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Rhetoric and Reality: The Limits of Australia's Ambitions in Asia

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Global Intelligence Update
Weekly Analysis September 27, 1999

There's a New Deputy in Town: Australia's New Strategy


Australian Prime Minister John Howard announced a new foreign
policy last week, dubbed the Howard Doctrine. It asserts
Australia's more active role as "deputy" to the United States,
assuming the United States is hiring, and that Australia's
application for the job will be accepted over other worthy
candidates. The Howard Doctrine represents a dramatic shift in
Australia's foreign policy following economic collapse. It is a
critical piece of the regional strategic response to the new
economic reality.


Last week, in the wake of Australian troops landing in East Timor,
Australian Prime Minister John Howard announced a new strategic
doctrine for Australia. Quickly dubbed the "Howard Doctrine," the
new strategy included two core elements. First, Australia would
assume a more active role in Asian security matters, including
further interventions as needed. Second, Australia would undertake
this role as "deputy" to the United States. As an enabling element,
Howard promised to increase Australian defense spending from its
current level of about $10 billion a year (less than 2 percent of
GDP). The Thai and Malaysian governments immediately condemned the
move. The opposition Labor Party also attacked the Howard Doctrine.

John Howard has committed Australia to a mission that no Asian
country applauds and some condemn. He has done so without building
the domestic coalition necessary for such a transformation in
Australian policy. Finally, he chose to commit himself to a policy
for which Australia does not have sufficient armed forces, for
which money has not been appropriated, and which will require a
force build-up of several years following fund allocation. Given
all of this, it would have seemed reasonable for Howard to watch
his Timorese adventure unfold before proclaiming a dramatic new
shift in Australian policy. He didn't wait. Therefore, it is
important to try to get a sense of the perceptions of events in the
region that might have caused Howard to take this dramatic step.

Let's begin by considering how dramatically the East and Southeast
Asian scene has changed in a little over two years. As 1997 dawned,
Asia was headed toward what the conventional media were calling
"The Asian Century." Fantastic growth rates, in place for a
generation, appeared to be driving an Asian juggernaut destined to
be the perpetual global growth center. In the midst of this
fantastic growth rate, all political disputes appeared trivial. All
political issues could be handled with judicious allocation of a
never ending flow of investment funds. In foreign policy, apart
from the marginal issue of North Korea, there were no substantial
disagreements, save over trade and tariff matters. China and the
United States agreed that financial cooperation trumped political
and strategic disputes and led the way to a highly de-politicized
region. Even the most fractious countries, like Indonesia, were
held together by rising financial tides, which submerged political
disputes in complex and profitable financial arrangements.

Starting in the summer of 1997, it all fell apart. As the region's
economy deteriorated, the economic balm of vast rivers of
investment and credit dried up. Complex domestic arrangements
disappeared. Strategic issues, submerged under the flood of money,
emerged again. Suddenly, the status of Taiwan was no longer a
trivial matter to China. China-U.S. relations deteriorated
dramatically; espionage and invasions became more important than
investment and trade. Suddenly Asia became a completely different

There was a golden age in Australian security policy that
essentially lasted from the end of the Vietnam War (1975) to the
collapse of the Asian economy (1997). During this period of Asian
prosperity and stability, Australia (and its sidekick New Zealand)
was in geographical heaven, finding itself more secure than at any
time since before World War I. Australia first shared the
insecurity of the British empire. The defeat of Great Britain would
have opened up Australia to domination by other powers like Germany
or Japan. This compelled Australia to participate in Great
Britain's wars.

Following World War II and Indonesian independence, Australia faced
the general problem of communism in Southeast Asia and a more
direct challenge from Sukarno's radical nationalism. A series of
events worked together to seemingly abolish Australia's strategic
problems. The Indonesian challenge ended through Sukarno's fall and
the imposition of a military government (The seizure of East Timor,
following the fall of the Portuguese empire, created no follow-on
threats for Australia). Second, the U.S.-China entente neutralized
any Chinese strategic threat. Finally, the end of the Vietnam War
helped stabilize Southeast Asia. The North Vietnamese consolidated
their hold over Indochina; the United States was not inclined to
destabilize them or anyone else. The Chinese were absorbed by
internal development and the Soviets.

Australia and New Zealand appeared to be completely insulated from
national security threats. They had three major interests:

* First, they wanted to participate in Asia's economic miracle by
  positioning themselves as politically benign and economically
  helpful. They saw Asia's expansion as an opportunity for exporting
  the available mix of primary commodities and industrial products.
  Australia carefully separated business from politics.

* Second, they wanted to minimize their entanglement with U.S.
  strategy, which during the 1980s continued to involve taking risks
  to contain the Soviet Union, many of which were unacceptable to
  Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand's stance on the presence of
  nuclear-armed ships in its harbors destroyed the ANZUS pact.
  Australia was more cooperative, but it was also cautious in
  involving itself in U.S. adventures, both before and after 1989.
  Australia was there for the United States, as long as the United
  States accepted the Australian definition of what "being there"

* Third, both Australia and New Zealand depended heavily on trade.
  This trade rested upon the security of the sea lanes passing
  through the archipelago around Asia. They saw two lines of defense
  for these sea lanes. The first was the inherent stability of the
  prosperous region. The second was the United States. Both Australia
  and New Zealand assumed the United States would intervene should
  threats to sea lane security arise, regardless of Australia's
  ability or willingness to participate in the operation.

Australia had a well-known identity crisis during this period. It
saw its primary economic interest as participating in Asia's boom
and wanted to maintain its relationship with the United States.
First, powerful economic ties existed between the two countries.
Second, Australia saw the United States as the ultimate guarantor
of Australia's maritime interests. At the same time, Australia saw
no immediate or real threat to its maritime interests. It also saw
the United States as placing Australia at risk in operations where
it had only marginal interests.

Australia defended itself by systematically under-arming itself.
This policy supported all three goals. It freed GDP from
unproductive defense and for economic development. It did not
increase Australian vulnerability, because the region's stability
protected Australia. Finally, with limited forces available, it
structurally limited its involvement in American interventions
around the world. It assumed the United States would defend
Australia's maritime interests in the course of defending its own
interests. Australia devised a policy superbly suited to this
purpose. New Zealand, geographically more marginal, allowed itself
to be even more strategically marginalized.

Since 1997, Australia has experienced three massive shocks that
have required it to redefine its objectives:

* First, the Australian assumption about Asia proved false. To be
  more precise, all good things must end. Asian imports of Australian
  products plummeted. Even the vaunted recovery has not been
  sufficient to revive many of Australia's export industries.
  Moreover, the Australians did not cultivate economic relations in
  the United States as vigorously as they cultivated Asian relations.
  The United States placed a massive tariff on Australian and New
  Zealand lamb, at the behest of U.S. meat-producing states.
  Australia simply didn't have the political levers to prevent it.
  They had bet on the wrong horse.

* Second, Asia's economic situation deteriorated and so did
  political stability. The most important country to Australia is
  Indonesia, which is near chaos. The instability was inevitable.
  Political stability built on prosperity lasts only as long as the
  prosperity lasts. Australians first underestimated the extent of
  Asia's economic problems and then refused to see the inevitable
  consequences. Suddenly, the sea lanes, guaranteed by regional
  stability, were no longer secure. For example, ships headed along
  the Australian east coast for Southeast Asia and China must pass
  through the line of Taiwan-Philippines-Indonesia. No one can
  guarantee what that line will look like six months from now, let
  alone 10 years from now. The basic premise of stability evaporated.
  Australia did not expect this.

* Third, the United States passed on intervening in East Timor. The
  opposition to intervention in the Pentagon was wide and deep. East
  Timor was not seen as strategically important to the United States,
  given the tempo of operations elsewhere and the possibility of
  threats in Taiwan and Korea. Australia had participated in U.S.
  operations by contributing token forces. The United States could
  now give Australia token support. Most important, something of
  strategic importance to Australia did not mean strategic importance
  to the United States. The Australians suddenly found the tables
  turned on them. For a generation they had reluctantly participated
  in U.S. undertakings with the fewest forces possible. Now they were
  on the receiving end.

But there was a deeper message. Australia assumed the congruence of
Australian and American strategic interests meant the United States
would be forced to intervene in support of the Australian national
interest, without involving massive risk and expense by Australia.
Australia assumed it was a matter of strategic interest to the
United States to guarantee sea lanes through the archipelago.
Australia would be the beneficiary of a policy it did not have to

In East Timor, John Howard encountered the limits of this
assumption. Certainly, the United States has an interest in
maintaining secure sea lanes between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
U.S. presence in the Persian Gulf, among other things, depends on
that. The United States may have an interest in maintaining sea
lanes for the movement of oil from the Persian Gulf to Japan. That
does not mean it has an ongoing interest in keeping open sea lanes
that are of interest to Australia.

Howard tried to portray his new policy as a tilt toward Asia. He is
actually trying to reorient Australian foreign policy in a
direction that meshes with the United States.

The United States continues to be the economic engine of the world.
Australia's bet on Asia was the wrong bet. It needs American
markets badly. When the great battle over lamb came, Australia had
few friends. Having avoided strategic exposure, it also limited
U.S. strategic dependence. No one in the defense or intelligence
communities was prepared to argue for Australia's economic well-
being. Howard had this slammed home to him. He understood the need
to increase Australia's value to the United States in order to gain

His declaration of Australia as America's deputy is part of this
strategy. He wants to buy Australia a major seat at the strategic
planning sessions of the American-Asian alliance. Australia was
happy to be marginalized in the Persian Gulf and Kosovo, but
Australia must be able to shape U.S. strategic policy in Asia. The
United States is not listening to Australia right now, nor will it
until Australia antes up. That means having sufficient forces in
the kinds of operations the United States wants.

That is the nub of the problem. Being the U.S. deputy means the
United States is the sheriff. The sheriff, not the deputy, calls
the shots. Now, the deputy might be heeded, even admired, but at
the end of the day, he's the deputy. One of the immediate effects
will be on force structure. The United States wants to see a more
robust navy and a more substantial and varied air force for
Australia (and New Zealand). The United States will also want those
forces available for alliance interventions outside Australia's
defined security zone.

In other words, Howard is taking Australia in a direction that will
cost it substantial freedom of action. Howard realizes Australia
has little choice in the matter. Events have conspired to pose
national security challenges to Australia. It needs the United
States badly for economic and military reasons. The United States
will charge a heavy price for that in terms of Australian freedom
of action, Australian resources and Australian risks.

The era of Asian prosperity is over and with it, the easy times for
Australian foreign policy. Malaysia and Thailand's reaction
indicates the price will be steep for the role Howard is choosing
for Australia.  But, Australia has little choice. Beyond minor
interventions and patrolling against Indonesian boat people, it has
to be willing to subordinate itself to the United States in order
to achieve more control in Asia. In the end, there are worse things
then being the deputy. Plenty of other Asian countries are
interested. Howard simply tried to get Australia's resume in first.



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