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As this issue of Exegesis was being transmitted, I learned that my 
mother passed away early this morning.  I thank you so much for your 
kind prayers during her illness.   I will be going to England later 

The Newshour will continue as normal without me.  Page 1 News will 
have to suspend for a few days. Your continued prayers would be much 
appreciated.  This is obviously an awful moment in life, but one we 
must all face at some point.  I pray I can come through it in a way 
that's honoring to God and that provides a good example.  SM


A Compass For Moral Excellence
Published Worldwide From Washington

August 19, 1999

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King George And Queen Elizabeth:  Royalty Or Pretenders?

We thought long and hard about whether to cover the 2000 race for the 
White House.  On one hand, it appears to be a foregone conclusion, 
and it seems almost redundant to dignify it with detailed coverage. 
After all, we told you that George W. Bush would be the Republican 
nominee and the next president, as long ago as January 1997.  On the 
other hand, how can anyone resist the temptation to share the 
fascinating machinations inside the Beltway?  So here we go.  Perhaps 
Senator John McCain was right to sniffily recuse himself from last 
weekend's Iowa Straw Poll, claiming it was all a sham.  Maybe he's 
right, but in the reality of modern politics, even a very showy sham 
has become a real and vital political event.

There were no real surprises in the Iowa winners and losers.  Mr. 
Bush spent $100 per vote to ensure his victorious 31.31%, and 
Elizabeth Dole did reasonably well with 14.40%, giving her a good 
third place.  If, as is looking increasingly certain, they become the 
ticket, their unified vote comes to some 46%, which is more than 
enough to unify the Republican Party and charm voters into voting for 
yet another New World Order administration.

Steve Forbes, who spent $203 per vote to gain his 20.77% of the vote, 
raises a core question:  whether or not his candidacy is genuine.  We 
believe it is not.  It poses as a conservative alternative to 
Bush-Dole, but we have come to believe that it is a deception being 
played out on conservatives in order to keep their allegiance within 
the Republican Party.  Here's a clue:  Mr. Forbes' campaign and 
corporation are chaired by former Defense Secretary Caspar 
Weinberger, a Bush insider and NWO figurehead if ever there was one, 
whose private business was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the 
Kosovo war.  So have he and Mr. Forbes abandoned the Elite and had a 
sudden change of heart?  Hardly.

We believe that a deal has already been struck between Bush-Dole and 
Mr. Forbes.  The idea is this:  Mr. Forbes runs a strong campaign 
appearing to be semi-hostile towards Mr. Bush and Mrs. Dole.  We 
regard Mr. Forbes as a pragmatic, intelligent man, who is bright 
enough to know he will never be President of the United States. 
Eventually therefore, he reasons, he will have to capitulate to Mr. 
Bush's steamroller.  Why not, therefore, strike a deal in advance 
instead of being forced to do so in desperation at the last minute 
when his options might be more limited?  We believe Mr. Forbes has 
already agreed to accept a position, probably that of Treasury 
Secretary, in the Bush Administration, with the understanding that he 
will be given the opportunity to implement his much-vaunted but still 
unconstitutional Flat Tax.  In return, he will hold out as long as 
possible, and eventually deliver the conservative vote to the 
Bush-Dole campaign.

In the light of that plan, Iowa was a good result for 
Bush-Dole-Forbes:  they scored 66.48%.  As for the other candidates, 
Senator McCain will probably be offered The Pentagon, while former 
Vice-President Dan Quayle may be offered an ambassadorship or 
quasi-governmental post, if Mr. Bush feels generous, but will 
probably remain sufficiently unburdened to perfect his golf swing, 
punctuated by occasional appearances at conservative events.  He 
might even become a talk-show host.  As we have pointed out before, 
Senator Orrin Hatch is hoping for a Supreme Court appointment, and is 
not a serious candidate.  Lamar Alexander has wisely dropped out. 
That leaves Mr. Bush's nirvana almost complete.   He has his 
running-mate, plenty of money, an overwhelming lead and has even 
penciled in half his Cabinet.  There is, however, a very large, yet 
still partially invisible, cloud looming on Mr. Bush's horizon.

The conservative vote in the Iowa Poll came to 27.12%, excluding 
those who voted for Steve Forbes or George W. Bush.  What is to 
become of the remaining conservative candidates?  Gary Bauer and Alan 
Keyes have to find new roles in Washington that have some political 
content, and which are of genuine service to the Kingdom of God, 
surely their hearts' desire.  Some bold new leadership in the 
Christian community is much needed.  Perhaps the Lord will open a 
door for them both.

The sole remaining candidate, Patrick Buchanan, poses the greatest 
threat to Bush-Dole-Forbes because he has least to lose by opposing 
them.  He brought the house down in Iowa with his witty remark that 
his first action as President would be to turn to ex-President Bill 
Clinton, in his role as America's newly sworn-in chief law 
enforcement officer, and place him under arrest saying: "You have the 
right to remain silent".

Mr. Buchnanan's sister, Bay, has been having a series of 
conversations with Ross Perot's representative and 1996 
vice-presidential candidate, Pat Choate.  It is understood that a 
deal has been formulated, though not finalized.  Mr. Perot is anxious 
to recapture control of the Reform Party, which has been taken from 
him by its only elected representative, Gov. Jesse Ventura of 
Minnesota.  Pat Buchanan is probably the only man who could help him 
do that.  While Mr. Perot would never be the candidate, he might 
recover a position of influence within the Party.  At the same time, 
Pat Buchanan has every incentive to leave the Republican Party.  He 
knows this will be his last campaign for the White House and he will 
never be in a  Republican Cabinet.  At 62 years old, he cannot 
imagine running again in four years or eight years.  Therefore he has 
nothing to lose by making a credible Third Party run.  Indeed, he has 
everything to gain.  would cement for himself a place in history by 
doing so and would participate in the debates.  Pat Buchanan would 
make his voice heard, not as a losing Republican contender, but as 
the third choice: Bush, Gore and Buchanan.  It sounds attractive to 
him.  And if he is to run on the Reform Party ticket, Mr. Buchanan 
would extract from Mr. Perot a condition:  that the Reform Party 
becomes firmly pro-life.

If that happens, another interesting scenario comes into play. 
Howard Phillips, founder of the US Taxpayers' Party, is surely a 
happy man these days.  He has just secured the venerable Senator Bob 
Smith of New Hampshire as the Party's candidate for next year's 
election.  In an exclusive interview with Exegesis, Mr. Phillips said 
that his main difference with Ross Perot was over abortion.  Suppose 
that obstacle were to be removed.  Is it conceivable that an 
electoral alliance could be forged between the Reform Party and US 
Taxpayers Party at least for a temporary period covering the 2000 
election?  And if Senator Smith succeeds in changing the name of the 
USTP to the Conservative Party, it would become instantly more 
appealing to voters.  If there were a Reform-Conservative Alliance, 
is it possible that a joint ticket of Pat Buchanan and Senator Bob 
Smith could evolve?  And would it pose a threat to Bush-Dole?

It is not only possible but plausible.  It would provide the perfect 
haven for millions of disaffected voters who have either not voted or 
who have reluctantly pitched their tent with the Republicans in the 
hope of being tossed a few conservative morsels in the platform.  It 
would represent the biggest threat imaginable to George W. Bush and 
his immaculately selected team.  Not for the first time, 
conservatives would be faced with a choice between principle and 
pragmatism.  And after years of broken Republican promises, a strong 
third party alternative might seem more attractive than the 
opportunity to be disappointed yet again.  In these coming weeks, all 
involved, especially Pat Buchanan and Senator Bob Smith, have some 
serious thinking to do.  Their decisions, if prayerfully considered, 
could have an immense effect on America's future, both culturally and 
politically.  We should pray for them all.  ‡  Steve Myers × Editor

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Telephone (703) 734 5656
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