The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-91, Day 65
May 27, 1999; 5:00PM EDT


The Hague                   1. Milosevic Indicted!  Clinton, Blair... Next?

Moscow                       2. Chernomyrdin Stiffens His Back

Beijing                         3. Russian, Chinese Military Leaders Meet,
                                         Denounce NATO's Brutality

Atlanta                         4. Jimmy Carter: "How Did We End Up in
                                        This Quagmire?"

London                        5. British Helsinki Human Rights Group
                                        Reports from Belgrade on NATO's Victims


1. Milosevic Indicted!  Clinton, Blair... Next?

THE HAGUE, May 27 - Judge Louise Arbour, chief prosecutor of the U.N. War
Crimes Tribunal at the Hague (ICTY), announced today that Yugoslavia's
president, Slobodan Milosevic, along with four other senior officials have
been indicted for war crimes.

Five down, 70 to go?  If this court were about serving justice, that's
exactly what should follow - indictments against all NATO leaders for mass
murder of over 1,200 Yugoslav civilians, and the maiming of more than 5,000
others (see S99-73, Day 49, Update 1, Item 4, May 11).  But, given ICTY's
track record of persecution of Serbs, rather than prosecution of justice,
we are not holding our breath, despite Judge Arbour's recent allusions to
such a possibility (see S99-87, Day 61, Item 3, May 23 and "Put U.N.
Justice on Trial," TiM GW Bulletin 98/8-5, Aug. 17, 1998 -

Which is why you should be sure to check out at our Web site TiM's photo
cartoon of Madam Kangaroo -

In her today's statement, Arbour said that an independent review by a judge
of this Tribunal had confirmed that there is a credible basis to believe
that these accused are criminally responsible for the deportation of
740,000 Kosovo Albanians from Kosovo, and for the murder of over 340
identified Kosovo Albanians.

She added that "this indictment is directed against the five named accused.
It is not directed against the State of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
nor against its people."
TiM Ed.: Sounds like something right out of NATO's "lie and deny" PR
kitchen.  For, it echos the statement which the NATO secretary general,
Javier Solana, made at the outset of the attack on Serbia - that NATO is
supposedly NOT waging war on Yugoslavia, only on Milosevic.  Arbour and
Solana should try selling such "snake oil" PR to the families of thousands
of dead Yugoslav citizens whose souls are crying out for justice.

2. Chernomyrdin Stiffens His Back

MOSCOW, May 27 - Just as aids are having to prop up Boris Yeltsin in public
as if he were a wax museum figure, the Russian military leaders seem to
have helped stiffen Viktor Chernomyrdin's back.  In an OpEd piece published
today by the Washington Post, Chernomyrdin sounded more like an angry
Russian bear, than a New World Order lapdog that he has been so far.
Moscow's special envoy to the Balkans said he felt compelled to respond to
"certain ideas put forward by President Clinton in his contribution of May
16 to the New York Times."

Here are some excerpts:

"The new NATO strategy... has led to a serious deterioration in Russia-U.S.
contacts. I will be so bold as to say it has set them back by several
decades. Recent opinion polls back this up. Before the air raids, 57
percent of Russians were positively disposed toward the United States, with
28 percent hostile. The raids reversed those numbers to 14 percent positive
and 72 percent negative. Sixty-three percent of Russians blame NATO for
unleashing the conflict, while only 6 percent blame Yugoslavia.

These attitudes result not so much from so-called Slavic fraternity as
because a sovereign country is being bombed ... This approach clashes with
international law, the Helsinki agreements and the entire world order that
took shape after World War II.  [...]

Just as Soviet tanks trampling on the Prague Spring of 1968 finally
shattered the myth of the socialist regime's merits, so the United States
lost its moral right to be regarded as a leader of the free democratic
world when its bombs shattered the ideals of liberty and democracy in
Yugoslavia. [...]

Now that raids against military targets have evidently proven pointless,
NATO's armed force has moved to massive destruction of civilian
infrastructure - in particular, electric transmission lines, water pipes
and factories. Are thousands of innocent people to be killed because of one
man's blunders? Is an entire country to be razed? Is one to assume that air
raids can win a war? [...]

Serbs see NATO and the Americans as aggressors against whom they are
defending their native land. I do not think a ground war will be a success,
and I am sure it will bring tremendous bloodshed.

Further, it will no longer be possible to thwart the proliferation of
missiles and nuclear arms  another negative consequence of NATO's policy.
Even the smallest of independent states will seek nuclear weapons and
delivery vehicles to defend themselves after they see NATO's military
machine in action. The danger of global instability looms, with more new
wars and more victims. [...]

Also, sooner or later NATO will be expected by the world community to pay
Yugoslavia for damages, to compensate the bereaved families of innocent
victims and to punish pilots who bombed civilians and their commanders who
issued criminal orders.  Thus, the bloc is headed for a Pyrrhic victory,
whether the conflict ends with the Serbs capitulating or in an invasion of
Yugoslavia. [...]

Now, a few words about the ethnic Albanian paramilitaries. They are
essentially terrorist organizations. Of this, Russia is sure. They are
making money chiefly from drug trafficking, with an annual turnover of $3
billion. [...]

The world has never in this decade been so close as now to the brink of
nuclear war.  I appeal to NATO leaders to show the courage to suspend the
air raids, which would be the only correct move.  It is impossible to talk
peace with bombs falling. This is clear now.

So I deem it necessary to say that, unless the raids stop soon, I shall
advise Russia's president to suspend Russian participation in the
negotiating process, put an end to all military-technological cooperation
with the United States and Western Europe, put off the ratification of
START II and use Russia's veto as the United Nations debates a resolution
on Yugoslavia.

On this, we shall find understanding from great powers such as China and
India. Of this, I am sure."
TiM Ed.: The last three paragraphs are particularly ominous.  What
Chernomyrdin is basically saying to Clinton (or those in Russia who speak
through Chernomyrdin while helping him stiffen his back), "stop the bombing
or face WW III," as Russia, China and India form a new "triangle plan," a
nuclear military alliance against the U.S. and the NATO countries.  Which
is, of course, a consequence of which we have been also warning (see
S99-76, Day 51, Update 1, Item 2, May 13).

For the full text of Chernomyrdin's article, check out:

Meanwhile, in another sign that a diplomatic solution is becoming ever more
elusive, Chernomyrdin again postponed his planned trip to Belgrade, where
he was expected today.  This is the second time this week that the Russian
envoy has put off his meeting with Milosevic.  Chernomyrdin is reportedly
continuing to meet in Moscow with the U.S. deputy secretary of state,
Strobe Talbott, and the Finnish president, Martti Ahtisaari.

3. Russian, Chinese Military Leaders Meet, Denounce NATO's Brutality

BEIJING, May 24 - As if adding an exclamation mark to Viktor Chernomyrdin's
newfound tough talk, the Chinese Defense Minister General Chi Haotian, and
Russian Navy chief, Vladimir Kuroyedov, met in Beijing this week.  After
the meeting, both condemned NATO's bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, calling
it "brutal" and an "eastern expansion," the Chinese Xinhua news agency
reported on May 24.

Chi, who is also vice-chairman of China's Central Military Commission, said
President Jiang Zemin and Russian President Boris Yeltsin had talked by
phone, and "both denounced NATO's brutal act and reached common ground on
the settlement of the Kosovo issue."

Kuroyedov also "strongly denounced NATO's brutal act" and noted "the
government, people and military forces of Russia firmly oppose NATO's
eastern expansion," it said.  The two military chiefs also discussed ties
between their two navies, and expanded cooperation between the two, Xinhua

Last week, China barred the U.S. Navy from one of its favorite ports of
call - the Hong Kong harbor (see S99-86, Day 60, Item 5, May 22).

4. Jimmy Carter: "How Did We End Up in This Quagmire?"

ATLANTA, May 27 - Former president, Jimmy Carter, still a member of the New
World Order's inner circle (CFR, TLC, Bilderbergers), added his own voice
to a chorus of protests against NATO's war on Serbia.  In an OpEd piece
published today by the New York Times, Carter said that, "even the most
severe military or economic punishment of oppressed citizens is unlikely to
force their oppressors to yield to American demands."

Carter also spoke out against the use of cluster bombs by the Pentagon.
"The United States' insistence on the use of cluster bombs, designed to
kill or maim humans, is condemned almost universally and brings discredit
on our nation (as does our refusal to support a ban on land mines).  Even
for the world's only superpower, the ends don't always justify the means."

There, the international community has admirable goals... But the decision
to attack the entire nation has been counterproductive, and our destruction
of civilian life has now become senseless and excessively brutal," Carter
said. "There is little indication of success after more than 25,000 sorties
and 14,000 missiles and bombs, 4,000 of which were not precision guided."

"Instead of focusing on Serbian military forces, missiles and bombs are now
concentrating on the destruction of bridges, railways, roads, electric
power, and fuel and fresh water supplies. Serbian citizens report that they
are living like cavemen, and their torment increases daily."

Concluding that NATO's decision to amass 50,000 troops at Kosovo's border
is a signal of an impending ground assault on Serbia which will lead to
more casualties, Carter asks, "How did we end up in this quagmire?"  And
answers his own question: "We have ignored some basic principles that
should be applied to the prevention or resolution of all conflicts."  He
put the "short-circuiting the long-established principles of patient
negotiation leads to war, not peace" at the top of the list.

5. British Helsinki Human Rights Group Reports from Belgrade on NATO's Victims

LONDON, May 22 - The British Helsinki Human Rights Group (BHHRG), a
non-governmental organization which has been involved in a variety of
activities in the Balkans, such as monitoring civil elections in the last
several years, has just issued a report about NATO's war on Serbia.  The
report is based, in part, on a May 10-13 visit to Belgrade by a delegation
of the group.

Here are some of BHHRG's conclusions:

"Hundreds of thousands of people have been rendered homeless and many
others maimed and killed as a result of the West’s political machinations
and military blunders since 24th March 1999. NATO leaders’ pronouncements
that this conflict is about human rights seems to be a cruel and dishonest
fig leaf put forward to hide strategic ambitions in the Balkans.

Unhappily, the Hague War Crimes Tribunal is unlikely to be a forum for
objective justice, as presently composed. Far from promoting the rule of
law the Tribunal is controlled by NATO countries: the chief judge is
American, the chief prosecutor Canadian. Until NATO took sides in this
conflict this was not necessarily a flaw of the Tribunal but now its
impartiality must be questioned.

This means that no one from a NATO country is likely to face prosecution
for war crimes  such as alleged breaches of the Geneva Convention. However,
the words of Major-General Curtis LeMay who spearheaded the bombing of
Japan in World War 11, including the dropping of the first atom bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki could be prophetic: "I wasn’t particularly worried
about getting the job done . I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have
been tried as a war criminal". It remains to be seen who will win this war
and what the response of countries like China will be to the outcome.

Even if the conflict stops with a carefully crafted NATO  ‘victory’ the
region will remain unstable with more wars - between Albanian and Albanian,
for example  possible. The followers of Ibrahim Rugova and those of the KLA
are already deeply distrustful of one another  the former are alleged to
control large sums of money collected as taxes from the Albanian diaspora
over the past few years. The KLA, according to the Wall Street Journal
(20/5/99) would dearly like to gain access to these funds. Either side
could be joined by Albanians from Albania proper who support one side or
the other as well as different political formations in Albania itself.

And, far from having their hands burnt , it is also likely that the period
of reconstruction that will, inevitably, follow the conflict will offer
Western governments fresh opportunities for meddling in the internal
politics of Serbia and the rest of the Balkans. Large numbers of
consultants, analysts and experts will descend to  ‘rebuild’ the country -
and its neighbors. There will be rich rewards for those who do what the
donors want. A major sticking point for Western politicians in the past has
been Serbia’s failure to enter into the right kind of business deals; all
these issues will be on the table again.

In other words, there is little optimism that much good will come out of
the tragic war over Kosovo. Other places have been watching events in the
Balkans with interest. For example, a Polish diplomat publicly stated that
neighboring Belarus  ‘met all the conditions’ for a similar invasion by the
West. And during the recent presidential campaign in Slovakia, people have
been told by state and private media that if they vote for Vladimir Meciar
the country will meet the same fate as Yugoslavia. In the Caucasus region
there is unease about the future of disputed regions like Nagorno Karabakh.

The question is: will the United States and its allies have the stomach for
taking on any more adventures of this kind? If they do, the world could
face the nightmare predicted in George Orwell’s 1984 with small, low-grade
wars going on all the time while people become dehumanized, impoverished
and ultimately reduced to meaninglessness."

For the full report, check out the BHHRG Web site:
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Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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