While Americans suffer through another hot summer, power
companies are struggling to keep up with the demand for
electricity.  Brown outs, cut backs and major rate hikes are
expected all across America as power demands reach an all time

However, across the Pacific, Indonesians are struggling to pay
American power producers for electricity that is not needed, and
which they cannot afford.  According to newly released documents
from the U.S. Commerce Dept., 26 U.S. sponsored electric power
projects are on the block because the Indonesian state power
company, PLN, is bankrupt.

The crown jewel of electricity projects in Indonesia is the huge
Mission Energy/GE PAITON coal-fired electric plant in East Java.
In 1994, Mission Energy, part of the California Edison power
consortium, put great faith in the Clinton administration and
Ron Brown to reach Indonesian dictator Suharto.  Mission CEO
John Bryson even wrote Brown, thanking him for the overwhelming
efforts from 1994 through 1995 to get the Indonesians to buy
their Paiton bid.

Paiton was billed as the first "private" electric plant in
Indonesia.  However, "private" ownership in Indonesia means
owned and operated by the Suharto "First Family".  The
Indonesian company that owns, operates and fuels the Paiton
plant under a 30 year, no cut, contract is PT Batu Hitam
Perkasa, owned by Suharto's daughter, Titek Prabowo and her
brother-in-law, Hashim Djojohadikusumo.

According to the Commerce Dept., ".75%" of the Paiton project
was reserved for Suharto's daughter Prabowo.  Prabowo's cut
amounted to an instant $15 million.  Her kick-back, along with a
cut for "brother-in-law" Hashim and various other Suharto
relatives, was provided up front, in cash, in the form of a $50
million loan.  The $50 million loan was to be paid back by the
profits (dividends) returned from the $2.6 billion Paiton

Since there are no profits, there is no pay back.

According to the 1994 Commerce Dept. documents, the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) was "skiddish" about providing a $50
million bribe to the Suharto family from the U.S. taxpayers.
The reluctance to participate in an illegal pay-off, led GE and
Mission Energy to seek Clinton help.

  "Although the ADB financing is only $50 million, GE views the
   ADB component to be important because it has a long-term
   interest in having a multinational bank support the project.
   Furthermore, if ADB rejected financing, EXIM and the
   commercial banks involved in the deal would ask questions."

Obviously asking questions would not be good for any project
with a built in $50 million kick-back for the local dictator.

In 1999, the entire $2.6 billion dollar project is on the brink
of failure.  The corrupt deals with the former dictator of
Indonesia are collapsing faster than the Indonesian economy.
The good citizens of Indonesia have learned of the "First
Family" take-over of their national resources and they do not

PLN electric officials, fearing for their lives, are pointing
fingers at Suharto.  Ex-PLN President Djteng Marsudi has
repeatedly stated he was forced to sign unfairly priced
contracts, including Paiton.

In August 1998, the Indonesian melt-down caused Mission Energy
to panic and again seek aid from the Clinton administration.
The newly released documents include a briefing of current
Secretary of Commerce William Daley for a meeting with Mission
Energy CEO Edward Muller.

  "Mr. Muller will raise his concerns about developments in Asia
   in general and about the Paiton project in particular.  He
   will probably attempt to enlist your support for the Paiton
   project.  Given competing interest by other U.S. firms, we
   cannot commit to this particular project."

Translation:  Ron Brown is long dead and Bill Clinton is not
anxious to cuddle up to the Suharto family for fear of raising
questions about donations from Indonesian billionaire Moctar

  "Ex-Im (Export Import Bank) is the guarantor for $540 million
   in the pre-completion phase.  OPIC is the senior lender
   (provides guarantees for banks to lend) and insurance provider
   for the post-completion phase ($200 million).  (Mission did
   not take out political risk insurance from OPIC or Ex-Im.)"

Translation:  Mission Energy's mistake in not seeking the
"political" insurance was a calculated risk that will cost
stock-holders and customers.  Corporate losses overseas will
have to be made up with lower profits at home and higher rates
for CalEdison customers.

In fact, according to the Commerce Dept., there are U.S.
companies with contracts inside Indonesia who have an interest
in the failure of the Paiton power plant:

  "Both Ex-Im and OPIC confirmed that if the 1200 MW Paiton
   project were to go on line, it would most likely wipe out any
   further GOI (Government of Indonesia) need for other power
   plants.  Thus, several other major U.S. power developers
   with other projects, in varying stages of completion, are
   potential competitors with Edison for power purchase

Nor does the Commerce Dept. remove any cloud of scandal from the
Clinton administration.  "Warren Christopher is on Edison
Mission's board of directors," states the Commmerce report.

The 1998 cover sheet states quite clearly the Paiton project was
of extreme importance to another former member of the Clinton
administration.  During the period of 1994 through 1996, Warren
Christopher, Secretary of State, had a vested interest in seeing
the Paiton project to completion.

The connection between Paiton and Moctar Riady, a major figure
in the DNC campaign finance scandals, are clearly documented
through PT bank LIPPO.  PT Lippo is a partner of FIRST UNION
Bank, a major investor in the Paiton project.  The leader of the
U.S. project in the Paiton power plant, Mission Energy, is also
a partner of Indonesia's Lippo group.  The Lippo group is a
consortium, part owned by billionaire Moctar Riady.

PT Lippo also provides financing to "bother-in-law" Hashim for
his coal mining company that supplies Paiton.  Hashim is himself
a key figure.  While serving as the minister for mines under
Suharto, Hashim also managed to purchase the world's only "low
sulfur" coal mine.  His financial backers include Moctar Riady's
PT Lippo and, his sister-in-law, Prawabo.

Hashim and Moctar Riady both found themselves with a global
monopoly thanks to Bill Clinton's executive order for the 1.7
million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in
Utah, over the only other known "low sulfur" deposit.

The connections between Riady and Clinton have a much more
sinister theme than coal monopolies and taxpayer backed power
plants in the middle of Asia.  Testimony before Senator
Thompson's committee in 1998 revealed Moctar Riady's involvement
in Chinese espionage.

Testimony revealed the Lippo Group is in fact a joint venture of
China Resources, a trading and holding company "wholly owned" by
the Chinese communist government and used as a front for Chinese
espionage operations.  Thus, behind all the front companies, the
communists leaders in Beijing have triumphed again.

Paiton represents the price of electing the morally bankrupt
Clinton/Gore administration.  While American's pay higher rates
for electricity at home, they are also quietly paying for power
plants abroad that will never generate a watt.

source documents

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                           08/03/99
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