona indigenous community in the Macizo

Colombiano region, Cauca province. Herbicides were sprayed over

houses, community centers, schools, water sources, pastures and

workers in the fields. Intended to kill small crops of opium poppy, the

raw material used to make heroin, the spraying destroyed crops and

pasture lands the Yanacona depend on for food and income. Fish and

chickens died, other farm animals became ill, and both adults and

children suffered symptoms of pesticide poisoning.

Faced with illnesses and loss of crops, the Yanacona indigenous

community sent a delegation to meet with the governor of the province,

demanding a stop to the spraying. The governor promised that a fact-

finding commission including representatives of several governmental

and nongovernmental agencies would visit the community to collect

testimony on the spraying. The actual commission consisted, however,

of just two representatives of the provincial government.

Some 1500 members of the Yanacona community assembled to meet

with the fact-finding commission. People presented testimony of their

experience of being "sprayed like flies" and becoming ill. Mothers

reported on illnesses among children, including respiratory distress,

rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, migraines and conjunctivitis. One

pregnant mother with five children testified that all her children were

sick and her livelihood had been destroyed.

Others reported that their pastures had been ruined and their cattle were

ill. The spraying destroyed crops the Yanacona grow to feed their

families and has affected their ability to sell their farm products. For

example, the sale price of milk and cheese has fallen by 50% or more,

due to customers' fears that the cows have drunk water contaminated

with pesticides.

Community members maintain that the majority of the Yanacona farms

that have been sprayed do not grow poppies.

In another area of Colombia, spraying with glyphosate has undone the

successes of small farmers who were working to establish ecologically

and economically sound alternatives to drug crops. Farmers in Caqueta

province have designed intercropped gardens of native species, pasture

areas with tree cover, and small-scale fish farming. In August, the

government began spraying herbicides that have killed seedlings in

their nurseries and crops in their fields, contaminated water sources and

made adults and children sick. The farmers are seeking help from the

International Red Cross to set up a forum in which to present testimony

on what they have experienced.

Colombia produces three illicit drug crops: marijuana, coca and opium

poppy. Commercial production of coca for processing into cocaine

began in the mid-1970s and has increased dramatically; Colombia is

now the world's largest producer of cocaine. Large-scale production of

opium poppy did not begin until 1990, but it too has grown rapidly.

Colombia is now the primary supplier of heroin to the eastern United


Between 1990 and 1998, the U.S. provided some US$625 million to the

Colombian National Police and the Colombian military for aircraft,

weapons, ammunition and other support for the war on drugs.

Beginning in 1996, the U.S. State Department identified herbicide

spraying to eradicate opium poppy crops as a priority; the cost of this

undertaking for fiscal year 1999 may be as high as US$68 million. Yet

the expensive and inhumane "war on drugs" has not brought the drug

trade under control. According to conservative estimates, the area in

Colombia planted with illegal crops increased by almost 400% between

1978 and 1998. Between 1996 and 1998, despite consistent spraying,

coca production in Colombia increased by 50% and poppy production

remained approximately constant.

RAPALMIRA (PAN-Colombia) is calling for the immediate

suspension and long-term prohibition of aerial spraying to eradicate

drug crops, and for the implementation of a genuine program of

alternative, sustainable development.

Source: This material is excerpted from "Casualties of the 'War on

Drugs': Traditional Farms Destroyed with Herbicides," by Elsa Nivia

and Rachel Massey, Global Pesticide Campaigner, August 1999. For

the complete article, contact PANNA at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Contact: PANNA
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

49 Powell St., Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA

Phone: (415) 981-1771

Fax: (415) 981-1991



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REVOLT AGAINST THE EMPIRE: Welcome to the Great Boycott

Come join us and give the multinational corporations a message.
27, 1999

Dear Reader,


Editor's Note:  We received the following Net Floater that provides a
humorous yet nonetheless very realistic analysis of the recent tobacco
settlement.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

(Funny, but in a horrible sort of way)

Q: Could you please explain the recent historic tobacco settlement?
A: Sure!  Basically, the tobacco industry has admitted that it is killing
people by the millions, and has agreed that from now on it will do this
under the strict supervision of the federal government.

Q: Will there be monetary damages assessed?
A: Yes. To compensate for the immense suffering caused by its products,
the tobacco industry will pay huge sums of money to the group most
directly affected.

Q: Lawyers?
A: Yes.

Q: Will the federal government also receive large quantities of money? A:
Of course.

Q: How will the tobacco industry obtain this money?
A: By selling more tobacco products.

Q: What if consumers stop buying tobacco products?
A: That would be very bad.  That would mess up the economics of the whole
thing. The government would probably have to set up an emergency task
force to figure out ways to get people smoking again in order to finance
the historic tobacco settlement.

Q: If the government really wants people to stop smoking, how come it
doesn't just make cigarettes illegal? A: Because people would smoke them

Q: Then how come the government makes crack cocaine illegal?
A: That is an unfair comparison. The tobacco industry is merely selling a
deadly product; the crack cocaine industry is guilty of something far far

Q: Failure to make large political donations?
A: Correct.

Q: Many people started smoking because they watched classic movies in
which glamorous Hollywood stars were always inhaling and exhaling vast
clouds of smoke and looking totally cool. What will be done to correct
this under the historic tobacco settlement? A: By mid 1999, all classic
movies will be digitally reprocessed by special Food and Drug
Administration computers so that - to cite one example - in Casablanca,
when Humphrey Bogart makes his dramatic final speech to Ingrid Bergman, he
will have the voice of Rocky the Flying Squirrel.

Q: Whose voice will the late John Wayne have?
A: The late Lucille Ball's.

Q: What will happen to all the Tobacco Institute scientists, who, despite
decades of dedicated research, were never able to find a single shred of
evidence proving that cigarettes cause cancer? A: At the request of the
White House, they will be reassigned to assist in any new Ken Starr

Q: How will the historic tobacco settlement affect the aliens whose
spaceship crashed near Roswell, N.M. in 1947? A: Millions of dollars will
be paid to their lawyers, and more millions to an alien trust account to
be guarded in Swiss banks.

Q: I guess that covers the settlement ! Thanks! Smoke?
A: No, thank you.  I have my own.

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The Harris Organisation Products of the day:
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Firm of Marc M. Harris, Inc., e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or buy the book directly at
NOTE:  Members of The Harris Organisation staff may from time to time hold
positions in investments mentioned.  In addition, affiliates of The Harris
Organisation may be sponsors of the products mentioned in the newsletter.
Many investments mentioned in this newsletter may not be available to
United States, Canadian, or Panamanian residents.  Commentary concerning
investments in this newsletter should not be construed to be an offer or


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