The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-69, Day 45, Update 1
May 7, 1999; 1:15AM EDT


Bonn                 1. Predictably, Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin Stab Serbs in the

New York          2. "Mad Cow" Disease Is Spreading... from America to Britain

Bonn                 3. Leaked German Government Documents Show There Was
                            No Serb Persecution of Albanians Prior to
NATO's Bombing

Budapest          4. A Protest Letter from Hungary: No Solutions Through
NATO's War


1. Predictably, Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin Stab Serbs in the Back

BONN, May 6 - Predictably, the New World Order quisling, Boris Yeltsin, and
his "designated hitter" for the Balkans, Victor Chernomyrdin, have stabbed
the Serbs in the back today.  As some leaders of the so-called G-8
countries (all NATO, except for Russia and Japan) proclaimed a
"breakthrough" in supposedly arriving at a common position with respect to
their "solution" to NATO's war on Serbia, the only thing the Serbs have to
look forward to is more NATO bombs; this time with Russia's tacit
acquiescence.  Save for a Yeltsin government's overthrow.

Sadly, no surprise there.  The same "Russia" (meaning the NWO quisling
Yeltsin government) also back-stabbed the Serbs in Bosnia.  Anybody still
remember that sly and wily Vitaly Churkin - Yeltsin's "Bosnia Chernomyrdin?
 (This writer met the SOB on one of his trips to Bosnia during that civil
war.  Churkin's "NWO liberal" stench filled the room, so the meeting was
short and sweet, as TiM editor walked out).  

Or does anyone still remember Churkin's boss, Andrei Kozyrev, Russia's
former foreign minister, who probably still holds the world record in
kissing the NWO posteriors in New York and Washington?  Or how that very
same Chernomyrdin, who has now sold the Serbs down the river, also betrayed
Russia in the Chechnya conflict interests when he was Yeltsin's prime

We said "predictably," because we anticipated this outcome of
Chernomyrdin's "peace mission," meaning meddling on behalf of the NWO.
Here is an excerpt from the Special TiM GW Bulletin S99-62, Day 40, Update
1, Item 2, May 2):

"As for the Serbs, both Washington and Brussels have now made it abundantly
CIVILIANS. Period. So the Serb leaders had better take that into account
before making any more 'goodwill gestures' to NATO's bloodthirsty mass
murderers (such as the release of the three American POWs).

And the Serbs should adopt the same attitude with regard to Victor
Chernomyrdin. He is a Boris Yeltsin NWO retread who gave up Chechnya to the
Muslim rebels, and whom the Russian president has now thrown into the
Yugoslav cauldron to see if he could pull the wool over the Serb eyes, too.

The Serbs only need to ask themselves the following question, before
sending Chernomyrdin packing all the way back to his NWO quisling boss in
Moscow: 'Can any friend of Al Gore's be a friend of Serbia'?"

Well, we have not heard as yet what Belgrade's official reaction is to
today's developments.  But this is what the G-8 leaders supposedly agreed
is the "solution" for the Kosovo crisis.  Here's an excerpt from a
statement which they issued today:

1. Withdrawal from Kosovo of Yugoslav military, police and paramilitary

1.1 Deployment in Kosovo of effective international civil and security
presences, endorsed and adopted by the United Nations, capable of
guaranteeing the achievement of the common objectives; 

1.2 Establishment of an interim administration for Kosovo to be decided by
the Security Council of the United Nations to ensure conditions for a
peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants in Kosovo; 

1.3 The safe and free return of all refugees and displaced persons and an
unimpeded access to Kosovo by humanitarian aid organizations; 

1.4 A political process towards the establishment of an interim political
framework agreement providing for a substantial self-government for Kosovo,
taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the principles of
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and the other countries of the region, and the demilitarization of the UCK
(Kosovo Liberation Army); 

1.5 Comprehensive approach to the economic development and stabilization of
the crisis region. 

2. In order to implement these principles the G-8 foreign ministers
instructed their political directors to prepare elements of a United
Nations Security Council resolution. 

3. The political directors will draw up a road map on future concrete steps
towards a political solution to the Kosovo crisis. 

4. The G-8 presidency will inform the Chinese government on the results of
today's meeting. 

5. Foreign Ministers will reconvene in due time to review the progress
which has been achieved up to that point.
TiM Ed.: Have you caught your breath yet?  In other words, all those 1,200
Serb civilians and an unspecified number of Yugoslav Army casualties have
died in vain.  All those 5,000 Serb civilians, many of whom have been
crippled for life by NATO, won't even get an apology from the would-be
world masters. All of them, plus 10 million other Yugoslavs will still get
the New World Order government installed, and will eventually lose Kosovo,
just as intended by the Rambouillet Agreement which the Yugoslav government
refused to sign.

It does make one wonder why the NATO/NWO leaders went through all this long
song and dance only to end up at the same dead end spot from which they
started?  The only new news in all of this is that "Russia" is now also
standing squarely with the mass murderers of the New World Order.  So much
for the "traditional Russian-Serbian friendship" which the NWO media keep
trumpeting at every chance they get (more on that in an upcoming editorial
comment which will put the current situation in a historical comment).

Of course, there are some carrot peels which the "omnipotent" G-8 leaders
threw the Belgrade way.  Such as the fact that the statement issued today
by the Western allies and Russia did not specifically mention NATO as the
basis of the international force, something Washington has insisted on in
the past. It also proposed a broad role for the United Nations in designing
a Kosovo settlement, something Russia and Yugoslavia have supported.  

To the Serbs and 25 other ethnic groups who live in Yugoslavia, Europe's
most multi-cultural country even after the break up of the communist
Yugoslavia, we say: Bull!  Listen to such NWO rhetoric.  And then listen to
the sounds of NATO jets and bombs as you have been for the last 45 days
before deciding what or whom to believe.  

If you live to see the next sunrise, look in the morning at the latest
examples of NATO's death and destruction which these "omnipotent" mass NWO
murderers have been hurling upon your country.  

Such as the "chemical attack" about which we have just received a report
from Belgrade.  Or today's daytime bombing of Novi Sad (again!), Serbia's
second largest city and the most multicultural urban center in the country.
 Today's bombing caused extensive damage to apartment blocks in Janka
Cmelika Street, to the elementary school 'Toza Markovic,' smashed parked
vehicles, and uprooted trees in a residential neighborhood, according to
TiM correspondent's reports.

Yet, at a news conference, the U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright
said, "This meeting has been a step forward."  She said that Russia now
accepts all five NATO principles for a solution to the conflict: an end to
violence in Kosovo, a withdrawal of Serb forces from the southern Serbian
province, the return of Kosovo refugees, the introduction of an
international security force and a political settlement.  

Albright said the security force "will have NATO at its core," adding that
Russia will be "part of it." 

Maybe.  But only over dead bodies of the Serbs who will protect Kosovo from
any ground attacks by NATO, no matter what schemes the crooked Russian
diplomats cook up with their NWO masters. 

As a senior Russian diplomat told this writer during TiM editor's recent
European trip, "Moscow is now being defended in Belgrade, not the other way
around.  Most Russians are ashamed to admit that.  But it is a fact."

2. "Mad Cow" Disease Is Spreading... from America to Britain

NEW YORK, May 6 - The "mad cow" disease seems to be spreading.  Only this
time from America to Great Britain.  

When Madeleine Albright, Washington's "secretary of hate," visited Vukovar
in 1996 (an Eastern Slavonian town ravaged by the Yugoslav civil war in
1991), her entourage was pelted with stones as she was called the "mad
cow."  "Madlenka," the Serb version of her name, beat a hasty retreat from
Vukovar.  No wonder some former  Serb leaders, such as Gen. Ratko Mladic,
reportedly named one of his lambs after the U.S. secretary of state.
Naming a lamb after the likes of Albright, however mad a cow, seemed
apparently too much sanity.

Well, "Madlenka" has got some company now, as the "mad cow" disease seems
to be spreading from west to east.  In a Wall Street Journal OpEd piece
today, "Lady Thatcher," a commoner-come-"mad cow"-of-the NOW, now with a
royal title "Baroness" to boot, said that she also visited Vukovar, "last
September."  More importantly, Thatcher urged a total annihilation of the

"The goal of war is victory," the erstwhile "Iron Maiden," boasted, despite
being covered in rust, just as the Soviet-era statues.  "We always regret
the loss of lives.  But we should have no doubt..."  We are sure that you
can fill in the blanks, based on NATO's or Washington's expressions of
sympathy for the unfortunate victims of Milosevic's alleged "ethnic
cleansing" in Kosovo.

Which begs a question.  Do two "mad cows" make a (NATO) bull?  If not,
their verbal excretions surely add up to a lot of bullshit.  

3. Leaked German Government Documents Show There Was No Extensive Serb
Persecution of Albanians Prior to NATO's Bombing

BONN, Apr. 30 - Leaked documents from the German government reveal that
there was no extensive persecution of the Kosovo Albanians prior to the
start of NATO's bombing on Serbia. It is not  the "genocide" or "ethnic
cleansing" that accelerated after the bombing; neither simply had existed
prior to the bombing, these reports show. The documents point out that the
Serbian forces were fighting the KLA, not Albanians in general.

Excerpts from the these official documents were obtained by IALANA
(International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms) which sent them
to various media. The texts used here were published in the German daily
Junge Welt on April 24, 1999. (See as well as the commentary at 
TiM Ed.: Surprise, surprise... Only for the uninitiated.

4. A Protest Letter from Hungary: No Solutions Through NATO's War

BUDAPEST, May 5 - We received the following translation from a statement
issued by a group of Hungarians:

"The majority of the Hungarian society refuses the solution of the Balkan
conflict through war. Therefore, we call to the organization of a social
movement, all those who are willing to lend personal support to our
statement: we do not want further bloodshed!  

1. We call upon the Government of the US to abide by the rules   of
international law, and we call upon the NATO Governments - including the
Hungarian Government - to start immediately procedures for the peaceful
solution to the conflict, with the participation of the UN and the European
Security Conference.

2. Bombing should be immediately stopped in order that negotiations can
start as soon as possible.

3. The Hungarian Government should live fully with its rights that were
conferred upon it by the membership in NATO: That includes its right to
veto and the right to constructive abstention. Besides declaring things,
the Government should exert pressures on its allies so that the conflict
does not spread to Hungary or the neighboring countries.

4. We express our solidarity with all the innocent victims of war, with the
Albanians chased away from their homeland, with the Hungarians from
Vojvodina, and with the Serbian people who were swept into this conflict by
political power interests.

5. We condemn ethnic cleansing and every form of racism.

6. We expect from NATO that in the defense of humanitarian rights, it does
not harm the human rights of others, it does not endanger the life and
property of the innocent population of the region. This call and the
movement that it starts may be joined by anyone, who in the spirit of
European and Hungarian humanist traditions, refuses to accept the
settlement of conflicts through military means. We expect civil and public
organizations to join, the trade unions, churches, peace-, green- and women
organizations, the youth and pensioner's organizations and we expect these
to take local initiatives. We call upon everyone to join us in the Peace
March that is to be organized jointly with the trade unions on May 9. The
war has already started. Its proliferation may only be stopped by the
widest social co- operation and civil solidarity.

Speakers: Szalai Erzsébet, Csapody Tamás, Krausz Tamás, Vadász János, Szász
Gábor, Lévai Katalin, Szőke Károly, Sándor Anna, Forgács István

Signatures: Dányi Endre, Deák Katalin, Gergely András, Szirmai Viktória,
Jemnitz János, Pilling János, Gulyás Anna, Galló Béla, Lajtavári Zita,
Sziopisz Petrosz, Gombai Gáborné, Fábián Józsefné, Kemilovics László,
Szöllősi Istvánné, Pető Kálmán, Fehér József, Tóth György, Berta István,
Szlamkó Erzsébet, Boros Péterné, Várfalvi Attila, Bányász Rezső, Lévai
Katalin, Fokasz Nikosz, Bányász Rezsőné, Miklósfalvi Mária, Hámor Szilvia,
Forgács Iván, Tsounis Panagiotis, Pataki Mihály, Széchy András, György
Károly, Kaposvári Anikó, Konrád György, Popovics György, Zágoni Miklós,
Petschnig Mária Zita, , Donáth László, Schalkhammer Antal, Iványi Gábor,
Kósáné Kovács Magda, Lux Judit, Thoma László, zalai József, Bujdosó Dezső,
Vit László, Sándor Anna, Vári Anna 

May 2, 1999.
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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